
converting a website from to mvc and formatting seems off

i am converting over a website and using the same .css files. its really strange as the site looks slightly different in terms of formatting (font sizes, padding, spacing, etc . ) does this make any sense because i am using the same stylesheets. is there anything that webforms was doing that was magic. i am reviewing the act...

.Net - Problems converting code-snippet from C# to VB.Net

I have problems in converting the following code-snippet from C# to VB.Net: if ((currentItem.Tag as FileSystemKind?) != FileSystemKind.File) { if (currentFileName == GOBACK) currentPath = currentPath.Substring(0, currentPath.Length - Path.GetFileName(currentPath).Length - 1); else currentPath = Path.Combine(currentP...

Is there an equivalent to doclifter that goes from (X)HTML to DocBook?

I was thinking about creating a nice browsable HTML version of my manpages and it turns out that doclifter does just what I want via the manlifter program, since it can lift TROFF into DocBook. However, it got me thinking that it would be quite useful to have a similar library that could lift (X)HTML into DocBook, because operating on t...

Is there a way to convert a .obj file from Lightwave 3D to .h file for OpenGL ES in iPhone?

I am looking for a way to convert a .obj file of Lightwave 3D to a .h file for iPhone. I looked around and has seen several scripts that can generate .h files for you, but all of them cannot understand Lightwave 3D .obj format. If anyone appears to know some sort of methods that can translate lightwave 3d .obj files to .h file, please sh...

COnvert a datetime From GMT to other(Eastern,Mountain,Pacific,Indian,..) formats

Hi, I need to know how to convert a date time of GMT time zone format into other formats like Eastern,Pacific,Mountain and India.. time zone formats in c#,asp.net2.0 and dot net frame work 2.0. Thanks in Advance Rupa. ...

Open Source Java library for conversion to HTML?

I know there are some Java libraries to create PDF files and the likes, but does anybody know of a Java library to convert various file formats to HTML, especially PDF and MS Word files? The purpose of this is to display a file preview in the web browser. Thanks in advance! ...

Best way to create programmatically Office document previews viewable in a browser?

Several possibilities come to mind: Convert to Flash (using a software like print2flash) - but that's very brittle as it requires using a print driver... Convert to SVG (using a software like svgmaker) - but that requires a plugin in Explorer Convert to HTML using the Office API - but that's only viewable in Explorer Ideally the outp...

What is the difference between a shared formula and an array formula?

Excel defines shared formulas and array formulas. What is the difference? My understanding is that array formulas are now obsolete. Is this true? Is it possible to transform array formulas into shared formulas? ...

There is any free DBF file converter?

I have only found trial versions of these converters. Does anyone know a free one? Any of the following target formats will do: CSV, MDB, SQL, XLS ...

How to switch web app from HTML to Markdown?

I've got a django-powered site. Currently, all of the textfields are just plain old text inputs that take raw HTML. I have no fancy editor or anything. I would like to start using Markdown and WMD to make things easier for everyone. Do I have to run some sort of script to go over every text field in the database to convert all the HTML...

Confusion with C# Enum and Explicit conversion

I have the following enum --> public enum SyncStatus { Unavailable = 0, Checking = 5, StartedAspNetDb = 10, FinishedAspNetDb = 20, StartedMatrixDb = 30, FinishedMatrixDb = 40, StartedConnectDb = 50, FinishedConnectDb = 60, StartedCmoDb = 70, Finished...

How to convert Seconds to HH:MM:SS using T-SQL

The situation is you have a value in Seconds (XXX.XX), and you want to convert to HH:MM:SS using T-SQL. Example: 121.25 s becomes 00:02:01.25 ...

Converting from Waffle/Pico to Struts2/Guice

Hi all, I've been tasked with converting an application which was developed by myself in the Waffle Framework using PicoContainer as a DI mechanism into our new "stack" which is to use Struts2 as a framework with Guice as the DI mechanism. Does anyone out there have any helpful pointers as to how to do this with minimal pain and at the...

Python: Check if a string represents an int, Without using Try/Except?

Hi, Is there any way to tell whether a string represents an integer (e.g., '3', '-17' but not '3.14' or 'asfasfas') Without using a try/except mechanism? is_int('3.14') = False is_int('-7') = True Thanks, Adam ...

Convert Decimal to Hex when no datatype can hold the full number

This is an almost exact duplicate of my own question a few weeks ago. This time, it is the reverse. I have the number (in a handy null terminated string) and I need the bytes that make this number. However, I am working in a 32 b...


Does anyone have or know where I can get a version of the ASP.NET bundled database ASPNETDB.mdf for MySQL? Thanks :) ...

Converting text to html

In a database, I have the text <b>ISBOLD</b><i>isitalic</i> How do I do that if I pull out this string, I will see ISBOLD isitalic and not <b>ISBOLD</b><i>isitalic</i> ...

Using .NET Microsoft.Office.Interop to convert .DOC to XHTML

I'm trying to convert the contents of a Microsoft Word (.doc) file into nicely formatted XHTML using C#, .NET 2.0 and the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word namespace. This is just a little exe that I'm building, which I can hopefully integrate into our automated build process. The reason I'm doing this is because Word's built in "Save as Web...

M4B to MP3 by marker

How would I separate and convert an M4B into many MP3 files separated by marker? Windows or linux. Thanks in advance. ...

How can I create a zero-padded string representation of a number in an arbitrary base?

Possible Duplicate: How can I create a Zerofilled value using JavaScript? When I convert a # from base 10 to base 16 hex using JavaScript, it doesn't zero pad the number. For example: var myBaseTenNumber = 0; myBaseTenNumber.toString(16); // should be 00 but it's just 0 Any easy way to zero pad my number to be 2 digits in l...