
Strange Form problem: cffile not working

Hmmm...strange problems... I'm making a form to upload syllabi. Basically, someone go search for a course and select the button next to the course that says "Upload Syllabi." Next, a window will popup prompting them for the file. I pass this page info to insert the URL into the database etc. <input name="upload" type="button" value = "...

Use SerializeJSON to return an array of structs instead of JSON object with COLUMNS and DATA nodes?

Hi all, I am building a Railo app which deals with a lot of JSON data sent back and forth via Ajax. I've identified an opportunity to optimize its performance, but I'd like to hear some advice from the community before I tackle it. Here is a good example of the situation. I have an action on the server that queries a set of bid respon...

cfoutput not throwing any results

Hi I have a component that contains getters and setters, which is fed by a structure for session variables. When I call the component and use cfoutput tag for that getter and setter the output is giving gibberish as results. cffunctions_allDefinedSessnFunct2ecfc3324199482$funcGETCUSTOMER_ADDRESS_ZIP_CODE@6187548c cffunctions_allDefi...

SESSION variables in structure' with 'type' 'Array'

Hi I have a CFC/component by name "tsks_Session", that performs the session tasks. In this cfc/ init () function, created a structure that contains all the variables needed in the application.Some of the variables are array types. <cfcomponent > <cffunction name="init"> <cfargument name="structKey" > <cflock ti...

How can I run a ColdFusion scheduled task at an interval <60 seconds?

I have a CFC method that I would like to run at an interval of 30 seconds. However, the problem is ColdFusion won't let me schedule a task that runs at an interval of 60 seconds or lower. Does anyone have a suggestion about how I can (and should) accomplish this? To preemptively answer the question "What happens when your script runs lo...

File upload too large

I use cffile action="Upload", and it works just fine for smaller files. But yesterday, I tried uploading a 42Meg pdf and it just sat there all night long. Q: Is there something I should know regarding uploading larger files? I define larger as: the one that sat there all night long and never timed out and never uploaded. For instance,...

FreeTTS hanging in ColdFusion 8 / Java

I'm looking into setting up a text-to-speech interpreter to make our CAPTCHA challenges ADA compliant. We're a ColdFusion shop, and Ray Camden's already done the proof of concept for this last year. I've been using his blog post here - - as a res...

session objects that has Arrays within Array

I need to create a shopping cart there are many variables like Shirts,CompanyText,Desiner_Names,Company,Cons_Name,DSNR_Cert_Number,DSNR_Cert_Issued_Date etc. Here "Shirts,CompanyText,Desiner_Names" are all Array type variables where "Shirts" is the main Array. So i need to basically work on Array that has inside it 2 different Arrays al...

LiveCycle 2.6.1 Data Management with The ColdFusion 8.0 DataManagement Event Gateway Issue

Hello all, I've recently been developing a project that involves sending out events from ColdFusion to LiveCycle 2.6.1 using the Data Management event gateway to Flex 4.0 clients (LiveCycle and ColdFusion are on different Instances, but the same server). To begin with, I used ColdFusion assemblers, DAO's, and models and everything ...

coldfusion9 Htttp 404.2 error

Hi i have windows vista and Coldfusion9 when i try to access the I am getting the following error Server Error in Application "Default Web Site" HTTP Error 404.2 - Not Found Description: The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the ISAPI and CGI Restriction list settings on the Web ser...

Picking a ColdFusion MVC Framework

I am taking over a lot of the ColdFusion stuff that is lingering at our shop and they are insistent it stay on ColdFusion and that new projects in this area MUST be done in CF - basically this part is non-negotiable. I am not very experienced in CF (haven't touched it since 2003) so most of my development has been in .Net, MVC, C#, Linq...

Paginating with Coldfusion

Is it possible to paginate and display number of pages in Coldfusion using only one query? My understanding is you can obviously paginate with one query, but you would need an additional query to create the pages. This is in order to calculate the total number of results. (currentPage - 1) * resultsPerPage = Offset in MySQL query. This...

Using ColdFusion frameworks

Can anyone expound on disadvantages, if there are any, to using a ColdFusion development framework? I'm developing an application traditionally, and I'm tempted to use a framework having seen how simple some things can be done. But does it not come with a performance tax? I'm new to ColdFusion and frameworks in general, and I'm trying to...

How to handle default parameter in SQL Stored Procedure call in ColdFusion?

Hi, I've created an SQL stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE usp_MyTableInsert ... @name varchar(100), @birthdate datetime = NULL, @phoneno varchar(10), ... And I call it from ColdFusion code: <cfstoredproc datasource="training" procedure="usp_MyTableInsert"> .... <cfprocparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" value="

uploading files to a newly created directory in Coldfusion

I'm having trouble using cffile right before I create a directory. I am using the cffileupload tag and my url attribute is a page that has the following code. Basically the code below creates a new directory and uploads all the images to that directory. However, it fails on the 2nd upload and i get a 500 error in the cffileupload flash o...

JQuery equivalent of Coldfusion navigate, with post of FORM data?

I'm looking into using Jquery to replace some of our native Coldfusion ajax functionality. I really like the ability of Coldfusion AJAX to navigate simply and directly to any container (window, div,etc) and send along the content of any specified form data. Is there a JQuery way to do this? ...

Coldfusion Amazon S3 support for file upload, does it connect to a specific IP?

I'm trying to use S3 as an off site file location for a database backup. On my home dev machine this works just fine, I just do a dump out from mySQL and then <cffile action = "copy" source = "#backupPath##filename#" destination = "s3://myID:myKey@myBucket/#filename#"> and all is good. However, the production server at work is behind...

Must one use an MVC FrameW to produce clean URL's?

The host that I want to host with does not support server side url rewriting, thus no third party tools can be installed to rewrite the url's. This is Coldfusion 8, on windows, IIS. The other alternative that I know of is to use a framework, but I do not feel like taking that route (time), for the application works well as it is (but t...

ColdFusion export to Excel

Hi everyone, I'm have a hard time getting the account number to display correctly when exporting data from database to an Excel spreadsheet. Please see the attach image. Under Company Name column "Company Name" and "AMCE" account number are showing up correctly. "Baba Gump" and "Another Name" is not display correctly. Users would hav...

How to cache rarely changed many-to-one entity in CF ORM?

How to cache rarely changed many-to-one entity in CF ORM, such as, userType where there are only < 10 types? I don't want the extra select to get the type name. EhCache? Any XML needed to be config first? Any thing I need to add in the many-to-one cfproperty? Thank you. ...