
How to display a Dialog based Content Warning to Users BEFORE visiting a page?

Hi, I need to implement something similar to what this plugin for Wp does, except that I need to apply to a static website. Can anyone help me/point me towards a tutorial? Thank you, Alex ...

Can't Update Drupal Content, receive "Illegal choice 53 in Access element." error

I've inherited a Drupal 6.16 project and I'm brand new to Drupal. When I try to edit content and preview I get the following error: An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator. When I look at the logs, this is the error it displays: Type: Form Message: Illegal choice 53 in Access element. I d...

Two asp:content in web content form

Whenever I create a new Web Content Form in and select a master page. I get two asp:content controls. If I delete the first one the page still works fine. Is this a bug or a functionality ...

if div has content show div

ok heres what i have... it works fine but it looks for a word rather than content. i just want it to show when there is any content.. $(document).ready(function(){ if ($("#box3:contains('Product')").length) { $('#third').show(); } }); i dont think you need the htm...

PHP get content type

I was wondering if there is a way to find out if a given string is an image e.g. $a = 'php';// output false $b = 'jpg';// output true $c = 'js'; // output false $d = 'png';// output : true I know it can be done by checking it against an array but I am just wondering if there is a better solution. ...

XNA Framework: ContentManager.Content.Load<Texture2d>("10by10tile") is a 'method' but is used as a 'type'

I'm sorry if this is insanely stupid, but I'm a total newbie when it comes to C# and especially the XNA Framework. I got the error message from above; why in the heck does it work for Platformer1's Player code but not for me?! using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Xna.Frame...

Why install a CMS for clients?

I am a beginner freelancer eagerly trying to get my first client but I am wondering is having a CMS for a website really that important? Before I thought about this question I thought that it goes without saying that the client would benefit from having a CMS for their website, that they would love to be able to edit their content on the...

PDF with embeded 3D content

Hi guys, Does anybody knows how in practice is possible to generate a PDF file with 3D content. I mean there is a help of Adobe itself on subject, but there are on JavaScript language basically, without specification (at least I didn't find it) how to use in practise. Does anyone of you did something like: get an STL file and embed it...

PHP/jQuery populate content of squares randomly

Here is the scenario I am having problems with: I have a Wordpress page with 25 squares(divs!) on the page. I want to randomly populate the squares with: - either a thumbnail from a random post - or a background shade of red ( this shade of red may vary) Constraints: - I have the PHP code to populate the squares with a random posts t...

Chrome extension: accessing localstorage in content script

So, i have an options page where the user can define certain options and it saves it in localstorage: options.html Now, i also have a content script that needs to get the options that were defined on options.html page, but when i try to access localStorage from content script, it doesn't return the value from options page. How do i mak...

Recommended Photoshop screencasts / tutorial

Hello, I am relatively new to Photoshop and I want to improve my skills. I am looking for recommendations from the stackoverflow group for screencasts or tutorial which will show me the basics to advanced use of the Photoshop software, Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, --J ...

how add title and meta tags for content pages in a project base on master and content page(dynamically)

how can i add title and meta tags for content pages in a project base on master and content page(dinamically) ? i used the blow method for master page : public void SetMetaTags(string title, string description, string keywords) { // Get a reference to the HTML Head HtmlHead headTag = (HtmlHead)Page.Header; // Set the page...

Android: how do I create a listview screen with different content for each row

I'm looking to create a listview screen similar to the Sound Setting screen (in the built in Settings app, see image below), i.e I want some rows to have text + checkboxes, other rows to have text + "pop up" buttons, some rows should have text only etc. What is the best way to accomplish this? ...

is wrapper DIV a violation of content-style separation?

It's been said that the goal of CSS is to provide visual presentation and the goal of HTML is to provide structure of the document. Well, thank goodness. It has gotten so much easier, especially with font tags! But in practice, it seems that way many of us still rely on HTML to use CSS when it shouldn't be there. For example, it's comm...

Is there a service or website to get content pertinent to a specified City/State or Zip

I have been looking around for a website that can automatically provide me we content relative to either a city/state combo, or a zip code. Essentially I want to have a bit of content pertinent to where my user actually is. Does anybody know of any online services that provide something like this? I also wouldn't be opposed to spidering ...

Overlap two Divs hides contents

We overlap two Divs using "postion:absolute" and z-index. The text in the green zone (div id="Zone2") is hide by text in the yellow zone (div id="Zone3"). Any help on how to display the text? Edit1: We can't use nested divs. ...

Getting selected html content in tinymce editor

I have created a custom button using this code setup : function(ed) { ed.addButton('Tittle', { title : 'Tittle', image : './images/T.jpg', onclick : function() { ed.focus(); var c = ed.selection.getNode().nodeName; if(c!="TITTLE") { ed.selection.setContent('<tittle...

How can I link a content editor web part in Sharepoint to another URL link?

In Sharepoint, how can I link an image in a content editor web part to another URL link by clicking on it? I pasted my link into the Content Link space but when I apply the change it turns my image into a - and I cannot click the link ...

Removing a text from tinymce editor using javascript

I have a text <info>SOME CONTENTS GOES HERE</info> How i can remove this text from the editor when I click on a button (custom button) using javascript function. I used this code: dom.remove(dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'info')); But it is showing an error. Is there any solution? Thanks in advance. ...

Is there a special mime type for sending mail content geared towards mobile phones

I've been writing mail software for years and now I'm being asked to deliver mail to mobile phones. You can send a multipart/alternative type email so you can send both html and text versions of the email. Has there been a standard introduced that supports a 3rd type geared towards mobile devices? I've been searching but I'm not finding ...