
Using CFGRID with JQuery

Hi all, I am encountering a problem using CFGRID with JQuery. Here are the sample codes using the CFARTGALLERY database: gridtest.cfm <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; <cfajaximport tags="cf...

coldfusion url decode extended ascii

This seems trivial <cfset username = urldecode(url.username, "utf-8")> Where username in the URL = %F8yvind Decoded username = �yvind How do I get the corresponding html entity: &#248;? I need to use the username as a lookup value in the db. Thanks! ...

ColdFusion error using IsDefined(): parameter must be a syntactically valid variable name

In ColdFusion, when I call IsDefined("root.L1[1].L2"), I am getting the following error: Parameter 1 of function IsDefined, which is now root.L1[1].L2, must be a syntactically valid variable name. This is a valid variable name, so what gives? Here is my simplified test code: <cfscript> root = StructNew(); root.L1 = ArrayNew(...

Regular Expressions in ColdFusion

Possible Duplicate: How do I match a string that does not contain X with ColdFusion regular expressions? In ColdFusion version 8, I am building a validation table that contains regular expressions. Using a regular expression, how do you say: <cfif FIND("X",myString)> <cfset returnValue=0> <cfelse> <cfset returnValue=1> ...

How do I match a string that does not contain X with ColdFusion regular expressions?

I asked this question earlier, but it got a negative vote, so I'm rewording it. I have: <cfset myExpression = "X"> #REFind(myExpression,myString)# I need to change myExpression so that it returns a value other than zero if there is NOT an X in myString, and a 0 if there is an X in myString. ...

Coldfusion GetHttpRequestData()?

Does anyone have an example of how Coldfusion's GetHttpRequestData() works? I'm looking to use this func to save data from the AJAX Upload script: The script works in FireFox but not Safari, Chrome, etc... Ideas? ...

IIS is serving a Javascript file 146KB of 297KB and then stopping. Never Finishing

This keeps happening with this one file, no other files, of course no other files are this big. Why does IIS keeping stopping half way? I checked on the server there are no IIS errors and the server's performance is fine, CPU memory all look good. The server is IIS and Coldfusion ...

get all markers within a given radius in sql

I'm trying to get all locations stored in the database with an sql statement described here My sql statement is: SELECT TOP(10) *, ( 6371 * acos( cos( radians(<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_Numeric" value="#FORM....

form variables and double quotes

I am populating form variables from a database. If the field value has a double quote in it, such as 3" for 3 inches, then the html source looks like the following: <input name="width" value="3""> Q: How do I handle fields that contain double quotes? I first thought it was a cfqueryparam problem, but it turns out it's an html problem...

Encapsulating nested lists when loading list dynamically

Hi all, I'm loading the content of a 3-level dropdown list through a database (same project as my other questions-- clearly i'm just learning the language, sorry). i want the top level to be like a tab menu, with a border around the space below it where the rest of the lists come down. But check my code: <ul id="catsMenu"> <cfloo...

Why is jQuery not getting the returned json info from my ColdFusion CFC in this code?

I have a CFC that cycles through a folder and deletes any files in said folder, sort of a 'clean-up' function after an image is uploaded and saved. In that same CFC I have a function that updates text in a database. Bot functions are fired through a jQuery post. The text function returns some a confirmation to my jQuery function, no prob...

Coldfusion : Listening to the Email messages

I am trying to have a kind of observer pattern in ColdFusion We want to listen to the incoming Email messages and act on them. Scenario is something like this : Application sends email to the helpdesk system Helpdesk system automatically generates a ticket and responds with an email to the email address of the application The applicat...

Advice on creating "consumable" data service in coldfusion - use web service / WDDX / HTTPS ?

I have a web app built in coldfusion that receives medical referral letters from primary care doctors (family doctors) for transmission to hospitals and specialists. The data comes in to a MySQL database and is the format referral_ID (autoincrement) patient_firstname (string) patient_lastname (string) ... other patient identifiers or...

Migrating from ISAPI Rewrite to Mod_REwrite

I'm currently using ISAPI Rewrite I'd interesting in moving my ColdFusion app to Apache and would therefore like to use MOD_Rewrite. Is this possible? Or do I need to rewrite all the rewrites? ...

Model-Glue Beginner Question

I have Model-Glue (& ColdSpring) running in my wwwroot under my project. The problem I have is when I broadcast a message to call a method in my Controller, what happens is another method of the same name in a different folder(different project) gets called. How do i prevent this from happening? ...

I want to use WMI or Java in ColdFusion on Windows to get performance data.

I am rolling my own simple web-based perfmon, I am not happy with some of the data I can get like cpu usage, which i use via a sql query. I am able to get memory usage just fine...I will attach a screenshot, so you can see what I currently have for my main/home/dashboard page. I am currently using webcharts3d, which i am loving being ab...

advanced cfif statement

How would I create this statement in CF? <cfif (not isdefined("") or EQ "") and (not isdefined("URL.system" or #URL.system# EQ "") and (not isdefined("") or EQ "")> Obviously the parentheses don't work, but illustrate what I am trying to accomplish. What is the syntax for this? EDIT: ...

Need remote or web-based MS Access SQL tool (e.g. similar to PhpMyAdmin, but ColdFusion-based)

I've been looking all over the web for a ColdFusion-based SQL administration tool for Microsoft Access and I can't find one that's simple, free and allows running SQL statements. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. ...

How to supply coldfusion login details in a http call?

I have a web app that is secured in the application.cfc . In OnRequestStart I check for <cfif not isDefined("session.auth.isLoggedIn")> and if not logged in present the login form. All is fine and dandy as far as real people are concerned, but I want to facilitate a computer to make an http call and only be allowed if authenticated ...

Google Chrome Cookies - Broken for Virtual Hosts?

Hi.. I recently moved my development environment to my local machine (mac), and setup an Apache virtual host: dev-mysite so in the browser it's: http://dev-mysite/ No .com or anything like that issue I'm having now is that signing into the site requires setting a cookie and for some reason Google Chrome isn't letting my dev enviroment ...