
designer.cs weirdness

I recently checked out a large C# code base that I will be doing some work with, and converted the project(s) from VS2005 to VS2008. On building the solution, I seem to have generated a bunch of designer.cs files that do not belong there. I am now getting class re-declared errors. Note the designer.cs (and the associated resx files) have...

c++ audio conversion ( mp3 -> ogg ) question.

I was wondering if anyone knew how to convert an mp3 audio file to an ogg audio file. I know there are programs you can buy online, but I would rather just have my own little app that allowed me to convert as many files I wanted. ...

Disable Visual Studio 2008 Conversion Wizard for VSTO

Is it possible to deactivate the VS 2008 conversion wizard. I want to open a solution that contains VSTO project for Office 2003 and I don't want them to be converted when I open the solution on a PC with Office 2007. ...

Convert syntax highlighted code to HTML in Emacs

In TextMate there is a feature called "Create HTML from Document", which converts displayed code including syntax coloring to HTML/CSS for easy online publishing. I wonder if there is such a feature hidden in Emacs or maybe an extension that I could install to do that. ...

Converting very large decimal numbers to hexadecimal (1.67119535743*10^33)

I'm curious as to if it'd be possible to convert a very, very large decimal number such as 1.67119535743*10^33/1.67119535743E+33 to hexadecimal via PHP or C#. All my previous attempts have failed, unfortunately. Thanks to all in advance! ...

How do you convert a JavaScript date to UTC?

Suppose a user of your website enters a date range. 2009-1-1 to 2009-1-3 You need to send this date to a server for some processing, but the server expects all dates and times to be in UTC. Now suppose the user is in Alaska or Hawaii or Fiji. Since they are in a timezone quite different from UTC, the date range needs to be converted...

Create video from nearly still images

I make a set of pictures of landscape from nearly same point and direction, one photo each day for three months. Is there a way for creating video from this image set which can run smooth? I need some like this question ( but with nois...

Importing D7 DPR in Delphi 2009: "Invalid character in text content"

I'm trying to open old projects generated in Delphi 7 with Delphi 2009. On some projects, this causes the following error message from the IDE: "An invalid character was found in text content" The affected projects are working fine in the old IDE. How can I solve this? ...

Convert String to int

I am trying to write a simple program that asks the user to enter a number and then I will use that number to decide what the cost of the ticket will be for their given age. I am having trouble when trying to convert the string to int. Otherwise the program layout is fine. Any suggestions? thanks using System; class ticketPrice { ...

Tool to convert ASP to PHP

I program mostly in PHP and have a site along with other samples in ASP I need to convert over to PHP. Is there some kind of "translator" tool that can either enter lines of code or full slabs that attempts to output a close PHP equivalent? Otherwise, is there an extensive table that lists comparisons (such as

Getting Session is not a memeber of My while converting a web site to web application

Currently I have a web site project having refernces to many other projects. I am converting the website to Web Application. I am keep getting Session is not a member of My, Cache is not a member of My, Logon is not a member of My. Any one has any idea how to get rid of these errors ...

Load Jpg/Gif/Bitmap and convert to Bitmap

Hi, I have to load an image from an XML file. There is no information in the XML file about whether the image is JPG/GIF/BMP. After loading the image, I need to convert it to Bitmap. Does anyone have any clue how to convert images to Bitmap without knowing the actual file format? I'm using Delphi 2007/2009 Thank you. ...

XAML markup to use DecimalConverter?

I've a Decimal retail price property that I'm binding to a TextBox e.g. Text="{Binding Path=RetailPrice}". By default this displays with all 4 decimal places showing "0.0000". I assume I can use the built in DecimalConverter to shorten this to 2 decimal places "0.00", but can't for the life of me figure out the Xaml markup for this. Or...

1-digit hexadecimal convertion in c#?

I would like to convert an Int32 in the range 0-15 into a the corresponding char in hexadecimal. One really dummy solution consists in writing var hex = new[] {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}; var myCharInHex = hex[myValue]; Yet, this solution looks plain wrong, any bet...

Java API to convert JPEG to TIFF

I am looking at java APIs to convert JPEG file streams to TIFF files. I looked at the JAI but did not find something similar to what i am looking at. Can someone point me to a good API which does this ? ...

Are implicity/explicit conversion methods inherited in C#?

Hello all, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I have a generic class, which is basically a glorified integer, with a few methods for certain string formatting, as well as into/from string and int conversions: public class Base { protected int m_value; ... // From int public static implicit operator Base(int Value)...

JavaScript string and number conversion

How can I do the following in JavaScript? Step (1) Concatenate "1", "2", "3" into "123" Step (2) Convert "123" into 123 Step (3) Add 123 + 100 = 223 Step (4) Covert 223 into "223" ...

JSON conversion in javascript

I'm trying to stringify a multi-array variable into a JSON string in Javascript. The //i'm using functions from var info = new Array(max); for (var i=0; i<max; i++) { var coordinate = [25 , 32]; info[i] = coordinate; } var result = JSON.stringify(info); But result doesn't look like a JSON string at a...

Ever done a total rewrite of a large C++ application in C#?

I know Joel says to never do it, and I agree with this in most cases. I do think there are cases where it is justified. We have a large C++ application (around 250,000 total lines of code) that uses a MFC front end and a Windows service as the core components. We are thinking about moving the project to C#. The reasons we are thinking ...

Convert a PDF to a Transparent PNG with GhostScript

Hi all. I am attempting, unsuccessfully, to use Ghostscript to rasterize PDF files with a transparent background to PNG files with a transparent background. I've searched high and low for questions from others attempting the same thing and none of the posted solutions, which as far as I can tell come down to specifying -sDEVICE=pngalpha,...