
Is there any program that obfuscates C# source code?

Our requirement is being able to integrate our DLLs with ClickOnce. Dotfuscator does the obfuscation job nicely but the obfuscated DLLs cannot be deployed with ClickOnce on customer side. On our side, we can handle it perfectly. Moreover, the obfuscated assemblies sometime crash our .NET CF app. It turns out to a solution that creates a ...

Recognizing terminals in a CFG production previously not defined as tokens.

I'm making a generator of LL(1) parsers, my input is a CoCo/R language specification. I've already got a Scanner generator for that input. Suppose I've got the following specification: COMPILER 1 CHARACTERS digit="0123456789". TOKENS number = digit{digit}. decnumber = digit{digit}"."digit{digit}. PRODUCTIONS Expression = Term{"+"...

What are the benefits/consequences of compiling an armv7 only architecture?

In compiling iPhone apps, there is a setting for "Optimized" architecture (armv7 only) vs a standard armv6/armv7 architecture. What are the benefits/consequences of compiling an armv7 only architecture? ...

Why call-by-value evaluation strategy is not Turing complete?

I'm reading an article about different evaluation strategies (I linked article in wiki, but I'm reading another one not in English). And it says that unlike to call-by-name and call-by-need strategies, call-by-value strategy is not Turing complete. Can anybody explain, please, why is it so? If it's possible, add an example pls. ...

Generating a python file

Hi! I'm havin issues with python (Sorry for my personal feelings before.. :P). I have a txt file, it contains a custom language and I have to translate it to a working python code. The input: import sys n = int(sys.argv[1]) ;;print "Beginning of the program!" LOOP i in range(1,n) {print "The number:";;print i} BRANCH n < 5 ...

GWT: Javascript implementation of JRE classes

Sometimes I'd like to take a peek into the implementation of the JRE classes, which is used to generate the JavaScript code. For some classes, I can find a corresponding implementation by guessing its name, e.g. But where's the implementation for java.util.Date for example? Where do I f...

VS2005 C++ compiler crashes with the /Gd flag

I was trying to compile our project in Visual Studio 2010 using the 2005 compiler and I stumbled upon this strange bug. There's this particular file that crashes the compiler whenever I try to compile it from VS2010 with a "Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler" error dialog with "don't send" buttons. I looked at the way VS2010 invok...

Force C# Compiler to Create an Unused Object Instance

Yes exactly what I want to do :) At least for a particular class. The problem is, I create a static instance of an object but I don not use it directly. Since I do some operations in the constructor ,like adding the object to a list, the constructor must be invoked at least once before I get the list. I guess that the compiler just opti...

What are the disadvantages of targeting the JVM instead of x86?

I'm developing a new language. My initial target was to compile to native x86 for the Windows platform, but now I am in doubt. I've seen some new languages target the JVM (most notable Scala and Clojure). Ofcourse it's not possible to port every language easily to the JVM; to do so may lead to small changes to the language and it's desi...

How to output to a compiler's console and how to stop the build when an error occurs from an external tool?

Hello, I have a tool that is added to the build-chain. I am wondering how to redirect stdout to all compiler consoles and also, how do I break when an error occurs while executing that external tool? Answers are sought for modern common compilers. If there is a generic process or if it can be done automatically let me know. ...

GCC compile time division error

Can someone explain this behaviour? test.c: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("%d, %d\n", (int) (300.6000/0.05000), (int) (300.65000/0.05000)); printf("%f, %f\n", (300.6000/0.05000), (300.65000/0.05000)); return 0; } $ gcc test.c $ ./a.out 6012, 6012 6012.000000, 6013.000000 I checked the assembly code and it...

Faster code with another compiler

I'm using the standard gcc compiler in math software development with C-language. I don't know that much about compilers or compiler options, and I was just wondering, is it possible to make faster executables using another compiler or choosing better options? The default Makefile sets options -ffast-math and -O3 and I think both of them...

From Source to AST to CodeDom

I am reading the book Language Implementation Patterns ( amongst a few others mixed in to clarify concepts as well as the occasional website. I am trying to make a tool that reads a trivial programming language and performs some basic analysis on it. I am getting stuck in the design phase of this tool. I have constr...

PHP Interpreter/Compiler

I am trying to understand how the php compiler/interpretor works. I tried to download the php source code and tried to understand how it works. I was not able to find proper documentation. WOuld be great if someone could throw light on th modules that make the php compiler and also how the apache server uses the php compiler.. Thanks ...

[Qt] Limits of the resource system

Hi, My Qt application depends on Oracle DLLs to start. As it's linked statically for the most part (except for these DLLs), I'd like to embed the DLLs and the EXE into a launcher that would behave like a fully static application (one exe, no DLLs to take along). The launcher would extract the included files in a temp directory, launc...

c++ project using c# assemblies: how to speedup compile time?

I've got a mixed c++/c# project. The original project is c++ and has been extended using c# assemblies. In the beginning this was ok, but since the c# part is growing I experience a big problem growing: Compile time of the c++ part becomes a problem. Why? Simple: every time I change something in a c# project, the c++ compiler is not su...

Why does Go compile quickly?

I've Googled and poked around the Go website, but I can't seem to find an explanation for Go's extraordinary build times. Are they products of the language features (or lack thereof), a highly optimized compiler, or something else? I'm not trying to promote Go; I'm just curious. ...

combine two GCC compiled .o object files into a third .o file

How does one combine two GCC compiled .o object files into a third .o file? $ gcc -c a.c -o a.o $ gcc -c b.c -o b.o $ ??? a.o b.o -o c.o $ gcc c.o other.o -o executable If you have access to the source files the -combine GCC flag will merge the source files before compilation: $ gcc -c -combine a.c b.c -o c.o However this only wo...

Worst compiler error message

I had this from Visual Studio: 1>lol.cpp(780): error C2780: ''unknown-type' Wide::Interpreted::State::GlobalPush(T1 &&,T2 &&,T3 &&)' : expects 3 arguments - 1 provided 1> lol.cpp(312) : see declaration of 'Wide::Interpreted::State::GlobalPush' 1>lol.cpp(780): error C2780: ''unknown-type' Wide::Interpreted::State::GlobalPush(T1 ...

Changing compiler

Can I use compiler from VS 2010 while using VS2008? ...