
app.config <supportedRuntime>

Suppose I have a WinForms app that is built and compiled against .NET 2.0 using VS2008. It is my understanding that at runtime, the app will attempt to load the .NET 2.0 CLR first, (because that is what it was compiled against), regardless of anything that may be listed in any "supportedRuntime" element of the app.config file. If it ca...

web.config overrides app.config...why?

Hi, I have two DLLs: one with a web.config, another one with app.config I moved the connection strings from web.config to app.config so that it can be used by other DLLs. Now, when I call ConfigurationManager.GetSection("SomeSection") , the application looks for a web.config, when it should be looking for the app.config. It doesn't ...

Can configSource point to another DLL?

Hi, Is it possible for a configSource to point to another DLL? For example configSource = "SomeOtherDllName.connectionStrings.config" Thank you ...

Fluent Nhibernate external configuration

Hi! All examples of fluent nhibernate make such(or similar) call: c.AddMappingsFromAssembly(typeof(Product).Assembly); I don't want tu use "typeof(Product).Assembly" as i don't want to have reference to my domain project here ("Procuct" class). In ordinary NHibernate I would just create hbm.xml files and make following entry in

CherryPy configuration for CSS file access

The following is the result of CherryPy and css pathing problems I have recently posted, both of which have been answered, but another problem has arisen. I have a html page which I preview in a browser (via. editor/IDE) and which calls a css file from a css folder in parallel with my application folder (containing and My.html f...

NETBEANS - Best configuration of NetBeans Windows to work with 2 monitors

NETBEANS This is an IDE question. I am used to work with a code window as big as it can be. So I use 2 monitors and I have: In the 1st monitor: The Project/Files/Services Window together with the Navigator/Inspector Window The Code Window (Editor) using the most space of the monitor. In the 2nd monitor: The Palette/Properties Wi...

How to change the display of user account to not include domain in Sharepoint 2010

Trying to figure out how to display just user name without domain in person-type fields during Data entry. By default it displays the domain/user-account. ...

vim cant map <C-Tab> to :tabnext

I have the following mappings in my .vimrc: map <C-S-Tab> :tabprevious<CR> nmap <C-S-Tab> :tabprevious<CR> imap <C-S-Tab> <Esc>:tabprevious<CR>i map <C-Tab> :tabnext<CR> nmap <C-Tab> :tabnext<CR> imap <C-Tab> <Esc>:tabnext<CR>i I want to switch the tabs with Strg+Tab forward and with Strg+Shift+Tab backward. Why does this mapping not...

how to read in a list of custom configuration objects

hi, I want to implement Craig Andera's custom XML configuration handler in a slightly different scenario. What I want to be able to do is to read in a list of arbitrary length of custom objects defined as: public class TextFileInfo { public string Name { get; set; } public string TextFilePath { get; set; } public string Xml...

How to pass a config file as parameter to a console application .Net

I need a sample/example demonstrating how to pass a config file as a parameter to a console application in .Net ...

This method implicitly uses CAS policy, which has been obsoleted by the .NET Framework. In order to enable CAS policy for compatibility reasons

Hi Guys, I have just updated my nant script to compile my .net framework 4 solution. And I got the above error while generating commonassemblyinfo.cs in my solution. I visited msdn website and also added <NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy enabled="true" /> in my web.config under runtime->configuration. But that didn't solve my problem. Ca...

Best JDBC data source bean class

I see that some people use org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource while other configurations have com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource. Spring has its own: org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource There are probably even more. But which one is best? I have a JPA/Hibernate three tier application that needs co...

VS 2010 Web.config transformations for debugging

I’m a fan of the new VS 2010 Web.config transformations. I use this feature for deployment purposes and wondered if it is possible to use them for debugging too. I think of using them in the IDE: I want to create different built configuration (with linked transformation configurations); choose one of them; start the web site in the IDE ...

Ajax doesn't work on remote server .

Hello . when I Implemented chatting Function , I use Ajax to send messages between file to another . so , it is working well on local host . but , when I upload it in to remote server it doesn't work. can U tell me ,why ? is an Ajax need Special configuration ? Ajax code : function Ajax_Send(GP,URL,PARAMETERS,RESPONSEFUNCT...

Enabling gzip compression for Jboss

How is gzip compression for Jboss 5.1.0 enabled? Within the tomcat http connector right? I cant remember where this file is stored, server.xml? ...

Magento: server requirements for a quite big shop to run smoothly

Hi, I'm working on a quite big magento: it will have 50 different shops (1 magento install, 1 admin to rule them all) for start, this number is expected to raise in the future, and a catalog of more than 1k products. This catalog will be shared by all shops. I'm concerned about the server requirements I need for this to run smoothly. S...

DLL configuration file in site

Hi, I've made a .net 2.0 librabry project, that results in a dll. I've made an app.config file in my project, with settings used in the dll, with the intention that they can be changed later. I'm attempting to use the dll in an web application now, so I made the reference to my other project's output, and I see that the dll is ...

Easily switching ConnectionStrings on publish to Azure

I'm currently building an Azure Web Role. I am testing this project against a local database server on localhost. Then, when confident that the project is working, I publish it to Staging on Windows Azure. However, I also have to remember to change the connection string to point to the live SQL server on SQL Azure before deploying, and ...

How to "parameterize" JPA database instance in persistence.xml?

I have a Java web application leveraging JPA. The database instance is specified in the persistence.xml file using the jta-data-source tag. I would like to deploy a second copy of the web application on the same (glassfish) server, but pointed at a different database instance. What is the best way to achieve this? I think ideally, I'...

How to use application config file in C#?

I am trying to use a config file in my C# console application. I created the file within the project by going New --> Application Configuration File, and naming it myProjectName.config. My config file looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="SSDirectory" value="D:\Documents and Set...