
Compiling MATLAB 2009b applications to Windows Executables

Does anyone know how to add full (n.n.n.n) Windows file version information to COM dlls and .Net Assemblies compiled from MATLAB? The resulting dlls do not seem to contain a VersionInfo structure and so utilities like Resource Hacker don't work. ...

what is the most unobtrusive way of using precompiled headers in Visual C++?

Say I have a single project, with files A.cpp, B.cpp, C.ppp and matching header files (and that's it). The C++ files include system headers or headers from other modules. I want to compile them to a library with command line actions (e.g., using Make), using 'cl', with the precompiled headers feature. What are the steps I should do? Wh...

Error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ';' token?

I'm trying to compile my code to test a function to read and print a data file, but I get a compiling error that I don't understand - "error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ';' token". Wall of relevant code-text is below. struct Day { int DayNum; int TempMax; int TempMin; double Precip; int TempRa...

g++ doesn't like template method chaining on template var?

I'm trying to compile with g++ some code previously developed under Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition, and it looks like g++ won't let me call a template method on a reference returned by a method of a template variable. I was able to narrow the problem down to the following code: class Inner { public: template<typename T> T get() con...

Using a pure C++ compiler versus Visual C++

Hello all. I searched around for the answers to these questions, but I have had little luck. So, I thought I would post them here to get some clarification. If this is a duplicate, please let me know, and I will close this. Okay, with that said, I would like to begin learning C++. I come from a C# background and I have a great respe...

Ironpython 2.6 .py -> .exe

I already attempted using py2exe (not compatible with ipy) and PYC (out of date). Can anyone point me in the direction of a good compiler? ...

Write a compiler for a language that looks ahead and multiple files?

In my language I can use a class variable in my method when the definition appears below the method. It can also call methods below my method and etc. There are no 'headers'. Take this C# example. class A { public void callMethods() { print(); B b; b.notYetSeen(); public void print() { Console.Write("v = {0}", v); } int v=9;...

The C# compiler and memory management

Hello. I'm doing a compiler design class on the topic of memory management. I am reading about garbage collection and noticed that most of that low level stuff takes place with C/C++ code. I have a few questions about the c# compiler. Was .net framework part for memory management written in c/c++? How does .net manages memory? Does the...

Is there any self-improving compiler around?

I am not aware of any self-improving compiler, but then again I am not much of a compiler-guy. Is there ANY self-improving compiler out there? Please note that I am talking about a compiler that improves itself - not a compiler that improves the code it compiles. Any pointers appreciated! Side-note: in case you're wondering why I am ...

Is it possible to write code that will cause long compile times?

I'm working on our continuous integration system, and I'm interested in simulating our systems handling of unexpectedly long compile times. Is there any way to cause the compilation to take a long time to complete? Or perhaps force it into some sort of loop that would take a large amount of time to compile? I'm looking for something as e...

What is this error code for?

Error 1 fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: 'FpDebug/BalanceGrabber.pch': No such file or directory c1xx ...

High, Fluctuating '% Time in JIT' on Precompiled ASP.NET Website

With a 150 *.dll ASP.NET website that's precompiled (updatable), what are some possible causes for a '% Time in JIT' that is often quite high (> 60%) and fluctuating long after the application has warmed-up (all functionality accessed) and without app restarts or file changes that might generate new assemblies? One would expect that th...

What is the problem when javac compiler creates a jarfile with lowercase class file names?

When I run the javac compiler it compiles code and creates a JAR file, but the names of the class files inside the JAR are all in lower case. However, the classes within the source files have both lower and upper case names. The result of this is that I cannot compile other projects which are dependent on this JAR. ...

Compilers targeting .pyc files?

Out of curiosity, are there many compilers out there which target .pyc files? After a bit of Googling, the only two I can find are: unholy: why_'s Ruby-to-pyc compiler Python: The PSF's Python to pyc compiler So… Are there any more? (as a side note, I got thinking about this because I want to write a Scheme-to-pyc compiler) (as a ...

Internal Error on delphi 2010 Compiler 2010 URW1111. Where is the problem?

Internal Error URW1111 on delphi 2010 compiler. Where is the problem? ...

problem while compiling java code on network drive, it creating class files in lowercase

i am using clear-case source control, i created my vob repository(which has my java source code) on the network drive, when i rum my javac compiler on the source it compiles fine but it is generating class files in lowercase where it should start with uppercase letter. i have seen the code every thing mentioned perfect. then i tried to c...

Why is non-type template parameter expression handling inconsistent across compilers?

Here is something I observed across various compilers. It seems there are compiler bugs. template <int I> struct X { }; int main(void) { X<(16 > 1)> a; // Works on vc9, works on g++ 4.1.2, works on Comeau X<(int(16) > 1)> b; // Works on vc9, works on g++ 4.1.2, works on Comeau X<(16 >> 1)> c; // Work...

Does anyone have a working B compiler?

Hi, Does anyone know where I could get a good B compiler? I have searched for a B compiler for some time now, but have been having some difficulty finding anything complete for a Windows or Linux system. Here is an example of B: main( ) { auto a, b, c, sum; a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; sum = a+b+c; putnumb(sum); } ...

Writing a native language compiler.

I've to implement my custom native-compiled Windows programming language. Is there an easier way then translating it to ASM, or translating it to C/C++ and then use a C/C++ compiler? Is there any SDK or something? Thank you. ...

java compiler oddity: field declared in same class, yet "not visible"

The eclipse compiler refuses to compile the following code, stating that the field s is not visible. (IBM's Aspect J compiler also refuses, stating that "s could not be resolved") Why is that? public class Test { String s; void foo(Object o) { String os = getClass().cast(o).s; } } The Java Language Specification ...