
Coldfusion Vimeo oAuth

Hey guys, I’m trying to figure out the oAuth process using coldfusion and there doesn't seem to be a lot of information on the forums. I keep getting “401 Unauthorized - Invalid signature - The oauth_signature passed was not valid” But I am passing the correct one. Here is my process.:: I am using the oauth codebase from http://oauth....

Get value of variables running in cfloop using cfthread join

Thanks for replying!! But I am still not able to do it. Error that I am getting is "Element objGet1 is undefined in a Java object of type class coldfusion.runtime.VariableScope." Below is my full code. I just want to dump the value of each thread containing cfhttp information. <cfset intStartTime = GetTickCount() /> <cfloop ind...

Reading secure cookie in ColdFusion

I have a cookie that is being set by Microsoft ISA. I want to check that the cookie exists from ColdFusion, but the cookie isn't listed in the cookie scope. The page I'm trying to read the cookie value from is using HTTPS. Why can't I read the cookie? All the non-secure cookies are listed in the cookie scope. ...

parse url from string in coldfusion

i need to parse all urls from a paragraph(string) eg. "check out this site and don't forget to see this too" it should return " and" i'm currently using this and its not to perfection. reMatch("(^|\s)[^\s@]+\.[^\s@\?\/]{2,5}((\?|\/)\S*)?",mystring) thanks ...

Can I Call unmanaged Mobile CE Dll from Full .Net Framework (Run on Desktop)

I have an Unmanaged Lib compiled for Windows Ce. I am trying to call this dll from Full Framework .Net 4 Client Profile Windows application. I am trying to use the same code that I use in the Compact Framework application. It compiles without errors and runs but when Invoking a function I get error ex = {"An attempt was made to lo...

coldfusion cfimport IIS unstable execution

Hi All, I have created customtags (7 files, nested tags) using CF9 and call it using cfimport, when I run it on my notebook with CF9 dev edition with built in CF web server, it run with no problem, but when I run on IIS it sometime it's show blank page or partial execution only (never completely run) error stack trace: java.lang.Incom...

Connecting Coldfusion 9 with MySql 5 on Ubuntu 9.10

I've recently set up a Ubuntu 9.10 server with a LAMP configuration and then installed Coldfusion 9 Development version as well. I've got phpMyAdmin working, so MySql and PHP are fine, and I can serve coldfusion pages, but if I cannot verify my Coldfusion datasource. I get the following error: Could not create connection to databa...

Is ColdFusion Scripted Linearly? Why this error?

I have received this error Element CUSTOMERID is undefined in CLIENT. D:\Inetpub\wwwsitecom\wwwroot\rders.cfm:296 on a page that begins with the following code: <cfif NOT CreateObject("component","User.User").IsLoggedIn()> <script type="text/javascript"> window.location.href='/index.cfm'; </script> <cfabort> </cf...

Store id values in cookie with coldfusion

Looking for a way to track the last 5 product ids in a cookie via coldfusion. I'll set a new id each time a product page is visited. The product ids could be stored in a comma separate list. How would I store only the last 5 product ids? ...

How do you read cookie values in ColdFusion that have special characters in the name?

I'm working with ColdFusion trying to read the value stored in a session cookie named "LiSESSION:test-0". The cookie is stored in the "" domain, from code ran from "" and I don't have access to the code to change the name. I am reading the value from "" which is how I am able to access the cookie. For...

Display list of accounts with subaccounts?

Hi, I have a page which receives xml from another web site, so I have no control over the xml. It is returning a list of Accounts. Specifically, QuickBooks accounts. These accounts can have children. However, there isn't a "has child" attribute, only a "has parent" attribute. In other words, if you look at an account you could tell that...

Is there any performance implication in using one big <cfoutput> tag?

Hi, I'm being forced/payed to work on a Legacy ColdFusion project (I'm an usual C# programmer) and one peculiarity with CF is that they have they're own tags that are supposed to blend with HTML (bad bad decision, IMO, since it just confuses the hell out of me even with the "starts with cf rule). Besides this, they have the # character ...

APNS wrapper for ColdFusion?

Is there any APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) wrapper for ColdFusion? Or does this Java one work? Java: PHP: If not existed, shall we start a open source project on riaforge / github / google code? port from PHP's? ...

IIS, 206 Error, randomly started happening with one file?

All of a sudden I'm getting a IIS 206 Error, partial content for one javascript file. The browser is consistently only able to download 146 of 298 KB of data on multiple browsers. I restarted the server Tried in multiple browsers after clearing the cache and cookis Confirmed I had permissions on the server to access the file Still it k...

ColdFusion CDN Download

I am building a simple API that downloads files off a thirdparty CDN (Cloud Files). ColdFusion is currently successfully getting this file and by using CfContent and cfheader the file is available for download and the person who called the API. The problem I am having is that these files are secure files so i cannot use a direct link t...

Array Key in ColdFusion Structure

What is the proper syntax for creating a key within a ColdFusion structure which is an array? Preferably in the cfscript tags. To give a clearer idea of what I'm trying to do, here's what I thought it might be: StructInsert(account[i], "child[numChildren]", z); where "child" was supposed to be an array and numChildren was a counter i...

Weird JVM Crashing Issue with CF 9 on RedHat Enterprise Linux

We're currently running ColdFusion 9 on a RedHat Enterprise Linux server and have found that, under certain circumstances, the JVM is crashing causing the CF server to be completely useless and requiring a full server restart. The only error that's being returned by the CF app just prior to the JVM completing its death spiral is a java....

can't get my horizontal menu to work (using coldfusion)

First of all, I apologize if this is a stupid question, I'm a dead beginner so I could easily be missing something obvious. I'm trying to make a horizontal drop down menu where everything is pulled from a database (i don't want to hardcode anything). Right now there are something like 17 main elements, with 3-8 suboptions each. But it...

Replace a string multiple times using regular expression

Hi All, for example we have date May 12, 2010 <cfset may_12_2010 = CreateDate(2010, 5, 12)> using DateFormat function, we can use DateFormat(may_12_2010, "mmmm m dddd d yyyy") which will show May 5 Wednesday 12 2010 if for some reason I can't use the DateFormat function, how we can show the same results (with the same mask) with...

Checking multiple forms for submission on the same page in coldfusion

Hello again stackoverflow... Once again I have a troublesome problem. I have a page where I am using jQuery tabs to divide up three update forms. (Two really, one is a cfgrid so it doesn't really count.) Basically, when you submit the first form tab it is fine. However, if you submit the last form, it submits and refreshes the page but ...