
How to get log4net to keep only the last X days of logs?

I only want log4net to keep let's say 10 days-worth of log files as keeping them growing indefinitely will eventually eat up my disk space. I had thought that I could do this by setting <maxSizeRollBackups value="10" /> on my RollingFileAppender but no dice. How do I do this? ...

Do you memorize the tags in your XML configuration?

Do you guys memorize the tags in your XML configurations particularly in Java? Do you guys memorize the tags in web.xml, in your Ant configuration files, in your Spring configuration files? Also do you code them by hand or do you have an IDE and a reference with you? I'm a noob wanting to know how the pros do it :) ...

Setting the default page for ASP.NET (Visual Studio) server configuration

When I build and run my application I get a directory listing in the browser (also happens for sub folders), and I have to click on Index.aspx. It's making me crazy. Visual Studio 2008 ASP.NET Development Server ...

Setting static pPort number on Visual Studio Dev Server with a WebSite project

I have a WebSite project in Visual Studio 2008 (not a Web Application project!) How do I set the ASP.NET Development startup port to a static port in a WebSite project? ...

How do I make an extension xsd for the web/app.config schema?

How do I make a schema for custom config sections? I tried making one, but when I used it, it said the only expected element was what I had in that schema, and complained about the standard web.config stuff, even though I was still using the normal DotNetConfig.xsd file too. ...

SSL WCFs with custom binding

Has anyone ever tried to use custom binding with SSL in a WCF web service? I've seen a number of examples on how to do this with basicHttpBinding and wsHttpBinding but the equivalent always fails for customBinding. Specifically what I'm currently working with (the most successful configuration yet) looks something like this: <system.s...

Configuring project report generation for Hudson within Hudson

There are a number of plugins for Hudson to create coverage, test result, metrics and other reports. It seems that all of them require you to add extra configuration to your build scripts (or Maven POM) for every project that you want to have the reporting done. For example, if you want to have a FindBugs or a Cobertura report, you need...

Configuring Apache Web Server with Tomcat

I am trying to configuring apache webserver with tomcat using AJP but i am not sure am i doing it right or not. Here are the steps that i followed Enabled required module in httpd.conf file LoadModule proxy_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/ Added the ifModule condition...

Encrypt Password in Configuration Files? (Java)

Hey Folks, I have a program that reads server information from a configuration file and would like to encrypt the password in that configuration that can be read by my program and decrypted. Requirments: Encrypt plaintext password to be stored in the file Decrypt the encrypted password read in from the file from my program Any recc...

Keep ConfigParser output files sorted

I've noticed with my source control that the content of the output files generated with ConfigParser is never in the same order. Sometimes sections will change place or options inside sections even without any modifications to the values. Is there a way to keep things sorted in the configuration file so that I don't have to commit trivi...

Configuration files with COM

I have an old PowerBuilder application that we are slowly phasing out. We are also moving to a more service orientated. So in order to facilitate this we are using C# COM wrappers to call WCF methods so old direct SQL calls can be slowly removed. We also use the C# COM wrappers when need functionality is needed in the power builder appli...

different configuration files for different server.

Hi How would you solved that? I have one application in which I have a few configuration files, I make war file and deploy it on the tomcat. But at the same time I have to make the war file and deploy the same application under different context and/or a server with modified configuration files. I can create my own task in ant, and ...

Best practice for saving and recalling selected checkboxes on an page

I am looking for ideas on the best way to persist an array of values from one web session to the next. I will be populating a Checkbox list and would like to persist the last set of selected checkboxes to the next session. (this is meant to save time for the user since they will likely always select the same subset of checkboxes.) I wil...

How to initialize log4j properly?

After adding log4j to my application I get the following output every time I execute my application: log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (slideselector.facedata.FaceDataParser). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. It seems this means a configuration file is missing. Where should this config file be l...

Default Value Storage

I have the following three tables: Item Code ItemCode (many to many relationship between Item and Code) And then I have the following sample data on the third table: Item | Code -----+----- 001 | A 002 | A 003 | B There's a possibility that a new Item is added but does not have a code yet. I will assign a default code for this ...

Merging/inheriting web.config files but without having site to be a child site

I'd like to have the functionality of merging/inheriting the web.config of one site with that of a shared web.config, but without having the site being a child site of the site with the shared web.config. Is there a way to implement similar functionality? What I'm trying to do have a shared web.config in any folder (could be outside of...

How to make a copy of an existing config file using nant

Hi, I was wondering if there is any way to make a copy of an existing web.config file(rename the newly created file) with the nant build. ...

Is this the only reason for using custom section types ( derived from ConfigurationSection )?

Hello, I've just started learning about extending the Configuration file structure by creating custom section types ( using ConfigurationSection class ), but I'm not sure I understand its usefulness. BTW – this is not a »custom section type vs appSettings« question. I already understand the benefits of using custom section types over...

unable to save settings in app.exe.config

hi.. i am facing one problem. i want to save settings in app.config file i wrote separate class and defined section in config file.. but when i run the application. it does not save the given values into config file here is SettingsClass public class MySetting:ConfigurationSection { private static MySetting settings = ...

Custom ASP.NET Configuration Section

Hi All I want to create a custom configuration section to handle email notifications. The configuration needs to be in the following format: <configSections> <sectionGroup name="notifications"> <section name="notification" type="NotificationConfiguration" allowLocation="true" allowDefinition="Everywhere" /> </sectionGro...