
How To Set ComboBox's SelectedItem Programmatically via Silverlight?

Here's my scenario - I am working with SL3 (and WCF Data Services) and I have a custom form that manages Employees. On the form, I have some simple TextBox(es) and some ComboBox(es) for entering basic information for an Employee. In my architecture, I have some base classes, one to handle the Collections of objects (ObservableCollectio...

Winforms control that works like ajax tag-completion

Heya, I want to create a winforms app where you can assign tags to an entity. ofc I want the customer to re-use existing tags a lot. That's why I want to show them the list of tags while they are typing (similar to intellisense in VS and the tags-dropdown even here in stackoverflow ;)) do you have any control(s) in mind that offers th...

Populating a ComboBox using C#

Hi, I would like to populate a combobox with the following: Visible item / Item Value English / En Italian / It Spainish / Sp etc.... Any help please? Also it is possible that after populating the Combobox, to make it read only? ...

Working with .net Combo Boxes

I have a form which has a Combo Box Control. I have selected the drop down style property to DropDown. I have also set the DropDown Width to 250. I have set the auto complete mode to suggest and the auto complete source to listitems. it works absolutely fine when i click on the drop down. but when i type in somethin, the auto complete m...

Combobox background color while not enabled

I have a combobox that I have Enabled = false. When that is the case it causes it to shade to a grey. I was wondering if their was a way I could keep the checkbox background color as cornsilk while it is not Enabled? The situation is that I have a form that I will refresh with data when an item is selected. If the user selects to edi...

C# 2 ComboBox DropDownList showing same values

Hi, In my code I have 2 ComboBox DropDownLists, created by the code below. The problem is that when the value of the DropDownlist get changed, the other one value also changes. Can you please help me how I can solve this problem? public class Translate { public string CountryName { get; set; } public string CountryCode { get; s...

How to fix ComboBox dropdown issue in fullscreen?

Short version: ComboBox's dropdown works and renders properly before fullscreen, but not during or after. I'm not totally sure how to ask this, so I've actually made a page demonstrating the error, with a very simple Flex app, and all three directions you need to experience the problem yourself. For those of you not daring enough to fo...

Keeping ID and Value in sync using ComboBox WinForms C#

I'm using ComboBox to keep data in. Usually i create 2 ComboBox one hidden to keep ID and one with the real data. I need id to know which id it is in database. I then use SelectedIndex and event for both checkboxes to keep them in sync. Sometimes I even use more comboboxes and keep them all in sync with each other using SelectedIndex and...

WPF ComboBox IsSynchronised Default Value

I am trying to display a default value (or even NO value) when selected index is -1, or selecteditem is null. This normally works perfectly fine but when I enable IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem and set it to True, the first value in my DataTable gets displayed. How can I have both IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem ="True" and show no/default ...

WPF ComboBox ControlTemplate Background IsMouseOver

I have the following style defined which is being applied (as text changes to red) but I cannot seem to get the Background property to work. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this? <Style x:Key="CompanyComboItemContainerStyle" TargetType="ComboBoxItem"> <Setter Property="SnapsToDevicePixels" Value="true"/> <Sette...

How can I make Access combo boxes unfurl on arrow key down?

With combo box controls, I'm used to being able tab to them, click the down arrow key to open up the options, and then use the up and down arrow keys to navigate those options. In an Access form I've designed, pressing down while a combo box is active moves to the next control. I already have tab for that, so how can I get the down arr...

ComboBox ItemTemplate Containing checkbox bound to object

Hi, I have a combobox whose ItemTemplate is a Checkbox. This is checkbox is bound to an object which has a bool and a string. The checkbox checked state is bound to the bool and the content is bound to the string. I want a select all option at the top of the combobox collection, which has an indeterminate state, according to the other ...

How to maintain ComboBox.SelectedItem reference when DataSource is resorted?

This really seems like a bug to me, but perhaps some databinding gurus can enlighten me? (My WinForms databinding knowledge is quite limited.) I have a ComboBox bound to a sorted DataView. When the properties of the items in the DataView change such that items are resorted, the SelectedItem in my ComboBox does not keep in-sync. It seems...

Multiline values in dropdown (ComboBox)

Is there are any libraries to make ComboBox to select multiline options when expanded. I am looking something similar to Combobox in ExtJS except values have to appear when user clicks down arrow, like in normal dropdown. Does someone know if its possible to do something like that with ExtJS? Because their own community and support sur...

ComboBox (w/ wrapping) binding/render problem

Below is the code to recreate the problem I'm having, the ComboBoxItems with TextBlock content, do not render correctly when bound to. Mousing over the ComboBox corrects the issue. So I have 2 questions. Why does the mouse over fix it? How do i have it correctly work with out the mouse over being required? MainWindow.xaml <Window x...

DataBinding: ComboBox.Text not updating when SelectedValue changes?

This is the relevant designer code for the ComboBox: Me.ProbationComboBox.DataBindings.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Enabled", Me.RegistrationBindingSource, "IsRegistered", True)) Me.ProbationComboBox.DataBindings.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.Binding("SelectedValue", Me.RegistrationBindingSource, "ProbationID", True)) Me.Probati...

WPF Combobox binding

I got two Comboboxes and both of them have binding with the same Source. <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource UsersViewSource}}" And when I change something in the first one, it reflects also to the second one. And I dunno how to keep their SelectedItem values separately, using the same ItemsSource. ...

read only property for combobox in

What will be the code when I try to make a combo box read only? ...

how to check whether the item in the combo box is selected or not in c#?

im having a combo box in which i have to display dates from database...user have to select a date from the combo box to proceed further...but im not able to make the user aware of selecting the item from the combo box first to proceed further...what is the process so that a user can get a message if he has not selected the date from the ...

DataTrigger only works on first TabItem in TabControl

Hi! It seems like a bug in WPF, but maybe someone has an answers to this. I have a DataTrigger for an editable ComboBox. It works on the first TabItem of my TabControl, but not on the second. If you switch the first with the second TabItem, the "second" will work. The same effect happens when you give the style exactly to the ComboBox (C...