
Compiling code at runtime, loading into current appdomain but Type.GetType cant see it.

Hi Im compiling some code at runtime then loading the assembly into the current appdomain, however when i then try to do Type.GetType it cant find the type... Here is how i compile the code... public static Assembly CompileCode(string code) { Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider provider = new CSharpCodeProvider(); ...

Why compile + link when build a C++ code, instead of generating executable directly

I was asked of this question when mentor an entry-level programmer, I was thinking of this compile + link process so official and usual that I never think about why. One thing I could think of is to improve the development productivity, but should there be any other more compiler-related reasons? ...

Options for open source front end for C++

I am looking for options for an open source C++ compiler front-end (source parser/analyzer) that I could customize for my requirements. I do not need the back end implementation, just that it would help to find a fast and relatively bug free C++ front end that supports most standard features. Any suggestions? [I did google, clang seems...

CSharpCodeProvider doesn't return compiler warnings when there are no errors

I'm using the CSharpCodeProvider class to compile a C# script which I use as a DSL in my application. When there are warnings but no errors, the Errors property of the resulting CompilerResults instance contains no items. But when I introduce an error, the warnings suddenly get listed in the Errors property as well. string script = @" ...

How does compiling circular dependencies work?

I've made the example in Java but I think (not tested) that it works in other (all?) languages. You have 2 files. First, public class MType { XType x; MType() {x = null;} } Second, another file (in the same directory), public class XType { MType m; public XType(MType m) {this.m = m;} } Ok it's ba...

Packages name conflicting with getters and setters?

Hello, folks. So, I've came across this compilation error a while ago.. As there's an easy fix and I didn't find anything relevant at the time, I eventually let it go. I just remembered it and I'm now wondering if this is really part of the language grammar (which I highly doubt) or if it's a compiler bug. I'm being purely curious about...

How to implement a left recursion eliminator?

How can i implement an eliminator for this? A := AB | AC | D | E ; ...

Encrypting password in compiled C or C++ code

Hello!, I know how to compile C and C++ Source files using GCC and CC in the terminal, however i would like to know if its safe to include passwords in these files, once compiled. For example.. i check user input for a certain password e.g 123, but it appears compiled C/C++ programs is possible to be decompiled. Is there anyway to com...

How does compiler understand the pointer type?

How c++ compiler understands the pointer type? As I know pointer has a size equal to WORD of the OS (32 or 64). So does it store some info in that 32(or 64) bits about type? Just because you can not have a pointer on one type and assign to that pointer another pointer with a different type. ...

Flex webcontent derived resources

I have a flex project that is also a web project. It is currently compiling all the mxml files and placing the swf files in the webcontent folder. The problem is that during the build process the webcontent folder gets marked as 'derived', so any files that are in that folder are not by default searchable unless you click the 'derived'...

Is it possible to write apps for Android in C# ?

We all know that Android runs Dalvik VM programs. Normally developers write programs in Java and they compile it to Dalvik bytecode. I wonder if it would be possible to create a compiler that can take C# code and compile it into Dalvik bytecode. ...

Is possible to generate constant value during compilation?

I would like my classes to be identified each type by an unique hash code. But I don't want these hashed to be generated every time a method, eg. int GetHashCode(), is invoked during runtime. I'd like to use already generated constants and I was hoping there is a way to make the compiler do some come computing and set these constants. Ca...

Tips on using GCC as a new user

I am really new to GCC and I don't how to use it. I already have a copy of a pre-compiled gcc binaries i've downloaded from one of the mirror sites in the gcc website.. Now, I don't where to go from here... Please give me some tips on the different path to proceed.. I am sorry for the rather vague question.. What I want are tips on ho...

Will the compiler optimize escaping an inner loop?

The code I have looks like this (all uses of done shown): bool done = false; for(int i = 0; i < big; i++) { ... for(int j = 0; j < wow; j++) { ... if(foo(i,j)) { done = true; break; } ... } if(done) break; ... } will any compilers convert it to this: for(int i = 0; i < big; i++) { ... ...

steps to fix a project that won't compile

Hi Pulling my hair out in trying to get a simple window based project to compile. I am running both 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 versions of Xcode. The latter is set up in a separate folder. Originally I used the latter to create and compile my project against the new 4.0 sdk. It compiled fine. Then I made the mistake of deleting some sdks I though...

What is the name of JIT compiler used in J2SE platform? How can i find it ?

What is the name of JIT compiler used in J2SE platform? How can i find it ? ...

How is the scope of a variable/identifier maintained?

How is the scope of a variable/identifier maintained in the symbol table of a c/c++ compiler. Please suggest some good links and books to know the how compiling process of c/c++ program is implemented for better understanding. ...

Is a C++ compiler allowed to emit different machine code compiling the same program?

Consider a situation. We have some specific C++ compiler, a specific set of compiler settings and a specific C++ program. We compile that specific programs with that compiler and those settings two times, doing a "clean compile" each time. Should the machine code emitted be the same (I don't mean timestamps and other bells and whistles...

"Make" system for Actionscript?

In working on larger Actionscript/Flash projects, I've started to really feel the need for some kind of "make" system, but I haven't found it yet. Does anyone know if it exists? Required features: Ability to associate SWCs with their source code and/or FLAs i.e. "this swc is compiled from this source" Ability to mark my current projec...

Are unspecified and undefined behavior required to be consistent between compiles of the same program with the same compiler in the same environment?

Let's pretend my program contains a specific construct the C++ Standard states to be unspecified behavior. This basically means the implementation has to do something reasonable but is allowed not to document it. But is the implementation required to produce the same behavior every time it compiles a specific construct with unspecified b...