
Log to Safari JavaScript Console

Is there any way to log to Safari's JavaScript console when running with the built-in JavaScript debugger? I've read the Firefox JavaScript logging question and hoping that there is a simple ("native") way to do it in WebKit/Safari. Thanks ...

A C# Textbox that functions like a CLI

I am creating a console like application and I am wonder what the best way to prevent the user from editing previously executed commands would be. Right now I am using a KeyPressEventHandler to check where the user is trying to type and essentially ignore it if the caret is somewhere other then the "prompt" portion of the textbox. This f...

How to read from console in MATLAB?

How do I read a string or character from MATLAB console (command window)? ...

Starting a process in the current command window in .NET

I have this in a VB.NET console application: Dim p As ProcessStartInfo p = New ProcessStartInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory & "\bin\javac.exe",ClassName & ".java") Dim ps As Process = Process.Start(p) This does run the java compiler on the file, but it does so in a new window. I want the output from javac to appear in the same conso...

SetConsoleCtrlHandler not working on Server 2003

I've written a daemon console app in c# that is run from Scheduled Tasks. I want to detect when the user right-clicks on the task and does "End Task" in order to do some logging and cleanup. I'm currently using SetConsoleCtrlHandler to register a callback and this works perfectly on my development XP machine. However, when it is run on ...

C# Console App Threading?

Hi, I'm about to write a console app which will run once a week at 2am on Sunday Morning. It's going to interrogate a SQL server database, then perform some calculations and then write the results to a new database. It's processing hundreds of thousands of records so it's going to take hours to complete. I'm going to create a C# co...

How do I need to modify my WinForms app to also run in the console?

I have a .NET WinForms app written in C#. In order to support batch operations, I'd now like to make the app able to run in the console. Is it possible to have an app that detects on startup whether it is running in the console or not? What modifications do I need to make in order to achieve this behaviour? ...

How to display japanese Kanji inside a cmd window under windows?

I have an english Windows 2003 server with asiatic language support activated. The two only fonts available for the command window (cmd settings) are raster and lucida console. Neither the one nor the other display the Kanji correctly (displayed as question mark). Is there a solution to get them displayed? Is there some transformation ...

Firefox jQuery console script that visits all links on a page

Hi Is it possible to write a jQuery scripts that visits all links on page from the console in firefox, so next time i visit the page they are all marked as visited? Chers! Johan ...

What's a good memory-efficient text viewer for Linux?

I need to browse humongous log files from the command line while connected to a web server. I don't want to open the file and have the entire contents read into memory, hogging up the server's memory. I just need to be able to page through and search the log. I usually use "nano". Is this one all right with memory? ...

cygwin + console2: running cygwin bash with startup dir

I am using Console2 as a bash wrapper on Windows. Most importantly, it enables me to start up a new bash tab in a predefined project directory. Now I would like to replace the Windows command line by a Cygwin bash. However, the "Startup Dir" setting in Console2 is not respected by Cygwin. Basically, I see three solution approaches: F...

C#: Application without a window or taskbar item (background app) that can still use Console.WriteLine()

I'm trying to create an application that adheres to the following: No Taskbar No console or form window Can utilize Console.WriteLine(). (i.e. If someone executes the app from command prompt it will actually write to that console.) The problem is if I create a Windows Form (or WPF) application I can have it so that there is no taskba...

Rails: rake db:migrate isn't output to script/server console window

i have two cmd consoles opened in Windows. One is running the "ruby script/server" the other i run a "rake db:migrate" command. But the server console doesn't output the log of the migration? Someone has an idea what's the reason? ...

Can anyone provide a good "idiot's guide" to creating an installer in VS2008 (C#) Pro?

I have Visual C# 2008 Professional and have developed the first half of a C# application (console mode) with the second half in progress now (GUI). I'm looking for an easy path to creating an installer for it. What are the steps that need to be taken to produce a professional installer? There's a similar question here regarding the Exp...

How to close a console application by typing EXIT?

I have an VB.Net Console Application running and I do not want it to close when the user hit the ENTER button, rather I want it to close when they type EXIT and then press ENTER. What should I do? ...

How to check if Linux console screensaver has blanked screen

Hi, is there a way to check programmatically (via ioctl(), etc.) or by reading a file in /sys, /proc or /dev) whether the screen has been blanked by the Linux console screensaver? Thanks and best regards, Günter ...

Is there any ScalaConsole around?

when using GroovyConsole I've found that i'ts much more useful then scala command-line REPL. Does anyone know will it be ScalaConsole anytime soon? It will certainly help to fiddle with Scala and learn its ways ...

How can we use timer control in VB.Net Console Application?

I am trying to use an timer control in my console application Friend WithEvents XTIMER As System.Windows.Forms.Timer I am getting its all the properties.I have set the interval to 15000 ms.but even if i am setting the enabled state of the timer control to be true,the tick event is not firing.Can any one help me out please!!!!! Thanks ...

Is there any alternative to Process in .NET for running commands in the command line?

In my previous question I detailed the problem I encountered. One of the solutions is to simulate a user typing the command in the prompt. I don't know how to do it in .NET, since the usual way of doing this is by using System.Diagnostics.Process which causes the error. I wonder if there is any alternative to that class? What are the ...

rails console - display active record results in a table

Is there a way to display Active Record results in table format in the script/console environment? ...