
Grails: How do I print in the cmd console??

I wanna print a few values in the console, how do I do this? Every time I get into a function, I want it to print a line with whatever text, I just wanna know if I'm getting into the function, and for some if-else statements. Mostly for debugging. ...

Hide Java Output

Hi Guys! I am using an external library. When a call a method of this library then it outputs some text on console. I want to hide this text from console. How is it possible? Thanks in Advance ...

Can the console output of a Windows console application be captured fully (incl. advanced manipulations)?

It is a trivial matter of redirecting a console program's standard input/output, but what about if the program uses advanced console functions? Like outputting colored text, throwing the cursor around and manipulating the console buffer directly? Can that also be captured and redirected to my own program for processing? Note: I'm talkin...

How can I update the current line in a C# Windows Console App while waiting for ReadLine?

When building a Windows Console App in C#, is it possible to update lines in the console while waiting for a readline? My current code is: do { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("RA: " + scope.RightAscension); Console.WriteLine("Dec: " + scope.Declination); Console.WriteLine("Status: " + scope.Slewing); Syst...

How can I update a line in a C# Windows Console App while without disrupting user input?

When building a Windows Console App in C#, is it possible to update lines in the console while the user is entering text? My current code is: public static void Scope() { bool stop = false; ASCOM.Utilities.Chooser chooser = new ASCOM.Utilities.Chooser {DeviceType = "Telescope"}; ASCOM.Interface.ITelescop...

Running Pine/Alpine within a windows powershell

Hi, I am attempting to move most of my daily working life to a terminal shell. I am a .NET dev so I run on WinXP purely for visual studio (just wait until I get better at emacs). I would really much like it if I could use an email client within a terminal (either using Console or powershell within Console). From my uni days I know of ... sendmessge to console box

Hey all, i am trying to send some text to a console box (dos box) from my vb program but i can not seem to get it working. Here is my current code: Dim blah As Long Private Const WM_GETTEXT As Integer = &HD Declare Auto Function SendMessage Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal msg As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lPar...

How do I include a console in Winforms?

I would like to have a console window embedded in a Winform. Is there any way to do this? ...

c# reading user input without stopping an app

Hi, I know I can use ReadKey for that but it will freeze the app until user presses a key. Is it possible (in console app) to have some loop running and still be able to react? I can only think of events but not sure how to use them in console. My idea was that the loop would check for input during each iteration. ...

Adding Hyperlink to eclipse Console- Cannot navigate to the specified line in the FileLink

Hi , I am writing a text editor in eclipse and added a console view to it for displaying the error messages and warnings. With the FileLink Class and MessageConsole.addHyperLink method i have successfully added a hyper link to the console which navigates to the corresponding text editor file in the Eclipse workbench. I want to navigate ...

How can I read from STDIN in a WPF application

The question is that I have some HID devices that act as a keyboard (MSR, Barcode scaner, RFID reader) and I want to be able to read their input in my WPF application without the necessity for this to happen in say a text field in the application. Is it possible to read from STDIN in a WPF application. calling Console.ReadLine() return...

Capture all console from process

I have a .net app that needs to spawn a console process (a java app) and capture the output in order to respond to it in various ways. I'm not having much trouble getting the process spawned, and getting most output, but some of it is missing. I am assuming it's somehow not going to "standard output", but I need to find out how to capt...

enum ConsoleColor - is that type?

Hi, I know I can set property ForegroundColor of consele but what I am not sure is: the property is of the type enum or ConsoleColor, which is enum? I just do not know what I am exactly doing, setting the property to value of consolecolor (what is this, instance of enum? enum?). Thanks ...

How to get result of the previous action

Hi Inside rails console you can get the result of the previous operation with _ Is there any way to do such a thing inside ruby program? ...

Console.Write() - display extended ascii chars?

I am able to correctly display the standard ASCII symbols (up to 127) like "heart", "note" you know what I mean. I would like to also display ones that I can use for drawing walls (like U0205) but it does not work..well, it works but it looks like "?". Any way how I can display them? Thank you. ...

Which characters to choose when "drawing" a box on Windows console?

I'm trying to port a curses program to Windows. Now one of the problems is that the default ACS_XXXX characters become double-width on Windows console, thus breaking the alignment. I tried looking for other characters to do the job, like '-' or '|' in basic ASCII, but none of them looks good because the line is not continuous. And findi...

Vim Question Regarding Views

I have been reading a lot of the questions here on vim. I can't locate something that I want to do with vim but I am sure its possible. I like vim(I am still new at it) using tabs and I have adjusted my vimrc so that H & L keys take me back and forth between tabs. I was hoping to find a way to be able to use tab commands to open up a t...

MSVC++ more than one console window

In MSVC++ you can summon a console window to your app by running: // Attach a console AllocConsole() ; AttachConsole( GetCurrentProcessId() ) ; freopen( "CON", "w", stdout ) ; Now printf and cout automatically go to that window. Is it possible in MSVC++ to have more than one console window? ...

Checking Standard Input in C#

I'm writing a small command line utility whose purpose is to parse the output of another utility. I want it to be invokable in two ways: c:\> myutility filewithoutput.txt Or, c:\> otherutility -args | myutility So, basically, standard in or a file argument. My first attempt at this looked like this: TextReader reader; if (args.Le...

C# console (static class clarification)

Hello, I hope I understood the concept of static classes (thanks to Jon Skeet and his answer on my other question). Also, I am only intersted why on MSDN they do not show Console as typical static class. Or is Console something special in this way? ...