
CruiseControl with VSS - checks all files

I have cruise control and VSS 6.0. I have configured cruise control every hour with the condition IfModificationExists. It check for the modification and get the source, but it checks all the files in the VSS. ie my VSS contains 1000 files and only 1 file is modified. CCNet detects 1 modification, but checks for all the files from the V...

Is it a good idea to use HP Quality Center for Continuous Integration?

We need to compile our code after check - ins, be notified if compile fails, run tests, be notified of test results and publish our application (publish a website or create an msi file for a desktop app) on a daily basis. We are using SVN and were considering using TeamCity or CruiseControl.NET for continuous integration server for our ...

Continuous version control

I haven't seen a continuous version control system - one that would save changes in your code as you developed them, rather than waiting for an official check in. The changes would be saved as 'not checked in' of course, but they would be saved away for backup, and viewing by others before you actually did the official check in. I have...

Missing dependencies when building through CruiseControl

The problem is that when projects are been built and produced normally without any errors the final packaged msi is missing dependency assemblies that are normally packaged if someone builds the project through visual studio for example. So what happens is that the application is getting installed normally and then crashes on run time by...

Finding TeamCity Agent's working path for use in MSBuild script

Hello, I want to copy the output files from my build to a staging server, but I can't figure out how to find the path used by TeamCity to store the build output in from in MSBuild. Any help? Thanks! ...

How to define suppressions-definitions for checkstyle, that work with both ant and eclipse.

I use in a project checkstyle and I have defined a SuppressionFilter in my checkstyle-configuration. I use Apache ant to make automatic builds via Continuous Integration. My problems comes from the following situation: I don't want to fill to much files into the project-basedir, so the checkstyle.xml and the suppressions.xml are both in...

Integrating two datasets... Help!

I'm doing some work to integrate two databases in two different places. One is an Access db and the other SQLServer. The size of the set is really quite small, say 350 records. This could be really straightforward however the two people that 'own' the datasets insist on being able to add new fields to the databases. Any ideas as to how...

Automating .Net deployment using Cruise Control .Net

I've currently got CC.Net setup for doing builds and it's awesome. But now I want to go all the way and use it for deployment as well. I was thinking about installing CC.Net on staging and after a build completes and it's autouploaded fire the forcebuild trigger to staging and have it use msbuild and the necessary extensions to gac, in...

Controlled Integration of Changes with Continuous Integration

I have a NSIS installer that we previously built using nAnt scripts that copy some files around and run makensis.exe via a exec task to build the installer exe. After the nant script completes, I have the compelte structure for our CD and also our download. I was just doing a get from sourcesafe onto an unused desktop and using it as a...

Which metrics are most useful in an ASP .Net build server?

I'm just wondering what metrics people measure on a build server. I'm setting up a build server for a series of asp .net 2.0 projects. On the server I'm currently measuring: Unit test code coverage. Build and test run time. LOC (just out of idle curiosity). Cyclomatic complexity. Some FxCop rules. What do you measure and how do you...

On Maven2, how may I call an URL at the end of a (failed or successful) build?

I've build a small AppeEngine application which displays a green or red screen according to an URL call (/pass or /fail). That page is refreshed every minute. The idea is to use a spare computer to display that build status page and set a continuous integration tool (TeamCity in my case) which will call the /pass or /fail URL at the end...

Can I use cygwin to script a hudson build step?

I've tried executing the following: #!C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe ls ${WORKSPACE} But that doesn't find ls (even if it's on the windows path). Is there any way to set this up? UPDATE: In other words, I want to be able to set up a build step that uses cygwin bash instead of windows cmd like this page shows you how to do with Python. ...

How do you get Cruise Control to Email the unit test results from Gallio(MbUnit)?

I have a build server that uses Cruise Control to run our test cases. I have successfully configured ccnet 1.4.2 to display the Gallio test results in the webdashboard but I can't seem to get ccservice to email the Gallio test results out in the auto generated Emails. I have tried editing the .xsl file but to no avail. I am merging th...

TeamCity - How to create an installer package?

I'm pretty new with TeamCity but have 2-3 years experience with CC.NET-t. I'm familiar with MSBuild but maybe TeamCity has other ways to build things. I see that TeamCity has a nice UI and great plug-in framework. But I have no idea how can I configure an installer package build. My questions: I've checked out the source and built th...

Can I access the build label?

Is there any way I can have access to the CruiseControl.NET's build label number? (Maybe by using a batch file.) Basically, I want to retrieve the value "LastSuccessfulIntegrationLabel" and use in a batch file before building. ...

Continous Integration: Unmanaged C++ on Visual Studio 2008

I've spent 4 years developing C++ using Visual Studio 2008 for a commercial company; it's now time for me to upgrade my development process. Here's the problem: I dont have a 1 button build automation. I also dont have a CI server that automatically builds when a commit happens, and emails me whether a build is broken or not. Worse we d...

Cruise versus TeamCity versus

We are using and we are looking into moving to team city but i just noticed that thoughtworks has another product called Cruise is anyone using this product in a production environment and if so do they have an opinion on this product versus team city ...

Tagging unit-tests

I'm working on a PHP project with solid unit-tests coverage. I've noticed, that last time, I'm making very tricky manipulations with unit-tests Command-Line Test Runner' --filter command. Here is this command's explanation from official documentation: --filter Only runs tests whose name matches the given pattern. The ...

Thoughtworks Cruise: Unit Testing?

I'm evaluating Cruise (NOTE! Not CruiseControl but Cruise (commercial)) for doing CI with an unmanaged MSVC++ 2008 project. I use GoogleTest framework for my unit test. I know that GTest can output its result as an JUnit XML or XML format. My question is, does Cruise support JUnit/XML format? How would Cruise know whether or not my unit...

Modern Build tool suitable for Visual Studio MSBuild

Hi I'm new to build automation and Continuous Integration, but have done extensive research on the subject. First the question: assuming I have an unmanaged Visual C++ .sln file, and that I can build it with MsBuild, which modern build tool should I pick which allows me to easily perform pre/post build steps? I dont want "old" build t...