
combobox dropdown problem when load AS2 swf file in Flex

I found the problem about combobox dropdown list in AS2 swf file. My scenario is: There are multiple swf file that was compile from ActionScript2.0 and use Flex to load those swf files in swfLoader component. There are two issue that I found and can't solve it: 1. When I load multiple as2.0 swf file in one flex application the first fi...

Problem with bound combobox: text disapearing after sorting the source list of strings.

Hi, Ive got an ObservableCollection<string> list, which is bound to a combobox. This combobox is in a datatemplate which is inside a 'DataGridTemplateColumn'. When the datagrid is displayed (with all the rows), the column displaying this combobox works just fine. The user can select the items in the combobox, and when it's selected, t...

C# - How to set a ComboBox selectedItem from specific value ?

Hi, I have this already populated ComboBox and all I want to do is to set it to a specific selectedItem knowing its value. I'm trying this, but nothing happens: comboPublisher.SelectedValue = livre.Editeur; Considering the fact that I already implemented Equals(..) method in my class Editeur, this way: public bool Equals(IEditeu...

WPF combobox colors

I'm changing the look of all ComboBoxes in my application by adding this style to App.xaml: <Style TargetType="ComboBox"> <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White"/> <Setter Property="Background" Value="#303030"/> <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="#000000"/> </Style> There are two colors that I ha...

Dynamic control with DevExpress ASPXComboBox has Javascript problems

I have a problem with a Dev Express component, namely AspxComboBox. My context is this: I want to dynamically generate the interface for some of my business entities. I have designed a user-control that receives some metadata and, based on that metadata, the controls adds text boxes, date-editors and combo boxes to the interface. All of...

Change the ComboBox Popup control to be right-aligned with the its parent

I'm trying to get a ComboBox to display its Popup right aligned rather than left-aligned as is the default. I mean I want the right edge of the Popup to be aligned with the right edge of its parent. I tried overriding the ComboBox class but that didn't quite work as the Popup HorizontalOffset seems to be reset somehow. I thought that wo...

WPF ComboBox: background color when disabled

I currently use this style for my ComboBox in WPF: <Style TargetType="ComboBox"> <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White"/> <Setter Property="Background" Value="#303030"/> <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="#000000"/> </Style> How can I change it to specify the background color when the ComboBox i...

Why combobox refresh doesn't work?

Hello, I have a complex problem, could you please help me. The problem: I have a form with a TabControl. There are two TabPages in the first is a dataGridView and in the second are multiple comboboxes. DataGridView is filled with data from Table1, on the other tab the first combobox datasource is set to TableCB1, the second combo...

combo box dropdown position

dear friends I have a maximum size form which has the combobox (docked in top-right) and the combobox width is set to 500 px. now , the dropdown appear out of the screen , I want to set he dropdown position to start from right side to left side; // I use the visual studio 2008 and C# language // // thank you ashish yadav thank you . ...

How to find the ParentComboBox of a ComboBoxItem?

How can I get the ParentComboBox of an ComboBoxItem? I would like to close an open ComboBox if the Insert-Key is pressed: var focusedElement = Keyboard.FocusedElement; if (focusedElement is ComboBox) { var comboBox = focusedElement as ComboBox; comboBox.IsDropDownOpen = !comboBox.IsDropDownOpen; } else if (focusedElement...

My MS Access control displays no text for appended items following an append query

Relevant Tables #One# +----------+ +--------------+ |Quotations| ---> |PurchaseOrders| +----------+ | +--------------+ <One> | <Many> | | v #Many# | +-----------+ +------------+ v |Quot...

Changing the width of dropdown area in flex combobox.

I have a combobox which gets populated by a remote method. I need to set the dropdownwidth of the combobox to the maximum length of the item in the combobox. I am able to achieve it by the following code. But if the resolution of the screen changes, the result is not similar. Is there any way to find the display width of the text in the ...

WPF Open Combobox popup on Focus or GotFocus

Hi, I am trying to open the combobox popup when it is focused using Style/Event Trigger I used the following code in my Combobox control Template: <ControlTemplate x:Key="ComboBoxTemplate" TargetType="{x:Type ComboBox}"> <Grid > <ToggleButton Grid.Column="2" Template="{DynamicResource ComboBoxToggleButton}" x:Name="...

WPF ComboBox ControlTemplate Background problem

This is an example of a ComboBox's ControlTemplate. CLICK HERE I've tried to set the Background / add a trigger to change the background when the ComboBox is focused (with a tab key for example), both without success. I don't even understand why it isn't included by default ! (compared to the original generic template) ...

How to define a key-value pair to use for a combo-box on an excel sheet?

On a spreadsheet, based upon the content in column A, the correct range must be selected from the content in B. A = 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 4 h ... 23h, 1d ... 1 w, ... 1m, ...1 y, 2 y ... 15 y B = 0-2yr, 2-5yrs,5-10yrs,10-15yrs,>15yrs At present, the data in both columns is entered manually. I'm in the middle of defining both as a list to mak...

WPF derived ComboBox SelectedValuePath issue

In our application we have a very large set of data that acts as our data dictionary for ComboBox lists, etc. This data is staticly cached and keyed off of 2 variables, so I thought it wise to write a control that derived from ComboBox and exposed the 2 keys as DPs. When those 2 keys have proper values I set the ItemsSource of the Comb...

How to get multiple selected values of select box in php?

Hi Friends! I have a html form which have a select list box from which you can select multiple values because its multiple property is set to multiple. Consider form method is get method. The html code for form is as follows. <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="get" act...

Ext JS ComboBox Dynamic Behaviour

Hi All, I am trying to load/show completely different set of values in a combobox(this one resides as a editor within an EditorGridPanel) based on the valueField of another combobox(this one resides outside the grid in top bar). I have already seen a tutorial(

Issue with selected Value Combo box, Listbox

Hi, I am binding same data Table to Combo box and List Box on the WindowsForm Load. When I select a value in Combo box automatically that value is also getting selected in List Box and same thing when I select a value in List Box that value is also getting selected in Combo Box. Selection should be only for that particular control, ho...

Refresh combo box in Windows Form

HI, This question has been asked a lot on the web but all of them seems to be confused with windows forms and forms so I had to finally come here for answer. I have a Main form (a window form) in VB.NET which has a Combo Box to display a list of countries. A sub form activated from a "Button" on the Main form allows users to ...