
Compiling Python

How can I compile and run a python file (*.py extension)? ...

variable-size type declared outside of any function

when declaring the two dimensional array int random[height][width]; and then using it in a function void populate(int random[height][width], int x, int y) gives the error variable-size type declared outside of any function. I know I'm doing something wrong, and that its something small. I just have a bad memory... ...

How does a modern compiler know an operation will not have sideffects?

I have been reading compilers will optimize for operations without side effects. I assume this is done very conservatively, but how does the compiler know. Does it have a look up table of side effect free operations or does it do it otherwise? ...

Why does Psyco use a lot of memory?

Psyco is a specialising compiler for Python. The documentation states Psyco can and will use large amounts of memory. What are the main reasons for this memory usage? Is substantial memory overhead a feature of JIT compilers in general? Edit: Thanks for the answers so far. There are three likely contenders. Writing multiple spec...

MinGW - cross compile tool - latest version?

At the MinGW download page you can download the "Cross-Hosted MinGW Build Tool" which is a shell script to build the "MinGW cross-compiler" so that you will be able to compile your programs on "Linux" to the "Windows" target. I have downloaded that script, run it and answered the interactive questions the script has asked me. I had to d...

likely/unlikely equivalent for MSVC

GCC compiler supports __builtin_expect statement that is used to define likely and unlikely macros. eg. #define likely(expr) __builtin_expect((expr), !0) #define unlikely(expr) __builtin_expect((expr), 0) Is there an equivalent statement for the Microsoft Visual C compiler, or something equivalent ? ...

About atomicity guarantee in C

On x86 machines, instructions like inc, addl are not atomic and under SMP environment it is not safe to use them without lock prefix. But under UP environment it is safe since inc, addl and other simple instructions won't be interrupted. My problem is that, given a C-level statement like x = x + 1; Is there any guarantees that C com...

Is it true that I can still use Linq to SQL in design time even if you are targeting .net 2 in your application?

Hello, Someone recently said that I can use Linq to SQL in my application even if I am targeting the .net 2 framework. Is that true? How does that work? How do you setup your references? Any gotchas I need to be concerned about? Is there some special way to set that up? Thanks. Seth ...

When do compilers inline C++ code?

In C++, do methods only get inlined if they are explicitly declared inline (or defined in a header file), or are compilers allowed to inline methods as they see fit? ...

IPhone program crash and stack report shown by compiler is totally useless!

Most of the times when Iphone program crash, compiler show stack with full of no's, but these no's don't make any sense to me. Very rarely it point out where the problem might be and mostly there are these useless no's. How you can make sure that when your program crashes while development/testing, it shows at what place this cause this ...

C# / IL to Three Address Code

Is there a framework existing to compile C# source into a three address code representation, or at least a tool that is able to read IL files and produce TAC in a CFG? I am looking for a framework that behaves like Soot for Java. The language does not matter. I have looked at the CodePlex CCI project but it looks like they produce an A...

MS-Access .mdb compiler?

Does anyone know of a tool that can create a MS-Access database from a configuration file? It needs to be able to do things outside of the SQL spec such as be able to create macros, modules, and forms, and make changes to the "Lookup" tab that's available in Design View. And if possible, I need to be able to export an existing database ...

Resources to learn how to create a compiler /interpreter for the .NET framework.

I'd like to learn more how to create a language for .NET framework. I think I'd like to build a DLR language. I'm having hard time founding good resources. I found a descent article on MSDN that was written more than a year ago. I also spent couple of hours looking at IronPython source code. Could you please share with your resource...

What does double underscore ( __const) mean in C?

extern int ether_hostton (__const char *__hostname, struct ether_addr *__addr) __THROW; I found the above function definition in /usr/include/netinet/ether.h on a Linux box. Can someone explain what the double underscores mean in front of const (keyword), addr (identifier) and at last __THROW. ...

Does an R compiler exist?

I'm wondering about the best way to deploy R. Matlab has the "matlab compiler" (MCR). There has been discussion about something similar in the past for R that would compile R into C or C++. Does anyone have any experience with the R to C Compiler (RCC) that was developed by John Garvin at Rice? I've looked into it, and it seems to be...

Compiling VB.NET project at runtime with resources

My app bundles a set of VBScripts (UTF8 text files) into a VB.NET assembly. I used to embed the script code into the classes as String members, but this is proving to be a poor design. I want to include them as resources instead. What's the best way to add resources to the CompilerParams? What I've got so far (excluding all the error ch...

Who is responsible for cleanup?

Hi I wish to know which one is responsible for cleanup of the stack suppose you have a function fun lets say like this :- var = fun(int x, int y, float z, char x); when fun will get called it will go into the stack along with the parameters then when the function returns who is responsible for cleanup of the stack is it the function...

Can C++ compilers optimize "if" statements inside "for" loops?

Consider an example like this: if (flag) for (condition) do_something(); else for (condition) do_something_else(); If flag doesn't change inside the for loops, this should be semantically equivalent to: for (condition) if (flag) do_something(); else do_something_else(); Only in the first case, the code might...

Automatic compiler detection of the addition of the same object instance to a container in a loop

This is a dumb mistake: List<Foo> fooList = new List<Foo>(); Foo f = new Foo(); while (something.Read()) { f.Fill(something.GetRecord()); fooList.Add(f); } Of course, I should instantiate a new Foo inside the loop. Can a compiler detect this kind of mistake at compile time? To naïve eyes it looks like it should be able to ...

How to use Intel C++ Compiler with Qt Creator

I am writing a program wherein i will need to do a stupendous number of numerical calculations. But since I am developing the front end of the program in Qt Creator, I have as yet been dealing with MinGW. As such, is there any way to integrate or use the Intel C++ Compiler with QT Creator? Currently using IC++ 11.0 and QtCreator 1.2.1...