
ASP.NET MVC: how to signal compilation error if a view has error?

My view has errors. I see these errors only if I open the view in Visual Studio. I would like to see the errors on compile time rather than on execute time. Does exist a way to obtain this behavior? ...

Nested functions are not allowed but why nested function prototypes are allowed? [C++]

I was reading the linked question which leads me to ask this question. Consider the following code int main() { string SomeString(); } All says, compiler takes this as a function prototype and not as a string object. Now consider the following code. int main() { string Some() { return ""; } } Compiler said...

How can I compile C/C++ code in PHP on the Windows platform?

Can anyone help me with the compilation of C++ code in PHP on the Windows platform? I am using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. I have tried the following options which I knew, but none of them work: system('test.c') exec('test.c') The file 'test.c' has been placed in my php/www/ folder. I need to first compile the code, which makes test....

What's a good lightweight programming language that compiles to native windows code?

I'm a .Net developer but I have a situation where I can't guarantee that the .Net Framework will be installed on the target machine. I've seen a few questions (here and here) that suggest using NGen to compile to native code. Both point out that you still need the framework though. I want to write a fairly lightweight app (basic GUI, ...

Binding Time in Partial Evaluation

What does exactly "Binding Time" mean when we are speaking about Partial Evaluation? ...

How to link with static libraries when building an R package...

I'm creating a package that is going to be used by R (the statistical program), I'm not an expert using this application but I have managed to create a very simple package, using the following logic, I have some classes in C++, as the code has to be compiled using the R compiler and it only allows C code, I have a wrapper C code that cal...

What kind of optimizations do both the C# compiler and the JIT do?

I'm continuing my work on my C# compiler for my Compilers Class. At the moment I'm nearly finished with the chapters on Compiler Optimizations in my textbook. For the most part, my textbook didn't have Just-In-Time compilation in mind when it was written and I'm curious about the kinds of static, pre-jit optimizations the C# compiler...

Invoking GCC as "cc" versus "gcc"

I am aware that on most GNU/Linux systems, GCC can be invoked by the name "cc" from the command line (as opposed to "gcc"). What I am wondering is if there is any difference in GCC's behavior when it is invoked one way versus the other. For example, I know that invoking GCC through the name "g++" instead of "gcc" causes GCC to behave di...

How to write efficient Java code?

As all of you may know, Java code is compiled and interpreted by JVMs. My questions deal with optimization: Is it optimized at run-time by the JVM only or also at compile-time? In order to write efficient code, where can I find the list of supported optimizations? Or are JVM optimizations powerful enough so that I just have to write co...

DSL: from DSL rules into C# expressions

Hi, the question is maybe composite, let me expand it: does it exists a designer (stub/framework/meta-designer) to create AND/OR based rules based on .NET object public bool properties? Saved as any DSL/Boo/... output. is it possible to compile the DSL output into C# expressions? Our main problem is the gap between the documentation...

Tree parsers for compilers written in C++

I'd like to find a tree parser generator to help me transform ASTs for a compiler written in C++. After some quick research I found out about ANTLR (which can be targeted to work with C but not C++). I also found a website that warns against using ANTLR with C++: The article...

Has anyone encountered: "Could not load file or assembly 'aspnet_compiler... Failed to grant permission to execute"?

I am encountering a strange build issue in .NET 3.5. The compiler is crashing when it attempts to build a Web Deployment Project. C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\WebDeployment\v9.0\Microsoft.WebDeployment.targets(531,9): error MSB6006: "aspnet_compiler.exe" exited with code -532459699. Which leads to: Could not load file or ...

What good IDE's are availble for C?

So, I found out that one of my courses for the next term have C knowledge as a requirement leaving me to start learning C from the scratch (altough a bit familiar with the C-syntax through C#) and I'm looking for a good IDE to write in. I've never used any other IDEs than Visual Studio and Eclipse for respectively VB/C# and Java, and I'v...

C# List Comprehensions = Pure Syntactic Sugar?

Consider the following C# code: IEnumerable numbers = Enumerable.Range(0, 10); var evens = from num in numbers where num % 2 == 0 select num; Is this pure syntactic sugar to allow me to write a for or foreach loop as a one-liner? Are there any compiler optimizations under the covers that make the list comprehension above more efficien...

Why is Visual Studio telling me I have "compiler generated references" when I try to rename a method?

I have a method called FormattedJoin() in a utility class called ArrayUtil. I tried renaming FormattedJoin() to just Join() because it's behavior is similar to .NET's string.Join() so I figured it made sense to use the same name. However, when I try to use Visual Studio to rename the method, I get this warning: This member may have c...

Conditional compilation based on a compiler directive in Delphi 2009

Is there a way in Delphi 2009 to have a section of code conditionally compiled based on a compiler directive. Specifically, I'd like to have code in place that is only included if the range-check compiler directive is turned on. Something like this: {$ifdef RANGECHECKINGISON} [do range checking code here] {$endif} ...

C++ Compiler for Windows without IDE?

I'm looking for just a compiler for C++ (such as g++) for Windows, that I could run in my cmd. I'm using notepad++ as my text editor and I want to set up a macro in there that can compile my programs for me. I do not wish to install Cygwin though. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance :) ...

Work-around for C# CodeDom causing stack-overflow (CS1647) in csc.exe?

I've got a situation where I need to generate a class with a large string const. Code outside of my control causes my generated CodeDom tree to be emitted to C# source and then later compiled as part of a larger Assembly. Unfortunately, I've run into a situation whereby if the length of this string exceeds 335440 chars in Win2K8 x64 (9...

Converting inserted string to a compilable expression

Hi, I'm somehow new to Java so my question can seem trivial, however i cannot find an answer to it anywhere in my books. I want to initiatie a dialog with a user in which he would enter an arithmetic expression (ex. (2*x+y)) And then print out the result for such expression (for given values of x and y) String EXPRESION = null; E...

What is the current status of GCJ at the moment (mid 2009)?

What is the current status of GCJ at the moment (mid 2009)? The latest news are from 2007, so I'm wondering if there is any form of progress? I remember that there was a while ago a compiled version of lucene available which used gcj to compile it from the java sources. Is there any other high profile project which uses gcj at the momen...