
Looking to design a tool to Translate Business logic from Stored Procedures to C# Business Layer

Without getting into a discussion about whether the business logic should be in the database or at the application layer, since it has been covered elsewhere. My team is translating 100K+ lines of PL/SQL code and moving the logic from the database into the application. We were using VB6 with straight calls to Oracle 9i Stored Procedure...

Algorithm to get the excel-like column name of a number

I'm working on a script that generate some Excel documents and I need to convert a number into its column name equivalent. For example: 1 => A 2 => B 27 => AA 28 => AB 14558 => UMX I have already written an algorithm to do so, but I'd like to know whether are simpler or faster ways to do it: function numberToColumnName($number){ ...

Easiest/cheapest way to convert C# code on home PC to a web service?

I have lots of code snippets on my pc that do a whole bunch of cool things in C# (not, these are mainly console apps). I store all my results in a mysql database on my home PC. What is the best way forward for converting this all into an online web service with login portal etc? My knowledge is limited, so I may have to ...

Tracking Offsite Conversions with Google Analytics

I'm trying to track my AdWords campaigns through to the final conversion. However, the conversion happens offsite, in a separate session. Many of the conversions are being attributed to that external site, where in reality, the referrer was really the AdWords campaign. Currently, Analytics is properly catching only about 60% of the conve...

Library/API/program for converting Flash code into html5 code

hello guys, What library/API or even a program for converting flash code into html 5 code automatically do you recommend me? thank you very much ...

How can i convert Integer to Signed Word in Python (for use with PySerial)?

Hi I'm having some problems making Python talk to a hardware display using pyserial. Some of the display's functions require Signed Word to be sent as arguments after commands (ie. X or Y on display screen). I've been getting by with chr() previously, but that only works with numbers < 255. I've tried the following for conversion but ...

How can I check if a character is a valid Key in VB.NET?

I need to check if a character is a valid Key (type) in VB.NET (I need to turn "K" into Keys.K, for example). I am currently doing this to convert it: Keys.Parse(GetType(Keys), key, False) However, if key is not valid it throws an exception. How can I check if key is a valid character? ...

How can i include time interval between slides when converting ppt to swf using python and OO?

I found a script in Python that converts ppt to swf. But the timer that I have set in the ppt is not coming in the swf. What change should I bring in the script. The api reference didnt give me much help. The script is using uno module that comes with OO. ...

Simplest way to convert XML file and/or web service to a flat file

I am starting a project in which I need to get two sets of data into flat files. Source A is a web service that is updated daily, so I only need to hit this once a day. Source B is an XML file on an FTP site that I will also retrieve daily. I have never converted XML to a flat file before. I'm a SQL Server guy, so my initial thought was...

How to convert an int[,] to byte[] in C#

List item How to convert an int[,] to byte[] in C#? Some code will be appreciated EDIT: I need a function to perform the following: byte[] FuncName (int[,] Input) ...

Converting a multi-dimensional array (javascript) to JSON (or similar) for transport.

I'm generating a multi-dimensional array in javascript that looks like this (this is the JSON representation of the javascript array, it's not in JSON format): "100": { "40": { "subtotal": "24.99", "turn-around": { "0": "2-4 Business Days", "1": "Next Business Day (Add $15.00)" }, "shipping": { "...

How to convert ppt to images in Ruby?

Hello, I'm using Ruby for displaying the contents of powerpoint files in a webpage. I've found solutions using the win32ole but I'm in the linux environment and it doesn't work. I think the application could trigger a openoffice command for conversion. ...

Changing CIL code into Native code in C#

Possible Duplicate: Is there some way to compile a .NET application to native code? When you compile a C# application, it is compiled to CIL code, to be interpreted by the framework when it is ran, but im wondering if its possible to generate a native x86 EXE file stub for my application(s). This way it is not possible to di...

Write this piece of Java in C?

I am not a C programmer. I have just started reading K&R's TCPL last week. I have written this 42 line code in Java. I tried converting it to C, but it is giving me a segmentation fault. Here is the Java version: My failed attempt to port it to C: //Not working. #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h>   voi...

Mapping between Wingdings/Symbol characters and their Unicode equivalents

MsWord uses Wingdings and Symbol characters for bullets, by default their hex values are F0A7 and F0B7. I want to convert the bullets to their Unicode equivalents. Of course, it depends on the actual font used, so F0A7 Wingding would become Unicode 25AA (●). I've found a partial mapping from Wingdings to Unicode and from Symbol to Uni...

downgrade non-ascii symbols to closest 7-bit ASCII equivalent (preferrably Java)

Hello there, is there any simple/lightweight solution to change at least some of non-ASCII symbols to respective ASCII analogs? For example this string abc-åäö.txt should be changed to abc-aao.txt A bit of background: Zip-tools do not reliably support UTF-8, hence the need to downgrade. AFAICR Google "download attachments as sin...

Decode PEM (c#)

I've picked up some old code that I need to work with and I have the following function in C int pem64_decode_bytes(const char *intext, int nchars, unsigned char *outbytes) { unsigned char *outbcopy = outbytes; while (nchars >= 4) { char c1 = intext[0], c2 = intext[1], ...

How do I convert an incoming object to binary in Access 2007 VBA?

I need to import PDF and XLS objects and convert them to binary. The following code doesn't work, apparently because the "fd.SelectedItems(1)" is the path of the object instead of the object itself. If I dim "fileToUpload" as an object, I get a "run time '91' Object variable or With block variable not set". If I don't specifically Di...

how to convert an integer value to a specific ascii character in c++

I'm new to C++ and I'm trying to do something that should be pretty basic. I have a small loop in C++ that just displays a sequence of numbers and I would like to convert these numbers into specific ASCII characters. Something like this: for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++) { display(65+k); } And the result should look like t...

Delphi & ADO: datetime to string conversion

Hi, I use Delphi 2006 and ADO to connect to a MS Access database. Some of the fields I retrieve are Date fields (in Access formatted as "Medium Date" i.e. 20-Apr-2010) however I have to retrieve them as Strings: FValue:=FAccessADOQuery.Fields.FieldByName(FIELD_NAME).AsString; and then the fields are formatted as follows: 4/20/2010. ...