
Choose settings based on machine name

When we deploy applications, there is usually a separate machine for production and development. Most of the applications have settings in a regular .NET App.config or Web.config file. For example: <add key="Dev_Setting1" value="val1"/> <add key="Prod_Setting1" value="val2"/> <add key="Prod_Setting1" value="val3"/> <add key="Prod_Set...

Problem creating custom configuration section in .config file

I have the following XML in my web.config <mySectionGroup> <sectionOneSection> <page path="~/123.aspx"></page> <page path="~/456.aspx"></page> </sectionOneSection> </mySectionGroup> And the following code public class SectionOneSection : ConfigurationSection { [ConfigurationProperty("...

What is the best way to share cruisecontrol configurations on a Linux server?

I have a team that will be using CruiseControl for continuous integration, and CC will be running on a Linux server. More than one team member may need to access the CC configuration itself: changing how tests are run, changing notification rules, etc. What is the best practice for this? My first thought was to set up a cc-users group,...

Defining path to module's configuration files

A Python module I'm developing has a master configuration file in /path/to/module/conf.conf. The /path/to/module/ depends on the platform (for instance, /Users/me/module in OS X, /home/me/module in Linux, etc). Currently I define the /path/to/module in, where I use logic: if sys.platform == 'darwin': ROOT = '/Users/me/modu...

How to configure Eclipse for PyDev? Python doesn't appear in Preferences window.

I'm trying to install PyDev in Eclipse 3.6 on Windows 7. I have Python 2.7 successfully installed. I installed PyDev through Eclipse, and restarted. When attempting to configure Eclipse to find my installed Python, (Window -> Preferences) the list that appears does not contain Python. (See image below.) If I go back to Help -> Ins...

Configuration storage for a desktop application

What are the benefits of choosing either: a file in the user's home directory, e.g. ~/.myapp/config using the user's gconf database I already know a couple of things; storing data in the user's gconf database makes it a little harder for the user to copy those settings out and onto another account or computer. On the other hand, is i...

Encrypting custom sections of a web.config

I used the article Creating a Flexible Configuration Section Handler to create a Flexible Configuration Section Handler in my application. I also saw this article entitled Encrypting Custom Configuration Sections on the OdeToCode blog, on how to encrypt portions of a web.config file. From the first article, we have this web.config code...

How do I configure Apache2 to allow multiple simultaneous connections from same IP address?

By default, Apache2 seems to allow only 1 connection per IP address. How do I configure Apache2 to allow multiple simultaneous connections from the same IP address? Here is my situation: a web app being hosted on a server. a remote client makes an request that may take 15 seconds to complete. the same remote client makes another (ind...

What is the Java equivalent of .NET's Enterprise Library?

I am a .NET guy but recently have been placed on a Java project. Is there a java equivalent of .NET's Enterprise Library? More specifically, I only need a configuration manager, data access helper (parametrization and sanitize), and maybe a logger. What are the hot tools for java development? ...

GCC cant find GMP, MPFR and MPC libraries

I am trying to cross-compile GCC on Mac OS 10.5.7. I used this command to configure GCC after installing GMP, MPFR, and MPC: ../gcc-4.5.0/configure --target=$i586-elf --prefix=/usr/local/cross \ --disable-nls \ --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,java,objc,obj-c++,treelang,ada \ --without-headers --with-libiconv-prefix=/opt/loc...

Codeplex-like TFS configuration

Hey guys. I'm trying to configure TFS2010 on a home server. I want to use TFS in such way: 1)Some contributers are working in a small home office working with the same domain name as a server on which TFS is installed. 2)Other contributers are working remote. And contribute code through the web, accessing the server through router. I ...

Bash - Hiding command (preventing from bad manipulations)

Hello, I was wondering if they was a way to prevent some commands from being executed in order to prevent from bad manipulation sometimes (for exemple you execute "rm *.py" when you wanted to execute "rm *.pyc" or something like that). People will say that it's the user's responsability to check his inputs and it's right but I would li...

How do you load a dictionary into a console application from an app.config?

I want to load a dictionary at startup in my console app from my app.config. I know that I could use an xml library or linq to XML to load it to parse and traverse it. My question is there a BUILT IN way of doing it. Isn't there some way to add an application configuration section into the app.config and then have it loaded automagi...

Quick Reference Guide for Sharepoint Site Settings?

Is there a "quick reference" guide or "cheat sheet" type document for each of the available options within the "Site Settings" page in Sharepoint 2007 ? The settings page that I'm talking about is shown in this image: and is the one accessed via the "Site Actions" drop-down on the right-hand side of the...

Apache protect all paths but whitelist a specific path

Below is my VHost (which is slightly modified to obscure some URLS): 1 NameVirtualHost 2 3 <VirtualHost> 4 ServerName internal-name.local 5 ServerAlias *.internal-name.local * 6 7 <Directory "/var/www/html"> 8 AllowOverride All 9 10...

Programmatically edit the end point of a web service

Is there a way I can programmatically change the <endpoint address="..." /> value of a web service? In my app.config file, I have the following code: <system.serviceModel> <bindings> ... </bindings> <client> <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBindi...

Configuring "no-proxy" in Fluent Nhibernate

Hi everybody. Just a short question: How do I configure the many-to-one attribute "lazy" to the value "no-proxy" (as mentioned here here ) in Fluent Nhibernate? ... C# - Custom configuration attribute

I have a config file as follows : <section> <template Count="20"> <data> some data here </data> <data> some more data here </data> </template> <template Count="25"> <data> some data here </data> <data> some more data here </data> </template> </section>...

Castle Windsor - Register compoents before my Facilities load. - Delay loading configuration file?

Hi, I would like to register some components in my Windsor container before my Facilities load - (so that I can use some the components in the facilities) I was thinking there should be some way to initialize windsor without a configuration file, register some components, and only then load the configuration? - this would result in tha...

How do I get the *actual* default database location in SQL Server?

In SQL Server Management Studio, there is an option to set the default database path for a given instance: This works. When I say CREATE DATABASE test it gets created in the path I specify, E:\data. Great. But how do I get this path in T-SQL (for use in setup scripts)? Contrary to what many pages say, there is no registry key (...