
C# delegate to Java conversion

I am in the process of converting some code from C# to Java. I have never used C# before, but it has been pretty easy up to this point. I have a line that looks like this in the C# file: coverage.createMethod = delegate (Gridpoint gp){ //Some method stuff in here, with a return objecct } What exactly is this trying to do? It seems...

Convert MSAccess Project Management Application to PHP/MySQL: Which Methodology?

I've got to convert a not terribly complicated bespoke project management system from MsAccess Application to PHP/MySQL. I've been programming for donkey's years but embarrassingly know practically nothing about modern methodologies. So the old 'learning curve' versus 'improved efficiency' conundrum rears its ugly head once again. Alt...

Why is there a "Conversion Errors" tables in an MDB?

Why would there be a "Conversion Errors" table in an MDB? Does this mean there was an attempt to convert the MDB to a different (newer) version of Access? ...

How Can I convert Java To Exe

Possible Duplicate: Compiling a java program into an exe Hi, I'd like to convert my java application to exe file which is not depends on a pre installed JRE file. Which tool can do so? I prefer to converty my application to a real exex file. Thanks, Eyal. ...

Convert Hexadecimal String to Data

Hi Stack Overflow, I have found a whole lot of different solutions to this problem, but not all of them work, and a lot of them seem somewhat hacky and inefficient. Basically I have a string of hexadecimal data (i.e. "55 AA 41 2A 00 94 55 AA BB BB 00 FF") which I would like to convert to raw data. What is the best way to do this? UPDAT...

VS 2010 Project Conversion Settings

I know this is a nit-noid question, but ... While converting a VS 2005 (.NET 2.0) project to a VS 2010 (.NET 4.0 project), I encountered a dialog stating that the project was written in a previous version of .NET and did I want to convert the project to the newest version of the framework. In addition, there was a check box that promp...

How do I convert a string the looks like a hex number to an actual hex number in php?

Hey everyone, I have a string that looks like this "7a" and I want to convert it to the hex number 7A. I have tried using pack and unpack but that is giving me the hex representation for each individual character. I'm out of ideas and don't know where to go from here. Thanks for the help! ...

How to convert value of Generic Type Argument to a concrete type?

I am trying to convert the value of the generic type parameter T value into integer after making sure that T is in fact integer: public class Test { void DoSomething<T>(T value) { var type = typeof(T); if (type == typeof(int)) { int x = (int)value; // Error 167 Cannot convert type 'T' to 'int'...

Converting existing VB applications to Open Source technologies

I have a few VB applications that I am looking to convert. During design discussions, the question of using open source technologies came up. Which set of OpenSource Tools and Technologies would be a good choice? Now with Express versions Visual Studio, it should be an easy choice, but what other technologies/toolsets would need to be ...

How can I perform a web query in C# similar to the Data > Import External Data > New Web Query in Microsoft Excel?

I need to pull data from a table on a website. I can easily do this in VBA using the Web Query, but I need to do this in C#. I'm just having some trouble figuring out how to properly convert the code. I got something close, but it's returning HTML with the data. I just want the data. Any help would be great. The block of code givin...

How do i convert hdb file? ... believed to be from act! source

Any ideas ? I think the original source was a goldmine database, looking around it appears that the file was likely built using an application called ACT which I gather is a huge product I don't really want to be deploying for a one off file total size less than 5 meg. So ... Anyone know of a simple tool that I can run this file throu...

How can I convert this C Calendaer Code into a Objective-C syntax and have it work with matrixes

#define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 int days_in_month[]={0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; char *months[]= { " ", "\n\n\nJanuary", "\n\n\nFebruary", "\n\n\nMarch", "\n\n\nApril", "\n\n\nMay", "\n\n\nJune", "\n\n\nJuly", "\n\n\nAugust", "\n\n\nSeptember", "\n\n\nOctober", "\n\n\nNovem...

Converting OpenTypeFonts with PostScript outlines to TrueType fonts

I'm using Silverlight and need to display some OTF fonts. Now Silverlight supports OTF fonts in version 4 but it does not seem to support OTF fonts with PostScript outlines. I have some OTF fonts with postscript outlines that won't show up. Is there a (free) way of converting between OTF with postscript outlines to TrueType fonts or OTF ...

Converting a 16 bit tiff file to something viewable online?

I need to take a 16 bit .tiff file and make it viewable on my website. To even view .tiff files many browsers require plugins. I found a software that could convert them to .jpg files but I was wondering if there is a way to do this independently. I am making my website using Ruby on Rails. I must be able to do the conversion from the w...

VB.NET to C# Converter

Can somebody please show me a site where there is good conversion available from to c#? I appreciate your help. Thank you! ...

Converting a string into a double

I am trying to convert a string (const char* argv[]) to a double precision floating point number: int main(const int argc, const char *argv[]) { int i; double numbers[argc - 1]; for(i = 1; i < argc; i += 1) { /* -- Convert each argv into a double and put it in `number` */ } /* ... */ return 0; } Can any...

Can anyone help convert this VB Webservice?

I can't figure it out for the life of me.. I'm using SQL DataSet Query to iterate to a Class Object which acts as a Data Model for Flex... Initially I used but now need to convert to C#.. This conversion is done except for the last section where I create a DataRow arow and then try to add the DataSet Values to the Class (Results C...

Visual Studio Conversion Suite

I have this as my conversion program for the "Length", how can I do it the simpliest way instead of keeping the if, elseif, else too much, i do not have much experience and trying to improve my programming skills on visual studio 2008. Basically, I get annoyed with the formulas because I don't know if it is right, I use google but doesn...

Still having issues converting VB Webserice to C#.... need help

This webservice is almost converted form VB to C#, except I get this error shown below on the DataRow arow object when I use it in the foreach statement below to populate the Results Class with a DataSet Object... any ideas??? Error: A local variable named 'arow' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meani...

How can I convert a byte array into a double and back?

For converting a byte array to a double I found this: //convert 8 byte array to double int start=0;//??? int i = 0; int len = 8; int cnt = 0; byte[] tmp = new byte[len]; for (i = start; i < (start + len); i++) { tmp[cnt] = arr[i]; //System.out.println(java.lang.Byte.toString(arr[i]) + " " + i); cn...