
PDF Converter for use from .net application

We have a project where we need to convert the following file types to PDF: application/msword .doc application/rtf .rtf application/ .xls application/ .ppt application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation .odp application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet .ods application/vnd.oasis.opendocument...

using nodatime to convert time (C#)

How to convert time from EST to Europe\Luxembourg time using nodatime. Thanks, Gokul ...

Conversion of a string to a bigDecimal

Hi folks, My problem is that I have a user input field, which is a textfield, and I have to convert it to a bigDecimal for use at the database. input: 2,50 -----> 2,50 2.50 -----> 2,50 2.5 -----> 2,50 1200 -----> 1200 (or 1200,00) 1.200 -----> 1200 (or 1200,00) 1.200,50 ------> 1200,50 1,200.50 ------> 1200,50 etc. Is there a simple w...

convert bitonal TIFF to bitonal PNG in C#

I need to convert bitonal (black and white) TIFF files into another format for display by a web browser, currently we're using JPGs, but the format isn't crucial. From reading around .NET doesn't seem to easily support writing bitonal images, so we're ending up with ~1MB files instead of ~100K ones. I'm considering using ImageMagick to d...

DLL issues after upgrading from VS2008 to VS2010

Hello, I'm dealing with this issue: We have recently upgraded to VS2010 and I am working on recompiling all of our software tools in '10. One of these tools in VC++ was created by an outside vendor. We have the source code for this tool (fairly old) and its required dll (also fairly old), although we don't have the source for the dll...

Parameterizing php code with DatePeriod, DateInterval classes

Hi, I dont understand DatePeriod, DateInterval classes very well. This question is linked to another one - wherein I want to parameterize the solution offered by artefacto. Help would be appreciated! This is artefacto'...

Workflow for porting jQuery site with PHP/MySQL backend to Adobe Air?

It looks like Adobe Air has some sort of support for jQuery, so I'm wondering if the workflow for porting to Adobe Air might be more automated than having to rewrite everything.. I'm fairly new to Air, so if so - what are the points of automation, and what are things that should not be automated (in conversion)? Are all jQuery functio...

byte array to a short

Hello, I have an integer val. data[0]=0; data[1]=0; data[2]=(val>>8)%256; data[3]=val%256; How do I do the oposite? How do I take the int from the char array? ...

Invalid Json Primitives

Hi Could you help me for resolving this issue. I have one application, in this i am using Javascript serializer for serializing a dataset followed by convertion to the list. That code is shown below. JavaScriptSerializer json = new JavaScriptSerializer(); strJson = json.Serialize(aclDoc); But, at the time of deserializ...

How to convert char * to a System::string ^

Possible Duplicate: What is the best way to convert between char* and System::String in C++/CLI Hello, I have a function in a c++ project using \clr something like: int WINAPI dmtTest(char *pcertificate) { String^ sCertificate; sCertificate = pcertificate; // how can I assign pcertificate to sCertificate? ...

Android Converting from NV21 Preview Format on Nexus one to JPEG

Hi, How can I convert from NV21 to JPEG. Currently, NV21 is the only previewFormat that is supported by the camera on a Nexus One (running Android 2.2). Thanks. ...

Help: c++ to c#

Hi, in c++: byte des16[16]; .... byte *d = des16+8; in c#? byte des16[16]; [0] 207 'Ï' unsigned char [1] 216 'Ø' unsigned char [2] 108 'l' unsigned char [3] 93 ']' unsigned char [4] 249 'ù' unsigned char [5] 249 'ù' unsigned char [6] 100 'd' unsigned char [7] 0 unsigned char [8] 76 'L' unsigned...

Python to C code ?

Hi, I wrote a program in python (using standard python libraries) long ago. Now I need to write the same program in standard C due to the lack of python support for that device. Please suggest me programs or conversion method to convert that python code into C code. Thanks in advance. ...

Function C++ to C# (safe code)

Hi, i need help. c++: static void doIp(byte data[]) { unsigned char j, k; byte val; byte buf[8]; byte *p; byte i = 8; for(i=0; i<8; i++) { val = data[i]; p = &buf[3]; j = 4; do { for(k=0; k<=4; k+=4) { p[k] >>= 1; if(val & 1) p[k] |= 0x80; val >>= 1; } ...

PHP - Converting a string into various date formats

Hi I am new to PHP and cannot figure out the best method to convert two strings I have from URL params. I would like to convert: "August 2010" to ---> "2010-08-%" and also: "2010" to ---> "2010-%-%" Thank you in advance! ...

Switch with typedef enum type from string

Hello, I'm trying to get a value from a string that belongs to an enum typedef in Obj C but I don't seem capable of geting the value out of the NSString. I'me doing something like this: typedef enum{ S, M, L } Size; -(void)function:(NSString *)var{ Size value=[var value]; swicth(value){ case S:... case M:... ... } }...

How to convert a string with date and time to DateTime data type ?

A client is sending a string containing a date in format YYYYMMDDHHmmSS (e.g. 201004224432). There are no separators like / or -. How can I easily convert this to a DateTime object? Convert.ToDateTime() does not work. ...

Convertion of Scala typed collection to Java with an unbounded wildcard, etc. Collection<?>

Problem: Need to implement interface from 3rd party Java library in Scala ... Collection<?> getItemPropertyIds() ... My solution is to use ...<here goes Iterable>.asInstanceOf[java.util.Collection[_]] val props:Map[Object,Property] = ... override def getItemPropertyIds()=props.keys.asInstanceOf[java.util.Collection[_]] Is t...

number conversion general methodology ?

Hello experts, This is about how to do number conversion between binary to octal, octal to hexadecimal, binary to hexadecimal.. ( in all these decimal is no where there, either in source or destination ) Whenever decimal is involved either in source or destination i have a general methodology as, if decimal is source, do the mod oper...

CGPDFDictionaryRef to something useful

A little bit of background: I'm appending an image to an already existing pdf file. I found out that there isn't a way to just add a page to it, you must recreate the whole pdf, then remove the old one then move the new one. (If that is wrong please tell me, and it will save me a lot of headaches.) I've accomplished that part, but I'm no...