I have a problem with:
Not accepting the IDictionary: NHibernateConfigHandler
I get the messages:
Error 30 The best overloaded method match for 'NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration.SetProperties(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary)' has some invalid arguments
Error 31 Argum...
I've worked a little with *.config files in the past, but I've not uses Settings files at all. Simply put, what's the difference between a project's Settings file and *.config file? Are there conventions as to what information goes in which? When should one be used over the other? How are Settings files built - are they embedded into...
I have a user who has access to one project on the team foundation server at my office. When they view source control, they only see the source for that single project (which is correct). The problem I have is that when they go to add a project to their team explorer, they get the entire project list from the server. Is there a way to...
OS X 10.5.6, Xcode 3.1 with iPhone support.
After compiling some apps for iPhone device in Xcode, I've noticed that calling GCC from command line no longer works:
$ gcc
gcc-4.0: installation problem, cannot exec '/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin//i686-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.0.1': No such file or directory
Note ho...
Normally, I would enable extensions by adding the following to .hg/hgrc:
** = cleverencode:
** = cleverdecode:
However, I want this configuration to be versioned, i.e. part of the repository, so that it is enabled for anyone else (coworkers, build machines) cloning the repository. Note ...
All instructions to disable Visual Studio hosting process I've found says as follows:
Open a project in Visual Studio.
On the Project menu, click Properties.
Click the Debug tab.
Clear the Enable the Visual Studio hosting process check box.
I believe this is for VS 2005 because in my VS 2008 C++ project there is no such tab a...
I'm trying to split an app.config file into multiple files to make it easier to manage the differences needed for different environments. With some sections it was easy...
various stuff
<system.diagnostics configSource="ConfigFiles\system.diagnostics.dev" />
with the "various s...
Rather than hard-wiring some paths in my php.ini configuration, I'd like to configure them using system variables that are shared in some other places such as my Apache configuration. I've done some searching and couldn't find the right mix of keywords to discover if there's a way to do this.
Does anyone know if this can be done?
Hi guys, I am currently trying to implement a Custom Configuration Section in a project I am busy with and no matter what I try I keep getting the error below:
{"An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for pageAppearanceGroup/pageAppearance: Could not load type 'Samples.AspNet.PageAppearanceSection' from assembly 'S...
Hi All,
During web development work, I need to be able to quickly switch various config settings in Firefox. In particular I need to be able to:
1) Switch off cookies
2) Switch off javascript
3) Switch my user agent (I have the user-agent switcher add-on installed)
and then back again.
Instead of doing this manually, it would be grea...
As it should be the file app.config in an application Windows Form so that the given access classes her they generate automatically in the build?
I have some extended classes (utilizing both HMAC and cryptographic tech), and I'm hoping to utilize them for a new product's database from said database's stored procedures (inclusive of time logging, user-event logging, etc.) under SQL Server.
Can anyone recommend a resource detailing the best ways to achieve this or optionally advise...
Our company has a large number of projects that have gone from VSS to Subversion, and now I'd like to move them to Mercurial. Thus far, I've gotten hgwebdir.cgi working (Apache on Windows). At the moment I have to add allow_push = * to the .hg/hgrc of each repo in order to push changes. Is it possible to set this option globally on th...
OSGi employs a service-oriented architecture: Bundles register service objects, that other bundles consume. Service publishing and binding is managed by the framework. This decouples service providers from service users completely (except for the need to agree on a service interface).
Is there a way to limit (by configuration) what ser...
I have an existing .net service, and I want to configure it to write messages to a log file. I added in the following in the service configuration:
<source name="My.Service" switchValue="All">
<add name="text" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener" initializeData=...
Some background:
I have a windows service with 5 web references, Everything works great in several environments Dev,Test,QC. Dev and Test are running windows 2003, QC and PROD windows 2000. We pushed the service to production with the same set of assemblies and config files and are receiving this error. The exception is not consistent th...
I use PHP_OS constant and I want to know what it can return on differents OS.
I found this :
On Linux -> Linux
On FreeDSB -> FreeBSD
On Windows NT -> WINNT
On Mac Os X -> Darwin
Can anyone tell me what they get with them configurations ? On Solaris, Windows XP...
Hi , please tell me if is there any difference in using bean id and bean name in configuration files
I'm writing a custom tracelistener to write trace messages to a file adding rotation (for example changing the file name each day).
In the override of the Flush method, I call Flush on the underlying StreamWriter, but if I set autoflush='false' in the application configuration, Flush does not get called when the application is terminated...
for an easiness of my application I would need to have "runtime" element of app.config in separate file.
Tried something like
<runtime file="runtime.conf" />
and also
<runtime configFile="runtime.conf" />
and in runtime.conf I have:
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">