
[nginx] Forcing user's browser to save files to cache

My website is a online music portal with online playing system. When user play a song, it is served by nginx server on port 8080 on my server. The problem is when the song has finished playing, the player repeats the song. But every time it replays, it makes another call to server and starts downloading the file again to play. Previ...

Reset iframe after page refresh

I have a page that loads in content via iframe. Within that content is a link that goes to another page, but loads in content to the page the same way. When I refresh the page, the content from the second iframe is still loaded in. Is there anyway to reset it to the first iframe on a page refresh, without having to Shift+Refresh? ...

Missing Infopath Content Type in SharePoint Form Library

I've had a strange issue come up. We have a Form Library in SharePoint with a number of InfoPath forms. When a user creates a new InfoPath form using the "New" drop down menu and saves it back to the form library. The content type of the form and the document are not associated. I can fix the document type, open the form back up, save...

Page content type

I have a list of links for the page which point to the images. When I click some the image opens in the browser, and I need to make it downloadable (use have to see the window for image saving). As I udnerstand, I have to make script (php only), and use it in that links addresses, passing the image name to it. Then, somehow change the co...

Page / Email content schema

I am creating a user content website similar to yelp. Site will support multi language in 15 different languages. Need some advice on storing system content, that is: Page content (all the default page text and menu items) Page attributes (Title bar, meta tags like keywords, description, etc) Email content (Subject, header, footer - ...

Setcontentview() isn't running

Hello, i am learning from a tutorial in witch i can send messages by UDP protocol, the sample is working and i can send and receive messages. Now i want to make a listener for port 12345 to listen the messages received, maybe its not the best way but i do this with a handler... LinearLayout main = new LinearLayout(IpClient.this); m...

Broken view in drupal - there is empty white area

Hi, I'm newbie and I'm trying to solve my problem for 2 days already! Im desperate! I've got a Content Type let's say X. I don't want to see this X on my website by default, only if someone searches for it. I added a filter to Views not to display content type X. It works ... it is not displayed, but instead there are empty white blank...

SharePoint 2007 property bag content deplyment

Does anyone know if the property bag settings for a sharepoint 2007 site is included in content deployment? my google foo has failed me today for a solidified answer. ...

Android : How to get Content URIs

Hello I am new to android programming and wanted to know if there is a list of content URI available for reference for eg. content://sms/inbox - is content URI to access SMS inbox. is there any such list which provides all the content URIs which can be used with the android system to get the data. I have searched the android SDK d...

Copying contents of one file to another in C++

I am using the following program to try to copy the contents of a file, src, to another, dest, in C++. The simplified code is given below: #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { fstream src("c:\\tplat\test\\secClassMf19.txt", fstream::binary); ofstream dest("c:\\tplat\\test\\mf19b.txt", fstream::trunc|fstream::binary);...

explorer-- 1)contents moves left 2) can' see footer and header

Dear friends! first: thank you in advance. My site works fine on firefox. but when I open it at explorer. I can't see footer and header images. and contents move to the left side, over the menu Any ideas? thank you ...

jquery - find Nth word in paragraph, add an anchor, then hide remaining text..

Hi I need a way to force a "read more" type effect using jquery. I suspect it will be rather difficult going about it this way but here we go. Take this paragraph: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque interdum nisi ut sapien tincidunt pretium. Maecenas vel mi eu dui feugiat hendrerit. In hac habitasse...

User content table formatting?

I understand the part of inserting data in the database for creating a database driven user content website but how to do formatting? Say i insert the "Privacy policy" Now some text may require to be bold, some may be underline, some may have different size, spacing, etc. So do we have to insert each word 1 by 1 or how to handle this? Us...

Can't load an AJAX query with a variable as the address

Hi, simple question mostly explained in the title. I need to load up a page, but just it's #container div. I can't, though. <div id="top"><a href="index.php">Home</a> | <a href="operators.php">Operators</a></div> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#top a').click(function(){ var pageURL=$(this).attr('href'); $('#container')....

Add title-attribute on next line via :after

Hi, on my website, I got a couple of images linking to various services. Today, I wanted to add the service-name under the image. The name is already in the title-attribute of the anchor-tag, so I thought this should be easy. I tried it like this: a[title]:after{ content:"\A" attr(title); font-size:10px; text-decoration: underline; ...

How would I write an app to block specific webisites on Android?

I'm considering writing an internet filter app for Android which would allow parents to block objectionable web sites on their children's phones. I'm assuming this would also be useful on GoogleTV when it comes out. How would I even start? Is it possible to block access to specific sites without requiring the user to root their phone?...

Including resource files in Qt Creator build directory

Hello, I have a project I am working on with Qt Creator and I'm trying to get it to add my resource files to my build directories (output) automatically. I have the files in the project directory, but I don't know how to edit the *.pro file to make it include additional content files. (If that is even possible?) Does anyone know how to...

Which is less performance intensive - passing a bundle via an Intent or using a Content Provider

I would like to pass a considerable sized amount of data (~1500 bytes) between two applications in Android where performance and resource allocation is a priority. The data is basically key-value pairs. The rate at which it needs to be passed from one application to another can vary from a trickle to ~50 packets within a second. I figure...

(best) Ways to deliver control messages to custom content provider

The android content provider has methods for the normal suspects {insert, delete, query, update} but if I want to send control messages there is no obvious mechanism. Suppose one of the tables managed by the needs to be reset, cleared and reloaded. How can this be done? I have several approaches each of them seems a bit hackish. 1) cre...

problem connecting to remote web service

Hello, I was trying to connect to a fax web service, so that I can access the features of the fax server... This web service is a "wsdl" file accessed through tomcat server, it is under the "webapps" folder. when I try to call the web service using http, I face the following problem: Client found response content type of '', but expected...