
C# Video Player Component with Stream Access for Decryption

Hello everyone, I am searching for a video player component (windows), usable in .Net (C#). What is required, is an access to the underlying stream, because parts of the video should be decrypted on the fly, and the decrypted video should never be stored on the hard disk. Ideally, it should also be portable for Linux and Mac. Anyone kn...

Castle Windsor - Register compoents before my Facilities load. - Delay loading configuration file?

Hi, I would like to register some components in my Windsor container before my Facilities load - (so that I can use some the components in the facilities) I was thinking there should be some way to initialize windsor without a configuration file, register some components, and only then load the configuration? - this would result in tha...

Do you know any flex componen with the functionality such as horizonally collapsible window or panel

Do you know any flex component with the functionality such as horizontally collapsible window or panel I found arc90, but it folds vertically. Thanks in advance ...

Joomla: jroute & navigating back up in menu hierarchy

Hi, I have a simple menu hierachy in a Joomla 1.5 site: [Newsletters] -> [publisher A] -> [Newsletter A1] -> [Newsletter A2] -> [publisher B] -> [Newsletter B1] -> [Newsletter B2] When navigating this hierarchy using the menu items or breadcrumbs, the SEF URL...

Joomla question about custom module

Hi, I'm very new to Joomla. I have a question about components/modules. I'm doing the development of a site for a firm and they provided me with custom news releases component that's supposed to show on the home page. From what I've seen, I can call modules to a page with "" based on their position. Do I do the same sort of thing to g...

Flex: Lose Component Focus

I have a (hopefully) quick question. I've got some stepper boxes. Though really this could apply to any interactive component. I want the selected box to lose focus when when I click anywhere else ( stage included ). Is there an easy way to do this? I can't seem to find an effective way to make it lose focus. ...

Flex 4 Best Practice when using RemoteObject and multiple components

Hello! I was wondering what is considered to be a best practice when I have multiple components and use RemoteObject for AMF communication with a PHP backend. Have the RemoteObject in the Main.mxml file with all the methods declared here (with handlers and all) and have all components call functions from the parentApplication, thus ha...

How do I know if a Form is hovering over a component?

I need to know if a (moving) form is hovering over a component (maybe something like MouseEnter and MouseLeave without the mouse). I have this idea of getting the Left, Top, Height, Width of the component and calculating if the (moving) form's position is within the position of the form. (I'm not exactly sure how I can do this) Any sug...

Best practice of J2EE component / integration testing

Hi, we are about to implement an enterprise application with several components. I am working on a component which exists of: Component A - sending to JMS queue Component B - periodically called, receiving from JMS queue and sending to another JMS queue Component C - MessageDrivenBean sending the data to another component. Additionall...

Component for playing video frame by frame

Hi, I need a component (.NET or COM) which can plays video frame by frame. I've tried wmp.dll (axWindowsMediaPlayer) but no luck on playing frame by frame. any suggestion? ...

CakePHP Auth Component Check User Before Login

I want to prevent banned users from logging in to the site and give them a message that they are banned. I tried to use isAuthorized() for this but it allows the user to login and only after that denies him permission to the unauthorized actions. So, basically I want to know where to put the condition that would check if the user table ...

What is the right method for modifying text content in Flex component lifecycle?

Hi, I have custom components which must adjust their text content based on space constraints. For example a component adds labels until there is no space, and then the content of the last label becomes "(x more)" I do not have access to size of child controls before adding them. When in updateDisplayList, I make changes to the layout of...

Custom Login Function with CakePHP's Auth Component

I need to know how to customize the login function that I am using with the Auth Component. Currently, it is blank and being handled automatically by the component. I need to add some conditions in it that which I want to execute before login happens. ...

Run-time error '429'

I have developed an inventory management software using VB6. and i have copied it on Client's machine and it was working. but 3 days before they formatted the system and now i copied the software again an i tried to run the application. but i got the following error message Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create objec...

joomla 1.5 search integration with custom components?

Does anyone know how to integrate the joomla search functionality with customly built components? Or know of a tutorial/information page with the information I'd need? I'd like the search to pickup information from my components, currently it's only returning data from articles, web links, contacts, categories, sections and news feeds. ...

Richfaces custom components with actionlistener as input parameter

With a custom component how can one make it take an MethodExpression as input parameter. The component XML is set up with: <property elonly="true"> <name>customListener</name> <classname>javax.el.MethodExpression</classname> </property> And when I try to add an listener to the custom component with: ... cust...

Minimal Components. TextField not showing

I just started using Keith Peters Minimal Components. I am having an issue related to PushButton Class and I am hoping that someone has run into the same issue or may know what the solution is. The problem is pretty simple. The TextField or Label if you will, on the button is not showing up. Here is the code. bn = new PushButton(); bn...

Customizing UIPickerView component background

Hi all! What are some of the ways you can customize the UIPickerView's component background image (the dials)? ...

Integrating Lua to build my GameEntities in my Game Engine?

I really want to add Lua Scripting to my Game Engine. I am working with Lua and bound it to C++ using luabind, but I need help to design the way I will construct my Game Entities using Lua. Engine Information: Component Oriented, basically each GameEntity is a list of components that are updated in a delta T interval. Basically Game Sc...

Glow effect does not "cycle"

On my mx:Image component I have a creationCompleteEffect="glowIn" <mx:Glow id="glowIn" duration="700" alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" blurXFrom="0.0" blurXTo="30.0" blurYFrom="0.0" blurYTo="30.0" strength="2" color="0xCCFFCC" effectEnd="glowOut"/> <mx:Glow id="glowOut" duration="800" alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" blurXFrom="30.0" blur...