
How do I convert PDF to HTML programmatically?

Are there any classes, COM objects, command line utilities, or anything else that I can make an API for that can convert a PDF to an HTML document? Obviously the conversion might be a little rough since PDFs can contain a lot more than HTML can describe. I found a utility called pdftohtml on Source Forge, but quite honestly it does a hor...

Convert .png image to .gif image

Hello friends, In my project, I have so many .png images. They are working properly in Firefox but when I run my project on Internet Explorer, i get white background in that images. I have used some Image converters but they are also not giving the proper result. After converting, the resolution gets changed. So can any one suggest me so...

Textarea to paragraphs

When I have to render textarea content to the front end I usually pass it thru a function that converts newlines to <br/> tags and double newlines signal paragraph tags so blocks of text get surrounded by <p> and </p> tags. To save time I usually use a ready made PHP function from the wordpress codebase. You can get the link from the ma...

Convert binary information to regular data type without outside modules in python.

Hello World. I'm tasked with reading a poorly formatted binary file and taking in the variables. Although I need to do it in C++ (ROOT, specifically), I've decided to do it in python because python makes sense to me, but my plan is to get it working in python and then tackle re-writing in in C++, so using easy to use python modules won't...

Best method for converting several sets of numbers with several different ratios

I'm working on an open-source harm reduction application for opioid addicts. One of the features in this application is the conversion (in mg/mcg) between common opioids, so people don't overdose by accident. If you're morally against opioid addiction and wouldn't respond because of your morals, please consider that this application is...

Convert 16-bit signed int to 2-bytes?

Hi i got a simple problem that has been bugging me and i can find a solution to it. I got an array which contains signed int data, i need to convert each value in the array to 2 bytes. I am using C# and i tried using BitConverter.GetBytes(int) but it returns a 4 byte array. Any help? thanks tristan ...

Convert C# double to Delphi Real48

Hi, I've found the following question Convert Delphi Real48 to C# double but I want to go the other way, C# to Delphi. Does anyone know how this can be done? I've tried reverse engineering the code but without much luck. Update: I'm after C# code that will take a double and convert it into a Real48 (byte[] of size 6). Thanks ...

Convert a string to a double - is this possible?

Just wondering in php, if it was possible to convert a string to a double. I am using a financial web service which provides a price as a string. I really need to process this as a double and was wondering how i would convert it thanks ...

creating a spreadsheet from an xml file

I am trying to convert a 120mb xml database of terrorist incidents (the first file for download available here to spreadsheet form so i can merge it with other data and do statistical analysis. so far I have worked with stata, which is useless now because it wont read xml. the site offers smaller files by...

How can I convert this linq.expression from C# to VB?

[QueryInterceptor("Somethings")] public Expression<Func<Something, bool>> OnSomethings() { // Code here } I had a view guesses, looked on msdn, but there are no examples matching the way that that is used. Ideas? ...

Convertion of text into images in joomla

Hi Everybody, I need a help for converting text into image using joomla. Actually what i am doing is, when the admin enters the text and save then the value will hit the database. Then in the site the last updated value will be shown as image. I done with the pure PHP. Its working fine When i am same concept to...

Cast then check or check then cast?

Which method is regarded as best practice? Cast first? public string Describe(ICola cola) { var coke = cola as CocaCola; if (coke != null) { string result; // some unique coca-cola only code here. return result; } var pepsi = cola as Pepsi; if (pepsi != null) { string result; ...

Stop Implicit Typecast

My issue is within AMO in a C# console application. I have a DataSourceView that has a table which has a column of type Decimal. When I try to create a measure out of it, AMO says that it cannot create a measure because the data type is string. I believe there may be some implicit typecasting going on in the background that is causing...

Conversion from Byte to ASCII in C

Hi All, Can anyone suggest means of converting a byte array to ASCII in C? Or converting byte array to hex and then to ASCII? [04/02][Edited]: To rephrase it, I wish to convert bytes to hex and store the converted hex values in a data structure. How should go about it? Regards, darkie ...

Conversion of text to unicode strings...

I have to process JSON files that looks like this: \u0432\u043b\u0430\u0434\u043e\u043c <b>\u043f\u0443\u0442\u0438\u043c<\/b> \u043d\u0430\u0447 Unfortunately, I'm not sure how this encoding is called. I would like to convert it to .NET Unicode strings. What's the easies way to do it? Thanks in advance! ...

cvs to mercurial conversion gets tags wrong

I've tried all the recommended conversion techniques Mostly they manage to get the latest version of the files right, but every one of them trashes my history. Many (most?) of the tags from my cvs project have at least one file in error when I run "hg up $tag" My cvs repo is not all that complicated. Why can't anything convert it? I'd...

How to convert PE(Portable Executable) format to ELF in linux

Hi What's the best tool for converting PE binaries to ELF binaries? Following is a brief motivation for this question: Suppose I have a simple C program. I compiled it using gcc for linux(this gives ELF), and using 'i586-mingw32msvc-gcc' for Windows(this gives a PE binary). I want to analyze these two binaries for similarities, using...

Why does converting from a size_t to an unsigned int give me a warning?

I have the code: unsigned int length = strlen(somestring); I'm compiling with the warning level on 4, and it's telling me that "conversion from size_t to unsigned int, possible loss of data" when a size_t is a typedef for an unsigned int. Why!? Edit: I just solved my own problem. I'm an XP user, and my compiler was checking for 64 ...

C++ Convert string (or char*) to wstring (or wchar_t*)

string s = "おはよう"; wstring ws = FUNCTION(s, ws); How would i assign the contents of s to ws? Searched google and used some techniques but they can't assign the exact content. The content is distorted. ...

Const unsigned char* to char*

So, I have two types at the moment: const unsigned char* unencrypted_data_char; string unencrypted_data; I'm attempting to perform a simple conversion of data from one to the other (string -> const unsigned char*) As a result, I have the following: strcpy((unencrypted_data_char),(unencrypted_data.c_str())); However, I'm receiving ...