
Timespan in C# converting to int? Somehow?

I'm trying to use the Timespan class to create a start time and a stop time, get the difference and ultimately dividing and multiplying the result against another number. The problem is getting into something I can work with. Any suggestions? ...

convert caf on iphone or on server for sharing

Hey there, I have an app that records short sounds (as caf files) and uploads them to a server. I want to be able to share these sounds so they need to be in a more ubiquitous format like mp3. I've got a linux server. Is there anything I can use either on the iphone or the server to perform the conversion? thanks, Howie ...

How to do call Google Conversion Tracking Code from Flex?

What are the best practices for calling Google Adword's conversion tracking code from Flex? All Google gives is javascript that is meant to be inserted in an html page. But with Flex, there is only one html page and I only want to call the conversion tracking code when a certain UI action happens in the Flex app. Any thoughts are appre...

what is the best way to serve video's on my website?

Hi, sometimes i feel like such a beginner... I want so serve some video's on my site. They are available as .MP4 files, gotten from a FlipShare camera. Now i tried converting them to WMV (which succeeded, but when embedded in html in a <object id='mediaPlayer' width='320' height='285' classid='CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95...

How to convert Vector Layer coordinates into Map Latitude and Longitude in Openlayers.

I'm pretty confused. I have a point: x= -12669114.702301 y= 5561132.6760608 That I got from drawing a square on a vector layer with the DrawFeature controller. The numbers seem...erm...awfull large, but they seem to work, because if I later draw a square with all the same points, it's in the same position, so I figure they have to b...

Converting a string of text into alternate representations (binary, hex, ascii)

In Java, is there a simple method to convert the format of a given string? For example, I have the string "test22". I'd like the binary value and hex value. As well as possibly the ascii values of each character? ...

VB.NET class inherits a base class and implements an interface issue (works in C#)

I am trying to create a class in VB.NET which inherits a base abstract class and also implements an interface. The interface declares a string property called Description. The base class contains a string property called Description. The main class inherits the base class and implements the interface. The existence of the Description pro...

Convert VB.NET code to C#

Hi people, I have three projects written with VB.NET (2005) and have to convert them to C# code. (I know that i don't need to convert codes of .net languages at all). I have no time to rewrite them, need a tool or script to convert. Note: they are console applications. ...

How to convert a binary representation of a string back into a string?

I have a string that was converted to binary with Integer.toBinaryString() on each of its characters. The binary string was then mangled a bit (random bit flips) and I'd like to convert it back into a string. Are there any simple methods for this in java? ...

hex dump of file in bash

How do I create a UNMODIFIED hex dump of a binary file in linux with bash? The od and hexdump commands both insert spaces in the dump, I DON'T WANT THIS, I need something that will simply write a long string with all the hex characters without inserting spaces or newlines in the output. How do I do this in bash? ...

objective-c converting strings to usable numbers

I have strings that look about like this: stringA = @"29.88"; stringB = @"2564"; stringC = @"12"; stringD = @"-2"; what is the best way to convert them so they can all be used in the same mathmatical formula?? that includes add, subtract.multiply,divide etc ...

How can I make the output from tapply() into a data.frame

I have a data.frame in R that looks like this: score rms template aln_id description 1 -261.410 4.951 2f22A.pdb 2F22A_1 S_00001_0000002_0 2 -231.987 21.813 1wb9A.pdb 1WB9A_4 S_00002_0000002_0 3 -263.722 4.903 2f22A.pdb 2F22A_3 S_00003_0000002_0 4 -269.681 17.732 1wbbA.pdb 1WBBA_6 S_00004_0000002_0 5 -258.621...

Convert in-memory pdf to byte[]

I'm writing a websercive in C# that will generate pdf-files and send back to the caller as a byte[]. The pdf file is generated using a third party component, but I'm struggling with the conversion. The pdf is just an in-memory object in the web service, and I can't find any good way of converting the generated pdf to a byte[] before retu...

Convert PHP code to C#

Is there a web site or tool that will convert a piece PHP code to C#? something similar to or ...

Import MySQL database into a MS SQL Server

I have a .sql file from a MySQL dump containing tables definitions and the data to be inserted in this tables. How can I convert this database represented in the dump file into a MS SQL server database? ...

XML to PDF best approach?

I have some xml files which are used to generate my webpages, however I need to be able to allow the user to select a number of pages then combine them into one PDF. This pdf needs to have different styling to the actual web page.(the content is kept in xml files ;) p.s. the pdf must have table of contents... and will include images tak...

stack.ToList() in .NET - order of elements?

When using the .ToList() extension method on a Stack<T>, is the result the same as popping each element and adding to a new list (reverse of what was pushed)? If so, is this because it really is iterating over each element, or does it store the elements in reverse internally and slip the array into a new List<T>? ...

Convert png file to ico with PHP

Hi, I would like to create a PHP script that convert a png file to an ico file. Is it possible to do it just with PHP ? How ? Thanks !!! ...

ASP.NET equivalent of this PHP code

Please provide equivalent of this php code. $ip = $_REQUEST['ip']?$_REQUEST['ip']:$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $client = new SoapClient(null, array( 'location' => "", 'uri' => "")); $data = $client->ipToCountryCity($ip); var_dump($data); Will...

Streaming and conversion of video from 3rd Parth

Hi, I am working on a App where video has to be displayed.All these video are in .flv format, Is there any mechanism by using that I can convert this video to .mov or .m4v (supported by iphone) on the fly, so that user can view those video on their iphone or ipod. Thanks, Ashish ...