I have been trying to read up on how to do configuration properly in .net and have run into something that I find a bit odd and that is that configuration settings are compiled into assemblies through the Settings class. Removing the app.config and running the application does not result in configuration errors as I was expecting but rat...
I have a COM+ server hosting a .Net component which implements ServicedComponent.
The COM+ server needs to access a configuration file in which a custom configuration section has been defined.
I can load the configuration fine with the following code:
ExeConfigurationFileMap fileMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap();
How can I specify my app to not overwrite the app.config on the client machines when the app is updated by clickonce?
Due to requirements of a piece of software I am planning on installing, I have to change the Identity the IIS Application Pool for SQL Reporting Services 2005 is running under. Unfortunately, I am unable to find any information of the ramifications of doing so.
I was hoping someone here would be able to point me to some information o...
I created a WebService using the .NET 2.0 framework, a class based on an interface that has the WebServiceAttribute and hosting it using IIS and a ASMX file. The WebService currently loads its configuration from one XML file.
I'd like to create multiple instance of this service where each loads it own configuration.
By coping the ASMX ...
When creating a new ASP.NET AJAX Web Application in Visual Studio 2005, the default web.config contains the following section (inside the compilation node):
<add assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>
Whether or not the assemblies node ex...
My web method kept faulting and investigations eventually revealed the following:
The formatter threw an exception while
trying to deserialize the message:
Error in deserializing body of request
message for operation 'SendFirmware'.
The maximum array length quota (16384)
has been exceeded while reading XML
data. This quot...
I'm creating a web service, which run in GlassFish, and I want to have some custom properties. For this I'm using the Properties class. The code I'm using is:
Properties p=new Properties();
File f=new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "settings.properties");
p.load(new FileInputStream(f));
But how do I get the settings.properties-f...
When should I use .resx file and when go for .config file?
What is the basic difference between the both in terms of usage?
Is there a way to configure ASP.NET in IIS7?
I know this must be a stupid question, but in IIS7 I see an icon for ASP. Is this configuration for Classic ASP?
Thx, Lieven Cardoen
Now I'm curious what are possibilities to store/load settings in .net. For example I need to store user name/password for different db's and etc.., also I need to store some options and etc.
My though was to create [Seriazable] class and save it to file...
What can You suggest? what are possibilities in .net and etc.
I copied the log4net samples to implement a custom log level, AUDIT. I defined AUDIT to have a value of 35000, between DEBUG 30000 and INFO 40000.
The following is my configuration section. I have one appender that logs all levels and one that is supposed to log only AUDIT levels (this is just for testing)
<appender name="F...
I'm currently trying to created a custom ConfigurationSection for my application, however VS2008 is not recognizing any of the members that everyone and the MSDN say are there. The only thing I see is ConfigurationException.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
I started a new job and we have a small IT department working for an insurance benefit. I was hired to help ensure the success of their conversion from a mainframe flat file system to a relational database with a client server setup. I want to get more involved in our decision making process.
My question is how do you get yourself inclu...
i am using a single instance of Bugzilla for issue tracking in multiple projects. Some of my projects are restricted to be visible only to a single group of people while other projects have to be ready-only for everybody (even if they do not have a user account in bugzilla). Submitting bugs should always only be possible for authent...
I'm connecting to a remote sql server instance with the following connection string
"Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Data Source=xx.xxx.x.xxx,1433;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;User Id=MyUserId;Password=MyPassword;Connect Timeout=120;"
Sql Server Browser is running
Local and remote connections are allowed using TCP/IP only
The application ran...
On a project I'm working on we have a web application with three configuration files;
When we release to the test server, Web.Config is renamed to Web.Config.Development and Web.Config.TestServer is renamed to Web.Config, making that configuration active for the application.
It is ...
I've looped over the Request.ServerVariables collection in ASP.NET, but it's not as comprehensive as phpinfo().
Anyone aware of a script for ASP.NET that includes all that info, including server software, drivers, etc.?
I have a Windows Forms application that has this code in the program's start up:
In the MSDN Documentation for UnhandledExceptionMode.Automatic it states that:
Automatic - Route all exceptions to
the ThreadException handler, unless
the application's confi...
I'm running into a weird issue with my WCF Service using WS binding. When I configure it with no sessions (security/reliable) it works just fine, but not so with sessions. For example when I configure with security (message security, windows credentials), I get a timeout after 10th or 11th call. My service calls another WCF Service but, ...