
Override Winforms ComboBox Autocomplete Suggest Rule

Hi, I'm trying to modify the behaviour of a Windows.Forms ComboBox so that the AutoComplete drop down displays items according to the rules I specify. By default, if you use AutoComplete in a ComboBox, the rule that's followed is "string s is included in the drop down if( s.StartsWith( userEnteredTextInTheComboBox) )" All I'm really i...

How to fill an Windows Forms combobox using DbfDotNet?

I'm trying to use the DbfDotNet library ( and replace my current ADO.NET methods of reading a very large dbf file (350.000+ records). I've tried the existing samples to read my file and file their custom Dataview and I'm very impressed with the speed. In my original code I fill a datatable with the content o...

Sorting a combobox purely in XAML

I'm surprised that no one has asked this before here... well, at least I haven't found an answer here or anywhere else, actually. I have a ComboBox that is databound to an ObservableCollection. Everything worked great until the guys wanted the contents sorted. No problem -- I end up changing the simple property out: public Observable...

Flex - ComboBox has lines around it

I'm stumbling my way through designing my first Flex app, using Flex Builder 4 Beta 2. I'm trying to use a ComboBox, but they always seem to have lines around it and I can't figure out how to get rid of them. The ComboBox looks like this: All I did was drag the ComboBox from the C...

Dojo Tookit: FilteringSelect problem in IE

Hi, does somebody know something about problems with the filteringSelect in IE browsers? I just get an yellow exclamation mark and two JS errors in IE developer tool: dijit.form.ComboBox: TypeError: 'undefined' is null or no object dijit.form.FilteringSelect: TypeError: 'undefined' is null or no object I use dojo version...

Create WinForms ComboBox with non-selectable items

How to create combobox control with non-selectable items? For example, such groupnames or categorynames which visually divide items in dropdownlist into some groups or categories. ...

jquery combobox with json data and events

If someone is using this jquery combobox, I am trying to get a solution for Make it's width set dynamically based on the longest element. "lazy load" the values when the element is clicked or user tabs into it. If this isn't possible, is there another solution i can use that has similar ...

Filtering a texbox with a combobox

Ok so I have to create a form that takes the contents of a folder and lists it in a textbox (yes a textbox not a list box!) I then have to filter this textbox using a combobox which contains all the extensions of the folder (e.g. if i choose ".txt" in the combobox the textbox should filter to show all the text files only!) I've managed...

How to filter a listbox using a combobox

How do I filter items in a listbox using a combobox using c# and windows forms? the listbox contains files and the combobox needs to filter them by their extension Please help I'm new to programming ...

Show listView.Items in a ComboBox

hi all, how can show the listView.Items on Form2 in a ComboBox on Form1 and i want to use all data (subitems) from the selected Item how can i do that? please make it easy to understand :) thank you in advance ...

how to set the tabwidth of the listbox portion of a TComboBox in Delphi

You can easily achieve a multicolumn effect in a listbox by setting the TabWidth property of TListbox. For example, I need to do the same in the drop down list of a ComboBox, but comboboxes don't publish any TabWidth property. Any ideas? ...

How to bind datagridview, combobox and bindingnavigator?

Hello! I have a small/big problem... I'm tring to bind some comboboxes, datagridview and bindingnavigator. My situation: I load all table and data from different tables into ONE DataSet! Let's say there are tables "MAIN_TABLE" and "COMBO_TABLE". then I'm doing this: DataViewManager dsView = dataSet.DefaultViewManager; ...

populate a comboBox in Griffon App dynamically

I have 2 comboBoxes in my View of Griffon App (or groovy swingBuilder) country = comboBox(items:country(), selectedItem: bind(target:model, 'country',, actionPerformed: controller.getStates) state = comboBox(items:bind(source:model, sourceProperty:'states'), selectedItem: bind(targe...

Use String list as source of Combo Box

I wanted to use a String list as a source of various options in jComboBox in Java. Can you tell which method to use Thanks ...

Binding WPF combobox and displaying its Value to TextBox

Hello friends i want to display data from DB to combobox, DB table has id, investPlan, amount. Now i want to show 'investPln' col in combobox and when user selects any plan then respective amount displays in textBox control. I am able to display 'invetsPlan' rows in comboBox but don't know how to do rest thing. HELP ME!! XAML Part <Com...

DataGridView Bound ComboBox Error on values not in the ComboBox datasource

I need to have a DataGridView with a ComboBox column. The DataPropertyName is a text column from a dataset. The combobox contains a few values (in a separate dataset) that the user should be able to select, the displaymember and valuemember is the same column. Now, my problem is that the table beeing edited contains some values in the...

Why store lookup values (combobox values) in the database instead of having them on the html page ?

What are the typical arguments in support of storing combo-box values (static lookup values (strings etc.) for an application) in database vs storing them right into the html page itself ? ...

WPF Custom Combobox Header

How do I create a custom header for a combo box using WPF and VB.NET? I would like to have items in the dropdown list to show an image next to text, but when the item is selected, have only the text show in the closed combobox. Also, I would like to be able to do this in the code, without using data templates. Is this possible? ...

WPF ComboBox: ComboBoxItem background when using DataBinding

When I configure a ComboBox in XAML, I can configure the ComboBoxItems' background color like so: <ComboBoxItem x:Name="someName" IsSelected="True" Background="#454545"/> But how do I do it if the ComboBoxItems come from DataBinding? ...

Combo boxes do not show records on 2nd load of window

been struggling with an issue now for a day or two. I have an Ext.Window that contains 2 combo-boxes. on the first load everything works fine, both stores are populated and the combo's work as they should. However, if I .show() the window a second time, the combo boxes do not "drop down" to display the lists. I have checked Firebug and ...