
conversion from string yyyyMMdd to type integer is not valid

I have a dataset containing a datatable, and I enumerate all rows in that datatable. When trying to format a column in that row, I run into an exception. (Part of) the code is: For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables("records").Rows file = dr("timestamp").ToString("yyyyMMdd") & "~.wav" Next This results in the following error message:...

Free DTD to XSD conversion utility?

I have a DTD that I need to convert to an XSD (XML schema) file. Is there a free utility or simple way to accomplish this? ...

A converted vc++ 2003 project asks for msvcpd71d.dll when compiled on vc++2008

After running the conversion wizzard for a vc++ 2003 proyect - which ends with no errors - I get vc++ 2008 to sucessfully compile the project. Then, when launching the exe, a message pops up saying that the program cannot start because MSVCP71D.dll is missing. Any ideas on why a project compiled on vc++ 2008 would ask for MSVCP71D.dll ? ...

Character Conversion Still Not RIght (Objective-C)

FIrst, thanks to all who responded to my first two questions. I have tried what was suggested and still nothing works. I thought I would create another post with the code that I am using. Just for some background: I am creating a guessing game for my son and I need to change characters form character to decimal to character. I have ...

Open source java library for HTML to text conversion

Can you recommend an open source Java library (preferably ASL/BSD/LGPL license) that converts HTML to plain text - cleans all the tags, converts entities (&,  , etc.) and handles <br> and tables properly. More Info I have the HTML as a string, there's no need to fetch it from the web. Also, what I'm looking is for a method like this: ...

Common lisp integer to hex conversion

Is there a similar function to (parse-integer "ff" :radix 16) that will take me back the other way? If I have the int 255 how do I convert it to the string ff? ...

Convert 2d images to 3d model

I need to display 3d sculptures in my application, but all I will have initially is 2d images of sculpture from different angles( angle and count of images is under our control) 1. Is there any library which can do that, e.g. take 8 images from all side and stitch it into a 3D model? Any opensource/commercial library/product is ok. 2. ...

Struts 2 - Problemas with validation/convertion of BigDecimal

Hi. I'm having some problems trying to convert/validate a java.math.BigDecimal[][] in a Struts 2 action class. I need to display the values localized (pt_BR) so I wrote a BigDecimal converter. Then I wrote a simples file: quadroInvestimentos=my.package.converter.BigDecimalConverter My action class has a ...

RegExp alternative to negative lookahead match for Google Analytics

I'm setting up some conversion funnels on Google Analytics. One is to analyse traffic going from the main site to a secondary promotional site running on a virtual directory (on the same domain though) I should add, this is a setup form in Google Analytics, I can't using another other code (PHP, JS, C# etc) and it has to be done in one ...

What's the "right" way to convert data from one type to another?

I'm curious as to what the "right" way to convert builtin types is in .NET. Currently i use Convert.To[type]([variable]) without any null checking or anything. What is the best way to do this? ...

Read WMF file from db, convert to bitmapped image

I have realized that my first question won't be answerable, since php can't deal with this format:, so I have a C# console application that will just load up the images, from either an MS SQL 2008 db, or Access 2007, and then save them to a d...

Design patterns for converting recursive algorithms to iterative ones

Are there any general heuristics, tips, tricks, or common design paradigms that can be employed to convert a recursive algorithm to an iterative one? I know it can be done, I'm wondering if there are practices worth keeping in mind when doing so. ...

permalink_fu for text fields: How can I convert from blob to string output?

If I use permalink_fu on a text field I get this for the resulting permalink: http://localhost:3000/243webb4ee4ff2227230b4232438591810c35d3f instead of http://localhost:3000/where-is-my-lost-cat I assume this is because the text field becomes a blob in the database and permalink_fu only knows how to operate on string fields. How ...

Action<object, EventArgs> could not be casted to EventHandler?

I was wiring up an event to use a lambda which needed to remove itself after triggering. I couldn't do it by inlining the lambda to the += event (no accessable variable to use to remove the event) so i set up an Action<object, EventArgs> variable and moved the lambda there. The main error was that it could not convert an Action<object, E...

efficient function to convert float/double to string

Right now, the only function that I am aware of is _snprintf_s like the following double dMyValue = <some value>; _snprintf_s(pszMyBuffer, sizeof(pszMyBuffer), 12, "%.10f", dMyValue); ...

Converting C# console app to VB.NET and VBA

I have to convert a C# project to VB.NET and VBA. It's a console app that uses the Microsoft Office API (Microsoft.Office.Interop.*). My two questions: C# -> VB.NET: .NET Reflector is a good tool for this, except that it doesn't preserve source code comments. Is there a way to do this? .NET -> VBA: is there an automated tool to do thi...

Assignment across data types in C++

Hi, I've compiled the following snippet of code in VC++ 2005/2008: unsigned long ul = ...; signed long l = ...; l = ul; and was expecting to see a compiler warning (Warning Level set to 4), but none was generated. Am I missing something obvious here? Thanks ...

Need VB code commented to convert it to Java

I am a Java developer. I have the task of converting a VB class to Java. Can some VB developer comment the following VB code so that I can write its Java equivalent? Public Class RmaValidationCode ' Values for test type Public Const SOFTWARE_TEST_TYPE = 0 Public Const FIRMWARE_TEST_TYPE = 1 ' Values for test length ...

What's the meaning of (int&) conversion in C++

There are such code. float b = 1.0f; int i = (int) b; int& j = (int&)b; cout<<i<<endl; cout<<j<<end; Then the output of i was 1, and the output of 1065353216! It's a big surprise to me! So what's the truly meaning of (int&) conversion in C++. Any help or hints are very appreicated! ...

Java C++ code conversion

I need to convert this code (in C++) into Java code : short i; short j; short k; short result; unsigned short m_table[ 256 ] for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ ) { k = i << 8; result = 0; for ( j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++ ) { if ( ( result^ k ) & 0x8000 ) res...