
CompositeCollection breaks ComboBox AutoComplete-Feature?

push Hello everybody! I'm using a WPF ComboBox with IsTextSearchEnabled="True" (Autocomplete) and want to bind its ItemsSource-Property to a CompositeCollection. Unfortunately, the Combobox doesn't seem to recognize the items provided by a CollectionContainer within the CompositeCollection. They are shown, but not selected by AutoCompl...

Bind SelectedValue to a WPF combobox

I've tried searching up and down for this but can't find anything. I have a combobox in a listview. The listview is bound to a list of objects exposed through the controller that the datacontext is bound to. One of the properties of the items in the list is a string. I'm trying to bind that value to what's in the combobox. Here is a...

Filtering data using combobox in android?

I need to filter the required information from list of data. I am really looking to use combobox for it Does the android provide a way to make a combobox to filter the data? I have read on android developer forum that you can build custom components but I don't have any idea how does it work for combobox? ...

Is it possible to put a combo box (drop down list) in a MS Access MsgBox?

There is a combo box (dropdown list) with a list of revenue types. If the user types into the box a value that is not part of the list, a msgBox pops up and asks them if they want to add that value to the list. Here is my problem: In that msg box, I want to give the user a combo box list of revenue groups to choose from (so that the ess...

Lightweight ComboBox for Action Script 3

Hello, I'm looking for a lightweight ComboBox for as3. The normal ComboBox component introduces an overhead of 60kb, that's too much for a banner or a landing page. I google this looking for options but what I found are paid custom components. Do you know where I can find a lightweight combobox for as3? Thanks in advance, Jonathan....

Is there an easy solution to show Yes and No in a silverlight combobox and bind to database?

I have a bit defined in my database 0=no, 1=yes. I have a silverlight combo with the values "Yes" and "No" in it. How can I bind my bit value to the combo? ...

WPF binding to individual 'rows' (not columns) of a datagrid possible?

Hi, Ok. This is a tricky one: (for me at least) I have a datagrid. A column of the datagrid is a simple <DataGridTemplateColumn> with its CellTemplate containing a <DataTemplate> which contains a <ComboBox> <my:DataGrid Name="dataGridMain" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> <my:DataGrid.Columns> <my:DataGridTemplateColu...

C# Adding a long string to combobox

Hi All, In my window application i created a Combobox. My requirement is like, if i add a long string to combobox and when i will expend that combobox, in the list view that string should come completely. ...

Binding ComboBox with LINQ XML

Hello, Excuse me for my poor English, that is not my native language. I'm a beginner (since 3 days) with WPF and LINQ, and a casual user of C#. Yesterday, i've trying all the day to solve my probleme and read several documentation, but a bug in my code persist. I pass a XElement to a control who bind its content, but i've a but in th...

'Default' text for templated combo box

I have a combo box that is based on a data template the includes check boxes like such: <ComboBox x:Name="cboComplex" Text="Select days..."> <ComboBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=IsSelected}" Width="20"/>...

C# - How to retrieve a reference to an object from a combo box ?

Hi, I'm populating a ComboBox in C# from an instance of a class. How to get the selected item by retrieving the reference to the corresponding object ? I already used SelectedValue, SelectedItem, SelectedIndex but they all return the string representation of my object.. Thanks [EDIT] A piece of code, to show what I'm trying to do : ...

increase a variable value for +1

From the code below I am getting a cell value from the selected row to a dataGridView: string Kategoria_ = dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); Then I need to convert to int: int category = Convert.ToInt32(Kategoria_); And putting this number as an index to the combobox: cmbCategory2.SelectedIndex = category; Issu...

Accessibility for Silverlight Combobox Items

In my Silverlight page I have a combobox. In the code-behind I'm filling the combobox items like so: this.ProblemList.Items.Add(Strings.Review_SelectProblem); this.ProblemList.Items.Add(Strings.Review_IncorrectCharacters); this.ProblemList.Items.Add(Strings.Review_MissingText); ... this.ProblemList.SelectedIndex = 0; //Set the default ...

combo box autocomplete

Is there anyway to have the autocomplete for a combo box to start from anywhere in the text, let me give you an example. If I have someone named john smith in the combobox if I start with the letter 'j' it pulls up john smith but less say I want to start with the letter 's' to search for his last name, is that possible, if so does anyone...

How do i get the text value from a ComboBox in WPF?

This may be something covered in C# 101 but I haven't been able to find an easy to understand answer to this question anywhere on google or stack overflow. Is there a better way to return a text value from a combobox without using this crappy work around I came up with? private void test_site_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionCh...

jquery live method in combobox interaction

Hi. I am trying to do the next thing in Jquery. I have 2 comboboxes and i want to make sure that their selected values is identical. If user chooses a value in one of the combo like the other one, i want to alert "invalid op" and set the combo selected value to its previous value. so i wrote: $("#SelectGroupMargin").live("onchange", fu...

wpf combobox selecteditem to null after onsourceinitialized

I have overrided the method OnSourceInitialized and I have one problem. After populating my combobox with source property from c# code I want automatically an item will appear selected in the combobox when a page is loaded (default value) but for some reason after onsourceinitialized method, the combobox selected item change to null. ...

wpf combobox binding issue

when i bind one combobox with other combobox items... with the following code <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=cbo1, Path=Items}" Name="cbo2" /> it works fine but when i select something from cbo1 and come back to select something in cbo2.. it doesn't list anything nor cbo1 does... what could be wrong? ...

Combobox with null value - SelectedItem binding

I would like to have a combobox with cities options to choose, one of the option is an empty option (no city). The itemsource is binded to the List of "City" objects. The List contains null value to represent an empty option. The SelectedItem is binded to a property of "City" type. Everything works except the situation when the empty opt...

StaticResource vs DynamicResource behaviour on Combobox.ItemsSource

I've noticed a behavior difference between static and dynamic resource on ComboBox.ItemsSource, when the ComboBox gets out the visual tree. in the static exemple the selected destination remains in the dynamic exemple, the underlying object gets a null value Binding seems OK, because when the comboboxes gets in focus, and have their ...