
How to convert a byte array to its numeric value (Java)?

Hi everyone, I have an 8 byte array and I want to convert it to its corresponding numeric value. e.g. byte[] by = new byte[8]; // the byte array is stored in 'by' // CONVERSION OPERATION // return the numeric value I want a method that will perform the above conversion operation. ...

Converting a project from C++ to C#

I've got a medium scale project (a turn-based game) that's currently written in C/C++. Only one person is working on it. It will complie with /clr, although I haven't tried /clr:pure. I'm looking for advice on the overall process of converting it to C#. It's mainly C with a thin veneer of C++ on it (C with static/singleton classes for ...

write the data from an excel sheet to the text file though C#

Hello, i need to write the data from an excel sheet/workbook to the text file though C#. also, i want all excel worksheet data in single text file. Apart from reading the data from excel sheets one by one and then appending it to the existing text file is there any other simple way to do it? Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in a...

MS SQL server casting without exception.

Hello world! Is there any "convert" function in MS SQL server that allows to cast types safely(without throwing exception). I need something like "tryParse" in C# lang but as SQL statement. More detailed, I need the following statement returns zero or any else but throwing exception. select convert(float, 'fjsdhf') thanks in advance...

Can someone explain the conversion from byte array to hex string?

I recently started looking at MD5 hashing (in Java) and while I've found algorithms and methods to help me accomplish that, I'm left wondering how it actually works. For one, I found the following from this URL: private static String convertToHex(byte[] data) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < data.len...

Is there any good reason to convert an app written in python to c#?

I have written several Python tools for my company. Is there any good reason to convert them from Python to C# now that their usefulness has been proven? Would I be better off just leaving them in Python? ...

T4 Project Context in VB

How do I convert this to VB.NET?...I already tried running it through some online converters with no luck. Its one of the first lines in a T4 file... var dte = (DTE)((IServiceProvider)Host).GetService(typeof(SDTE)); Here is the VB that is spit out from on online converters: Dim dte As EnvDTE.DTE= DirectCast(DirectCast(Host, IServi...

Flv to mp4 conversion

Hi All, I want to play the flv files in Android. So what I thought is to convert the flv file to mp4 or 3gp(for which there is a decoder in Android). OpenCore can be used to convert. I have looked into opencore code, there is a class in opencore "/android/external/opencore/fileformats/mp4/composer" to create the mp4 file. It has apis li...

Best way to remove repeats in a collection in Java?

Hey all, This is a two-part question: First, I am interested to know what the best way to remove repeating elements from a collection is. The way I have been doing it up until now is to simply convert the collection into a set. I know sets cannot have repeating elements so it just handles it for me. Is this an efficient solution? Wou...

png to bmp

is there anyway that i can convert a png to a bmp in c# i want to download a image then convert it to a bmp then set it as the desktop background i have the downloading bit and the background bit done i just need to convert the png to a bmp ...

How do I convert the SERIESSUM function to VB6?

On the Daily Dose of Excel website, written by the late Frank Kabel, there are some formulae which can stand in for ATP functions. Not being an Excel guru, I'm struggling with converting one (so far!) to VB6. (Why I'm doing this I may relate once the NDA runs out.) The problem I'm having is with the code standing in for SERIESSUM, namel...

Are there programmatic tools for Perl to Python conversion?

In my new job more people are using Python than Perl, and I have a very useful API that I wrote myself and I'd like to make available to my co-workers in Python. I thought that a compiler that compiled Perl code into Python code would be really useful for such a task. Before trying to write something that parsed Perl (or at least, the ...

MSI behaves differently after conversion to VS2008

After converting the solution to vs2008 from 2005, my msi started behaving differently. Not all the dlls get ovewritten and if I launch the msi from another process (with createProcess) it fails (saying smt like 'a package returned an unexpected value') and the installation rolls back. I understand this is kind of a common problem and...

'System::String ^' to 'LPCWSTR'

Hey, I want to convert 'System::String ^' to 'LPCWSTR'. for FindFirstFile(LPCWSTR,WIN32_FIND_DATA); Please help. ...

Redirecting old .aspx files to Wordpress equivalents

I've converted an associates old website to Wordpress. The domain name remains the same. All the old .aspx files fall into the root of the domain folder ( with no .htaccess file while the Wordpress replacement site has an .htaccess file - domain is I have 36 old .aspx files in the root that I need to pe...

Problem with converting int to string in Linq to entities

var items = from c in contacts select new ListItem { Value = c.ContactId, //Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' (ContactId) to 'string' (Value). Text = c.Name }; var items = from c in contacts select new ListItem { Value = c.Conta...

C++ convert hex string to signed integer

I want to convert a hex string to a 32 bit signed integer in C++. So, for example, I have the hex string "fffefffe". The binary representation of this is 11111111111111101111111111111110. The signed integer representation of this is: -65538. How do I do this conversion in C++? This also needs to work for non-negative numbers. F...

How can I convert this javascript function to PHP?

function escCtrlChars(str) { return str.replace(/[\0\t\n\v\f\r\xa0'"!-]/g, function(c) { return '!' + c.charCodeAt(0) + '!'; }); } Ok this is a function that replaces control characters from a string with another string starting and ending with ! My question is. Is c the character found while...

How to convert hex string to float in Java?

How to convert hexadecimal string to single precision floating point in Java? For example, how to implement: float f = HexStringToFloat("BF800000"); // f should now contain -1.0 I ask this because I have tried: float f = (float)(-1.0); String s = String.format("%08x", Float.floatToRawIntBits(f)); f = Float.intBitsToFloat(Integer.valu...

Convert Floated Divs/Images into single Image

Bit of a weird one here - I've created a map with various image overlays floated over the top using CSS for a web app which is built in; it looks and works fine in the browser, however the page the map appears in is sometimes converted to a Word document for editing, after conversion the map either disappears if using background ...