
Convert char Array/string to bool Array

Hi, We have this field in our database indicating a true/false flag for each day of the week that looks like this : '1111110' I need to convert this value to an array of booleans. For that I have written the following code : char[] freqs = weekdayFrequency.ToCharArray(); bool[] weekdaysEnabled = new bool[]{ Convert.ToBoolean(int....

Which number <-> string conversions are always consistent, regardeless the localization settings?

I have some issues with number <-> string conversion i cannot sort out. We have written a serialization framework which uses several xml serialization techniques. But i have seen some inconsistent number conversions in the generated output: using: var c = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(double); var s = c.ConvertToString(value); and va...

Large Numeric Value Conversion issue...

Hello...I have a large text string number (20 characters, no decimals) that needs to be converted to a number. I tried Convert.ToInt64 but the value is too large. What is the best conversion method for a number this large? And, what is the actual max value for Convert.ToInt64()? Thanks ...

How to convert list of strings to doubles?

EDIT : I had tried these two ways before - List doubleList = stringList.ConvertAll(x => (double)x); List doubleList = stringList.Select(x => (double)x).ToList(); and got this error- Cannot convert type 'string' to 'double' I read about something similiar that convert ints to doubles...but I have List of st...

ffmpeg -is it possible to increase a clip duration?

I currently have a jpeg file which I converted to an flv using the following command: ffmpeg -r 10 -b 180000 -i test.jpg test.mp4 Now, I want to increase the duration of this .mp4 clip, so the picture stays on the screen for more than a split second. Eventually, I hope to merge a stream of these files to create a slide show out of jpe...

Possible to use [Obsolete] .NET 1.1 API to format source code for viewing on the web? (...Or any other API)

I'd like to get some source code properly formatted (indents) and color coded to either VS2010 or Eclipse color coding and formatting for display in a browser. I have various languages (.NET, Java, JavaScript, CSS, XML) and can't find any free software that will do this. I vaguely remember an obsolete API that was used in .Net Framewor...

Reading content from file

NSString *contentPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"test2" ofType:@"rtf"]; NSData *databuffer; NSFileHandle *file = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForReadingAtPath:contentPath]; if (file == nil) NSLog(@"Failed to open file"); databuffer = [file readDataToEndOfFile]; [file closeFile]; NSString *contentText =[[NSString alloc...

How to convert inline assembler to .asm file

Hi all, I'm having a problem converting an inline assembler function to .asm file. I need seperate inline assembler code because in x64 architecture doesn't have support for inline assembly. Here is the code, #include <windows.h> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <tlhelp32.h> using namespace std; int filter(int code...

C to delphi converting

Hi, can somebody tell me where I am making mistake in the converting: C: typedef struct _REGISTRY_EVENT { REG_NOTIFY_CLASS eventType; TIME_FIELDS time; HANDLE processId; ULONG dataType; ULONG dataLengthB; ULONG registryPathLengthB; /* Contains path and optionally data */ UCHAR registryData[]; } REGISTRY_...

Converting a RGB color tuple to a six digit code, in Python

I need to convert (0, 128, 64) to something like this #008040. I'm not sure what to call the latter, making searching difficult. ...

C++ convert string to hexadecimal and vice versa

What is the best way to convert a string to hex and vice versa in C++? Example: A string like "Hello World" to hex format: 48656C6C6F20576F726C64 And from hex 48656C6C6F20576F726C64 to string: "Hello World" ...

Android temperature conversion force close

I have an app which has a section that needs to convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit, but for some reason on only a couple phone models (like the htc desire and Sony Ericsson X10) it crashes at this part, but I have no idea why. can anyone help? double cel = x/10; finalTFF = 9.0f/5.0f * cel + 32.0; DecimalFormat twoD...

How to display converted time zones in a 'generic week' (Sunday thru Saturday)?

Hi, We are building a scheduling application wherein one user may set his "general availability" for all weeks like the following: Sunday | Monday | ... | Friday | Saturday When we ask a person A in India to indicate his "availability", we ask him to select from a drop down of values something like this: 12:00am 12:30am 01:00am ... ...

Best method for converting only the integer portion of a string.

In .NET the Integer Parse methods are useful for converting a string to an int, but the string must be a valid integer without any extra characters. Is there a function that will convert the integer portion of a string to an int and ignore everything else in the input string? I'm looking for something like this: int x = ConvertFunction...

Converting C to Delphi - Guidance

I am converting a low level C library to Delphi. I find a lot of casts. I think it is normal in C World. I think I am safe in throwing them out. Integer is 32 bit only here. What do you think? What could be the overhead of OOP if I convert it to objects etc? Similarly I want to know the cost of try .. finally and exceptions. Give me ...

objc convert unix date

Hi guys, I got a small problem . I have this date format from .net json output: Date(1280471989140); when I try to convert using + (NSDate*)dateFromUnixDate:(double)unixdate { NSTimeInterval unixDate = unixdate; return [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:unixDate];} but I got the wrong date back,why? thanks ...

coldfusion url decode extended ascii

This seems trivial <cfset username = urldecode(url.username, "utf-8")> Where username in the URL = %F8yvind Decoded username = �yvind How do I get the corresponding html entity: &#248;? I need to use the username as a lookup value in the db. Thanks! ...

DateTime Convert from int to Month Name in C#, Silverlight

In a nutshell, I am trying to print out the name of the month not the integer value of each month. (for example if the date is 2/2/2002, I would like the "month" to read out "February" instead of "2." I am pulling in the to get the current month. When I try to print out the current month on the form, it just puts th...

Converting 32-bit AIX 5.3 C Applications into 64-bit AIX 6.1 C Applications

We have entire application source code in C written on AIX 5.3 with Oracle 10g. We wish to upgrade to new AIX servers using 6.1 and Oracle 11gR2. We think we should upgrade to 64-bit mode since Oracle is unikely to support 32-bit much longer. What we want to do initially is to estimate the time and effort to convert; hence we would ap...

PDF to PS conversion

Hi all, This may be an oft-repeated question but I have searched and found no convincing answer. Is there any way or tool or library that converts a PDF containing images,text, etc to PS(PostScript) ? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards p1nG ...