
How to verify the MaxSimultaneousWorkflows setting in WF

WF has a configuration property: MaxSimultaneousWorkflows - other than building a custom test app or workflow, how can you verify that the property is working? The reason not to build a custom test app or workflow is that it doesn't tell you about the workflow that I am actually trying to verify. Update The reason to verify it is to ma...

Store options in database or in a file?

Hello, in a client-server database application, the different options the client needs to read from the server, where you'd store them? In the database or in some file which will then will be transferred on the network, or is there any better way. ...

how to save configuation in app.config in c# winform

someone to example coding me thank key and value save in app.config ...

NHibernate connection string: how to specify port number and server\instance?

I am replacing my old DAL with NHibernate 2.1. My NHibernate config works on my local dev machine but not on UAT. The UAT database is a cluster setup on a none default port. I am using a standard NHibernate confie file similar to below: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <hibernate-configuration xmlns="urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2" > <sessi...

What is the purpose of jvm.cfg file in relation to Java ?

It has some strange keywords. Please explain the general purpose of the file. ...

ProtectSection with RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider where does the Key go?

I am using System.Configuration to encrypt and protect some passwords in a custom configuration section vis:-. static public void SetPassAndProtectSection(string newPassword) { // Get the current configuration file. System.Configuration.Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration( Configura...

FilderDispatcher , ActionServlet

hi, can we declare FilderDispatcher and ActionServlet in the struts2 struts.xml Thanks ...

Load parts of App.Config from another file

I like to split my app.config into a user specific part and an application specific part. Is it possible to store a part of the app.config in another file? I allready tried this: <!DOCTYPE cruisecontrol [ <!ENTITY email SYSTEM "email.config"> ]> but this does not load. Is there another possiblity without changing the application its...

Redirect ConfigurationManager to Another File

I am looking to redirect the standard .Net ConfigurationManager class to another file; entirely. The path is determined at runtime so I can't use configSource or such (this is not a duplicate question - I have looked at the others). I am essentially trying to duplicate what ASP.Net is doing behind the covers. Thus not only my classes sh...

Can I stop an IIS?

In a .NET windows application to to modify a remote machine config file that is used by an ASP.NET application. However, I keep getting the error: System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file '[file name]' because it is being used by another process. Now, this may not be the problem, but I'm figuring that if I can stop th...

In PHP what is the right approach for loading configuration parameters into application variables?

I have a database where I keep my configuration parameters, I want to load the configuration parameters into my application variables only once (or upon specific request to reload the parameters), I also want these variables which holds the configuration parameters to be accessible from all php pages/scripts, the idea is to save hits on ...

ASP.NET security trimming problem no fine grained control possible?

I have this sitemap: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <siteMap xmlns=""&gt; <siteMapNode> <siteMapNode url="" title="Google" roles="*" /> <siteMapNode url="" title="Zdnet" roles="NonExistingRole" /> <siteMapNode url="" ti...

gnuplot configuration file

Don't know if it's a question for stackoverflow or superuser, but the beta SU community is still too small for such specific questions, I guess. Feel free to redirect it if you see it fit. I am trying to setup gnuplot so that at startup I always have the comma as datafile separator, with the following command set datafile separator ","...

Force overwrite of App.config during installation

We currently have 4 installers for our client software: ClientSetupTest ClientSetupProduction ClientUpdateTest ClientUpdateProduction The only differences between them are that Setup contains the Crystal Reports redistributable files, and Update doesn't. Test and Production just specifies which environment they run in and the only d...

Apache Port 8080 Windows XP

I've installed Apache 2.2. Accepted defaults. I've created a simple php file calling it index.php. If I enter this in Firefox: http://localhost:8080/ I get the splash screen: If you can see this, it means that the installation of the Apache web server software on this system was successful. You may now add content to this directo...

What would be the best way to persist user-editable settings for a Windows Service?

I'm developing an application that's going to be implemented as a Windows Service and I was wondering what'd be the best way to deal with the different settings (at User and Application level). The thing is, I'm not completely familiar (yet) with all the available options, so in principle I'm favoring .NET's own System.Configuration (Con...

How to get assembly version of another project from app.config ?

I have two projects in a Visual Studio solution. I need an application setting in one of them to be the version number of the other project's assembly. I thought of adding to my project1's app.config something like: <setting name="currentVersion" serializeAs="String"> <value> !(bind.project2.Assembly.FileVersion) </value> </set...

Visual Studio 2008: Change the font size of line number.

Is there any way to hack visual studio so that it displays the line numbers in smaller font size like the way Notepad++ does? I'm using Consolas at size 12 and the line numbers just look so ugly. Thanks. ...

Errors linking libresolv when building PHP 5.2.10 from source on OS X

To begin with, I would normally opt to use a pre-compiled binary of PHP, but am required to build from source for a specific business need. (I'm not the type that compiles open-source apps just for kicks.) I'm building on OS X 10.6 and am running into the following error when I try to make PHP 5.2.10 as an Apache module (--with-apxs2): ...

Email Group Configuration in CC.NET using a single config file

Hello, We have started using CC.NET for continuous integration and as the number of projects monitored builds up I would like configure the email alerts via a single config file. What I mean by this is that I would like to have a list of the users in different groups in a single config file that is referenced by ALL the project configu...