
Program refuses to run when a file is dropped on it

Hi, I have a C# (2.0) console application that is supposed to work by allowing the user to drag and drop a file onto it's executable, and if is run with no arguments it spits out some help text. Now it all works fine on my computer, however when running on my colleagues, when he drags and drops files on it to process it flashes up the c...

Spark in a Console Application Targetting .NET 4.0

I was just wondering if anyone has successfully got Spark to work in a .NET 4.0 console application for compiling templates to HTML. Unfortunately I am getting the following error: Unhandled Exception: Spark.Compiler.CompilerException: Dynamic view compilation failed. (0,0): error CS1703: An assembly with the same identity 'mscorlib, V...

Color console boxes in linux terminal

So I have noticed that things (for lack of a better word) like this and are just done in the console using special characters and changing their color. I know how to accomplish this on windows but how would I go about doing this in linux (I am using ubuntu if that matters)? Are there any predefined classes out there to help const...

Reading StdOut Asynch from a c console app

I have a console based c app . I am executing it from c# silently using Redirecting Standard Output and doing it synchronously which works fine. Now i want to do it in asynch manner which is giving output like synch manner. i.e OutPutDataRecieved event is fired but only after the console app(exe) finishes.OutputDataRecieved event is fire...

Boson vs Thor for console applications

Has anyone used both: Boson: and Thor: Thor are very popular and have more followers and contributers than Boson, but Boson looks far more powerful than Thor and the architecture is very well thought out. In Boson you: can add method...

Ruby gems for user interaction in the shell?

I wonder if there are Ruby gems for user interaction in the shell similar to the Thor::Actions. Maybe more extensive. ...

Create console in python

Hi, I'm looking to have the same functionality (history, ...) as when you simply type python in your terminal. The script I have goes through a bunch of setup code, and when ready, the user should have a command prompt. What would be the best way to achieve this? ...

XCode Debugger Console doesn't display anything

Hello I'm developping iPhone applications for a while with xcode. But since this morning, my debugger console doesn't display anything anymore. I've reinstalled XCode. But nothing. Has someone had a similar problem? What can i do to repair it? Thanks for your help ...

spawning console sub process with different output

Hi, I have a console application written in c# which starts a new process. This new process is also a console application. The problem is that whole child process output goes to parent console window and i don't want it to. It doesn't matter if it creates a new console window or not, I don't need it. Edit: Process p = new Process(); p...

cobol - java console output

HI, I have a jar using log4j, it has only a file appender. If I run it from eclipse or from windows command line it works fine, but if I call the jar from cobol the logger is printed in the console too. I guess cobol is the problem, how could I deactivate the console log thx a lot! ...

How to read from terminal stream in java GUI application?

I have a hardware system that will be writing to the terminal stream. I need to be able to monitor that stream for updates (writes) from my java application. How can I do this? I've only ever interacted with the terminal in a pure console application. I could also write my application in .Net languages, so I'll accept answers for .NE...

Problem with using open4 in Ruby.

I have a script I want to execute with open4. Here is the file: script #!/usr/bin/env ruby print "Enter your username: " username = gets puts "Here is your username: #{username}" print "Enter your password: " password = gets puts "Here is your password: #{password}" Then I fire up IRB and type: ruby-1.9.2-p0 > pid, stdin, stdout, s...

Chrome Developer Console Can't Run JS Loops

In the chrome console, I can't run any loops. Why is this? For example, the following will give a syntax error of "Expected '('" for each (var item in [1, 2, 3]) alert(item) ...

mysql client console broken for some utf-8 encoded characters

hey, I can write my language specific characters into mysql console, but when backspacing or moving right and left on the line, it gets messed up, and I have to ctrl + c because the console can't be used at all then. Otherwise the character set is properly set up. My platform (linux) charset is set to UTF-8....this is just a bug I can't...

iOS - how to put Xcode console in gdb mode when using the simulator

When I build and test on the device, the Xcode console automatically goes into gdb mode, which makes it much easier to do stack traces. However, when I test on the simulator the console does not use gdb. I've looked everywhere for a preference setting but can't find anything. How can you use gdb when using the simulator? ...

How to read command line ouput from Java (via Runtime.getRuntime().exec(...))

I'm trying to present some information in a Swing application about the existance of symlinks. The GUI has a JTextArea resultTextArea and a JTextField statusField. This is the code inside the Dialog class: public void checkForSymLinks(File... dirs) { for (File dir : dirs) { try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime()....

Why am I getting a null pointer exception

Hi, Today is my first day learning java :) I'm having problems running a very simple example (not a great start). It's just a simple example that asks a user for input and prints it back out but I'm getting a null pointer exception when I try to read a line from the console. I don't understand because everything seems to be instantia...

Bind Console Output to RichEdit

Hello, So pretty straightforward question. I have a c# .dll with a whole lot of Console.Writeline code and would like to be able to view that output in a forms application using this .dll. Is there a relatively easy way of binding the console output to a RichEdit (or other suitable control)? Alternatively, can I embed an actual console ...

Simple C scanf does not work?

If I try something such as: int anint; char achar; printf("\nEnter any integer:"); scanf("%d", &anint); printf("\nEnter any character:"); scanf("%c", &achar); printf("\nHello\n"); printf("\nThe integer entered is %d\n", anint); printf("\nThe char entered is %c\n", achar); It allows entering an integer, then skips the second scanf com...

Style a JTextPane to have console-like formatting?

Is there a way to make the text in a JTextPane look similar to that of console output? By that I mean, basically, how each character is the same width, so that things like ASCII art, or spacing indentation would work correctly. For example, currently, if I type "First" and then 5 spaces, and then on a new line "Second" and then 4 spaces...