
Will splitting code into several .cpps decrease compilation time?

Hi, Suppose a have a fairly complex class I'm working on. Half the methods are done and tested, but I'm still devolping the other half. If I put the finished code in one cpp and the rest in another, will Visual Studio (or any other IDE for that matter) compile faster when I only change code that's in the "work-in-progress" cpp? Thanks!...

'variable name' cannot appear in a constant expression c++

Anyone have any clue what this error might actually mean? I'm tripping on a bit of code that can't seem to get around it. I've tried it with just h*2 instead of hprime, and just w*2 instead of wprime. Every time I get the same compiler (g++ compiler) error of : grid.cpp: In constructor ‘Grid::Grid(int, int)’: grid.cpp:34: error: ‘hpri...

Are there any libraries for loading and processing/disassembling Direct3D shader bytecode?

Are there any libraries for loading and processing/disassembling the Direct3D (10,11) shader bytecode files generated by fxc? I know that many developers (and hardware vendors) have internal tools to load and process the D3D shader bytecode formats, but since the shader bytecode format is private and binary-only as of D3D10, I wonder wh...

library not found for -lrt with QtCreator [mac os]

hello, i'm getting some troubles with QT it builds with option "-lrt" i'm using mac os 10.6 with QT creator 1.2.1, heeeeeeelp ! this is the full build command : g++ -headerpad_max_install_names -o AMiningCoreTest main.o tokenizer.o DictionnaryToolBox.o mysql.o btree.o BTreeDataTable.o tcaccess.o -L/Library/Frameworks -L/...

Using visual studio c++ compiler in netbeans...

Hi I want to develop a few assignment in C++ on windows. But Visual studio does not provide a few user functionalities that makes development a real pain. If some one can help me out with setting netbeans C++ environment to use the same compiler that visual studio is using. thanks - dev Sunday . ...

Would a cloud-based compiler be feasible?

Would it be any practical benefit to write a cloud-based compiler, that would spread compiled units of code on different machines in the cloud? Could there be a benefit from obtaining a software-as-a-service architecture right within the app just after compiling, or would the inherent latency make such an approach impractical? ...

will reading compiler construction increase my programming skills?

will reading compiler construction increase my programming skills? ...

Quick Java Optimization Question

Will the Eclipse compiler automatically convert multiplication by a power of two into a bit shift, or should I do that manually? Thanks for the help. ...

Learning how programming languages work

I've been programming for years (mainly Python), but I don't understand what happens behind the scenes when I compile or execute my code. In the vein of a question I asked earlier about operating systems, I am looking for a gentle introduction to programming language engineering. I want to be able to define and understand the basics of ...

What does vectorization mean?

Is it a good idea to vectorize the code? What are good practices in terms of when to do it? What happens underneath? ...

Declaring and initializing a variable in a Conditional or Control statement in C++

In Stroustrup's The C++ Programming Language: Special Edition (3rd Ed), Stroustrup writes that the declaration and initialization of variables in the conditionals of control statements is not only allowed, but encouraged. He writes that he encourages it because it reduces the scope of the variables to only the scope that they are requir...

What is the difference between these compiler directives?

What, if anything, is the difference between these directives? #ifdef FOO #if defined FOO #if defined(FOO) I'm using the CCS compiler, but I'm interested in other C compilers as well. ...

How do I build a static library for iPhone?

Hi, I think that I've looked everywhere for an answer to my problem but without any luck. I'm trying to create a simple static lib to run on the iPhone device but I keep ending up with XCode saying that "file is not of required architecture" and I've tried every build flag that I found without any luck. I've got it to work on the emul...

What is a command line compiler?

What is a command line compiler? ...

What are some examples of errors a lexical analyzer could detect?

What are some examples of errors a lexical analyzer could detect in a given piece of code in a language like Java, C++ or C? ...

Does Python have a "compile only" switch like Perl's -c?

Perl has the -c switch to compile the code without running it. This is convenient for debugging compile errors in Perl. Does Python have a similar switch? ...

Minimal project rebuild?

I'm using a 3rd party cross-platform project builder which utilizes various compilers. This project builder always rebuilds the project fully and I'm trying to implement a "smart-rebuild" machanism. I thought of running the preprocessor on each .cpp, crc the result and compare it against the CRC of the previous rebuild. If they differ, ...

Scala: comparing fresh objects

Hi, I was browsing scala tests and I don't understand why the compiler produces a warning when you compare "two fresh objects". This is the test' outputs: Example: checksensible.scala:12: warning: comparing a fresh object using `!=' will always ...

What are map files generated during compilation

Hi What info map file contain generated during compilation of project and how i enable /map option in makefile. Language : c++ compiler : vc6 ...

The cdecl calling convention

From: push c push b push a call function_name add esp, 12 ;Stack clearing mov x, eax Why do we need to explicitly add 12 to ESP to clear the stack since the called function should have poped the parameters off the stack therefore restoring the stack pointer...? Another questio...