
Normalizing .net generics

While rewriting an assembly if I were to instruct a compiler to generate a nongeneric type for each generic instance would the application just get bigger in code and yet have the same performance? ...

What _did_ the C operators /\ and \/ do?

Anyone can "declare" ones own operators in C.... that is if one is a C compiler guru and has the source code to the C compiler! ;-) Further questions to puzzle: How are these operations done in C99? gcc? ... And why were /\ & \/ dropped? Which types were the /\ and \/ operators valid for? Googling for "/\ \/" naturally returns nothi...

I need a C++ Compiler

If possible I want one that's free, popular (so support on forums will be faster) and.... just good. I don't really know much about compilers so I don't know what exactly is good. ...

Compiling C++ programs

Should I use Visual C++ Express to write and compile or should I write in Notepad++ and compile it? I like using Notepad++ because of its clean interface and speedy start-up as compared to Visual which is a considerably heavier program. If I do write in Notepad++ how do I compile it using Visual? ...

what is composite instructions?

I'm doing the class compiler design at the chapter of intermediate code. By doing some research online, i came across this sentence: Recursive interpretation is necessary when the source program can include composite instructions. I cannot find what a composite instruction is on google. ...

Symbolic Constants: How are they stored and what are their types?

C++ allows you to use the #define preprocessor directive to define symbolic constants which the compiler will replace before compilation. My question is, how do compilers typically store these internally and do they have data types? ...

How to create a language these days?

I need to get around to writing that programming language I've been meaning to write. How do you kids do it these days? I've been out of the loop for over a decade; are you doing it any differently now than we did back in the pre-internet, pre-windows days? You know, back when "real" coders coded in C, used the command line, and quibbled...

how to run some code in memory?

I have a compiler which compiles assembly language to machine language (in memory). My project is in c# .net. Is there any way to run the memory on a thread? How can DEP prevent it? byte[] a: 01010101 10111010 00111010 10101011 ... ...

hardware environment for compilation performance

This is a rather general question .. What hardware setup is best for large C/C++ compile jobs, like a Linux kernel or Applications ? I remember reading a post by Joel Spolsky on experiments with solid state disks and stuff like that. Do I have to have rather more CPU power or more RAM or a fast harddisk IO solution like solid state ...

Conditional Jump instructions?

Doing a compiler design course: What is meant by a conditional jump instruction? I am C/C++ based programmer so if there is any code samples in that paradigm you could share to help me understand this better. What do they mean by unlimited conditional jump instructions? An example of a statement from the book: Many processors have...

Undefined reference to vtable. Trying to compile a Qt project

I'm using Code::Blocks 8.02 and the mingw 5.1.6 compiler. I'm getting this error when I compile my Qt project: C:\Documents and Settings\The Fuzz\Desktop\GUI\App_interface.cpp|33|undefined reference to `vtable for AddressBook' File AddressBook.h: #ifndef ADDRESSBOOK_H #define ADDRESSBOOK_H #include <QWidget> class QLabel...

What is the good approach to build a new compiler ?

I have an experience about the compiler phrases and I interested in Programming Languages & Compilers field and I hope somebody gives me some explanation about what is the good approach to write a new compiler from scratch for a new programming language ? (I mean STEPS). ...

Is there any none .NET/CLI based implementation of a C# compiler?

I just want the ECMA language translated into native code with the fundamental runtime (garbage collector) etc. I'm not talking about .NET just the language specification of C#. Using C# like any other native compiling language as a langauge alternative for Delphi, D or C++ because it offers generics, expanded types, garbage collection ...

Shouldn't you treat the bin folder as being transient?

I've always taught myself and others to think of the bin folder as being transient. That is you should be able to delete it and next time you rebuild it gets recreated and any references get copied into it without any hassle And not to put your eggs all in one basket. Or in this case don't put all your required dlls directly into the b...

C# Compiler Behavior Question?

Hey everyone, in the following code, what should the result of d be after the second expression? int d = 1; d += d++; One would assume d is 3 afterwards but the unary increment d++ doesn't seem to take effect and d retains a value of 2. Is there a name for this bug? Does it exist for other compilers that support unary increment...

self-taught compiler courses / good introductory compiler books?

Does anyone know of online course / university lectures that comprise a typical compiler course? I've had theory of computing but unfortunately my school didn't offer a course in compiler construction. I know there are lectures out there; I was hoping for recommendations for particularly good offerings. Also, are there books for new...

C# assembly has different sizes after each compilation (Visual Studio)

Here is a little something we noticed today and we do not have an explanation for it. My co worker compiled his current project (C#/WinForms/Visual Studio) and the dll was about 170 kb in size. He compiled the same project again and the dll was 220 kb in size. He did not touch anything else just hit the compile button again and the outp...

Where can I find C# 3.0 grammar?

I'm planning to write a C# 3.0 compiler in C#. Where can I get the grammar for parser generation? Preferably one that works with ANTLR v3 without modification. ...

Do Implict Function Declarations in C Actually Generate Object Code?

In the course of this discussion about casting the return value of malloc many people have claimed that the implicit declaration of malloc would cause the return value to be converted to int then reconverted back to T* possibly resulting in truncation of the pointer in situations where: sizeof(int) < sizeof(void*) This would imply tha...

Compilation error while compiling class within another

I have two classes Hello1 and Hello, and I'm calling class Hello1 constructor within Hello class, but when I trying to compile the Hello class with command javac I'm getting compile time error: find the symbol symbol: class Hello1 location: class Hello Hello1=new Hello(); ^ find the ...