
What is the standard algorithm for converting unicode characters into lowercase?

I want to know the standard algorithm for converting unicode characters into lowercase as proposed by Also, do most programming languages follow this proposed standard? ...

Select integers from string[], and return int[]

I have an array string[] with values that are mostly convertible to integers. var values = new [] {"", "1", "2", "a", "3"}; I need to convert values to an array of integers, discarding any items that aren't convertible. So I end up with var numbers = new [] {1, 2, 3}; What would be the most efficient (quickest and clean code) way ...

How can I create a string of random characters (as for a password...)?

I've written some code to generate a sequence of random characters, but it does not: byte[] sbytes = { 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 }; String sstring; System.Random r = new System.Random(); r.NextBytes(sbytes); sstring = Convert.ToBase64String(sbytes); sstring = Path.GetRandomFileName(); sstri...

How to insert a string in SQLite database without conversion ?

The table: CREATE TABLE configuration(Key STRING, Value STRING, PRIMARY KEY (Key) ); Here is what I tried: insert into configuration(Key,Value) values(42,cast('0042' as text)); Here is the dump: INSERT INTO "configuration" VALUES(42,42); What I wanted: INSERT INTO "configuration" VALUES(42,'0042'); ...

implicit or explicit conversion from T to T[]

Is there a way to implement a generic implicit or explicit converter for anything to an array of anything, something like this: public static implicit operator T[](T objToConvert) { return new T[] { objToConvert }; } ...

How to convert foreign string representations of number with decimals into doubles?

I am at an internship where there is parsing done on strings read from a XML file. Specifically the strings are representations of decimal numbers. A problem arises when I try to parse a decimal string formatted differently than the ones that have comma separators and a decimal point. For example the way that nations format their decimal...

convert string rep of hexadecimal into actual hexadecimal

Possible Duplicate: how to parse hex or decimal int in Python i have a bunch of Hexadecimal colors in a database stored as strings. e.g. '0xFFFF00' when i get them from the database i need to convert this string into an actual hexadecimal number, so 0xFFFF00 how can i do this in python ...

Const confusion in C++

Possible Duplicate: Why is my return type meaningless? Hi, I'm confused about a particular const conversion. I have something like // Returns a pointer that cannot be modified, // although the value it points to can be modified. double* const foo() { static double bar = 3.14; return &bar; } int main() ...

C# list conversion in

I have a business object class BusinessObject which implements an interface IAlternateInterface. I already have a method that will return a generic list of BusinessObject which has the objects I want but I want to get them as a list of IAlternateInterface. I tried to do something like the following psudo code but I am getting a "Can not ...

Pasting a huge excel document in a word test script

Hi, I have a UAT test script for which I need to post some reference tables (excel sheet) in the appendix. The excel sheet has a lot of columns and doesn't fit into the MS Word document even when I paste the table in the landscape page set up. Is there any good way to paste such a huge table without making things too complex. I've trie...

Efficient algorithm for conversion between numeral system

Is there any efficient algorithm for conversion between numeral system when the size of source integer is arbitrary? For example, assume that there is an integer array {1, 4, 8} which is 148 in decimal format as an input. It might be converted to {9, 4} in hexadecimal format, or {2, 2, 4} in octal, or {1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0} in binary ...

How to avoid type conversion in flex from string to number ?

I am returning 12345678910111213171819 from java to flex, with in xml tags using http serivce. The result format is object. but when I display the text it automatically converted or treated as number so it displays like 1.234567891011121317181 x e^21 .... How to avoid this? Thanks in advance. Regards, Sankara narayanan Ekambaranathan....

Transformation from one position scale of notation to another

How can I transform from one scale of notation to another using my custom function by C#. abstract string Convert(string value, string fromBase, string toBase); value - string representation scale of notation in basic notation fromBase - string represent the base of numeric toBase - string representation the base of numeric which y...

ORA-12704: Unable to convert character data

I am trying to perform SET operations in Oracle across remote databases. I am using the MINUS operator. My query looks something like this. SELECT NAME FROM localdb MINUS SELECT NAME from remotedb@dblink This is throwing up a ORA-12704 error. I understand this warrants some kind of conversion or a NLS Setting. What should I try nex...

Doubts in converting spherical coordinates

I'm trying to convert spherical coordinates (namely latitude and longitude from a GPS device) into Cartesian coordinates. I'm following this simple conversion derived from the polar coordinates conversion equations. Then I'm calculating the distance between the two point applying the euclidean distance but the value I'm finding is not a...

sql server 2000 instance specific setting to cause varchar to int error

Hi I am having an inconsistent issue being produced on one of my servers whereby I have the following Select * from SomeVarcharTable v join SomeIntTable i on i.MyInt=v.MyVarchar Where v.Id = SomeID The "MyVarChar" column is surprisingly of type varchar, and "MyInt" is of type int. Whats curious is that when I run this on my develop...

In php how do we call (int) (array) (object) ? Where to find more info about those?

I was aware of (int) and (array) but not (object) and probably others. I'm wondering a) what is the proper name of those "things"; and, b) where can we found more information about those? (I was unable to find (object) on website. Thanks in advance, MEM ...

C# - Numeric Suffixes

Possible Duplicate: Declaration suffix for decimal type Hey everyone, In the following snippet of code; RewardValue is a decimal: dto.RewardValue = 1.5; Now, this gives me the following error: "Cannot convert source type double to target type decimal" Makes sense, and is easily fixable by changing that line of code to th...

convert awt to swing automatically

From what I know and have been reading, converting from awt to swing seems to be quite mechanical. With the exception of the different threading model, most of swing components generally map well with the awt ones. Was looking for a tool to do this conversion automatically. Understandably, this may not be a 100% conversion, but at least...

Suggestions on how to write a debug format conversion tool

I'm looking to write a tool that aims to convert debug symbols of one format to another format that's compatible for use under GDB. This seems like a tedious and potentially complex project so I'm not exactly sure how to tackling it. Intially I'm aiming to convert the Turbo Debug Symbol table(TDS) emitted from borland compilers into so...