
ComboBox not losing focus

Hello, I've been having problems with the ComboBox control. I'm no expert in GUI, but I know this problem is related to the control's focus. For some reason, the ComboBox does not lose its focus when I click outside of it. Say for example: I click on the ComboBox to list its items. I select one item. This closes the ComboBox. I click...

wpf binding a combobox to an enum nested in a class

I have been going crazy with binding a combobox to an enum typed property of a class, where the enum itself is declared in that same class. I am trying to follow the answer provided here (wpf combobox binding to enum what i did wrong?) Specifically I am using the suggested MarkupExtension code and the matching xaml code. My working c...

How do I capture the enter key in a windows forms combobox

Hi! How do I capture the enter key in a windows forms combo box when the combobox is active? I've tried to listen to KeyDown and KeyPress and I've created a subclass and overridden ProcessDialogKey, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas? /P ...

DevExpress LookUpEdit Problem

This should be a fairly easy task, however I'm a bit stumped, I have a LookUpEdit control, I have databound it to a datasource and set the displaymember and ValueMenber correctly. This control is now correctly populating. My problem is that normally I would pull some data and then 'set' it to the ID eg: LookUpEdit.EditValue = [Some ID...

In WPF how do you access an object defined in Window.xaml from a nested user control ?

I have a situation where I need to access an object that has been defined in one user control from within a user control nested 2 levels deep. Take the following for example: public class MyClass { public MyClass() { MyData = new MyDataProvider(); } public MyDataProvider MyData; public string SelectedValue;...

Loading data in to a combo box is slow.

I have a VB6 application with a search screen. On the search, I have 9 combo boxes. Some of the combo boxes only have a couple items, but some have a couple hundred items. It takes a long time (couple of seconds) to populate the data. Each combo box is configured the same: Sorted = False, Style = 2 - Dropdown List 3 of the combo bo...

Multiple Comboboxes with a list of objects.

I have a 3 ComboBoxes in a Form, a list of objects. I need to bind the the comboboxes with 3 different members of the class from the list. (C# 3.0, .NET 3.5) I am currently doing this Title_Combo.DataSource = ListContaining.GroupBy(item => item.Title).Where(item => !item.Key.Equals(string.Empty)).ToList(); Title_Combo.DisplayMember = "...

Represent Many-Many relationship in a WPF listbox

Hi i want to represent a many to many relation in my wpf appliaction.I want to fill a combobox in my listbox according to a relation.But my parent table does not contain a primary key.So i am not able to add a relation also.My tables are as follows Tests Table(no PK) ............ Id TestName Sample 1 Test1 Blood 1 ...

How can I make a file selector with a combobox in VC++ 2008?

Hi, I have this dialog: ID__BATERIA __FAX DIALOGEX 0, 0, 235, 86 STYLE DS_SETFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_FIXEDSYS | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Nueva batería de fax" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 400, 0, 0x1 BEGIN DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,120,65,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,175,65,50,14 LTEXT ...

Problem with directories and file selector (VC++ 2008)

Hi, I have implemented a file selector with a combobox. I want to write the selected filename to a log. The problem is that when I select a file from the original directory it goes well but when I choose a file from another directory it won't work. Can anybody help with this? Here is the code for the file selector, it is inside a dialog...

Best way to add extra values to a WinForms combo box based on a hashtable

This might be a bit of a dumb question, but I'm trying to add some extra key/value pairs to a combo box using VB.NET. The initial item list is generated from a hashtable, which contains a collection of objects. I've managed to add the extra values to the box using the Add method, however I now run into problems when reading back the sel...

ExtJs Combobox Resize Problem on IE6

A Combobox in the following constellation (extremely pruned code) has problems resizing in IE6. A little debugging revealed that it doesn't receive an event when trying to shrink the west region via splitter. Ext.onReady(function(){ var grid = new Ext.Viewport({ layout: 'border' ,items: [{ region: 'west' ,wid...

For the combobox control (from Ajax toolkit) can I change the button next to the box?

I'm using the combobox control from the Ajax toolkit. Is there a way to set the image thats used for the button that shows up next to the dropdown box or am I stuck with the standard one? ...

binding a combobox to different DataContext

Hello, The combobox items are taken from one table, one field on which binding is made. After I saved in the database the selected item in another table, I want that the selected item to be the one which was saved. But the selected item is lost. So, my question is: can I bind the combobox to two DataContexts or maybe another solution ?....

Combobox Autocomplete Tab-out does not select item

So there are a bunch of questions similar to mine, but none exactly what I need. I have a combobox that is populated with a list of cities. I turned on the Autocomplete and that works exactly how i want with the suggestappend also turned on. The problem is, though, if the user tries to tab out of the combo box, it does not actually selec...

How do you create this type of combobox in Flex?

Has anyone ever created a combobox like the one below taken from the Bombay Sapphire website? It's cool to me, does anyone know how to do this? ...

Change default behaviour of Windows Combobox /Dropdown Win Forms C#

I need to make sure that the combobox popsup instead of popping down. as this dropdown is placed at the bottom of the form it doesn't looks good when it drops down. any suggestions? ...

Using Silverlight, how do I prompt the selected item's value on a SelectionChanged event?

I can do this very easily on normal Combobox as SelectedText or SelectedValue, but using Silverlight, I can't get to that option. ...

wpf set ComboBox selected item highlight color

Hello! I need to change the highlight color of a ComboBox's selected item in the popup list. I've found several tutorials explaining how to do this, but all of them either use Blend, which I do not have and cannot obtain, or involve changing the system default colors--which seems like a hack to me. Can someone point me to the template...

Intercepting combobox dropdown

Urgh, I have spent the last couple of hours on this now. I normally end up finding the answer from a bit of Googling, but not with this one. Bit of a headache. My questions: How can I catch when a user clicks the dropdown arrow on a combobox and prevent the dropdown list from being displayed. How can I then clear and populate the dr...