
Excel decimal format to C# DateTime

In my C# Data Access Layer...I am retrieving a dataset from Excel ...and there is a decimal excel field which returns date in the format : 20090701. I need this to be converted to C# DateTime. What is the best way to do it? ...

how to convert "system.object" {string} to integer

hi guys, I am trying to read and write values in registry. I get return something like "system.object"{string} from reading function. I need to assign the value to a integer variable. How can i do it? ...

The simplest way to convert EJB 2.0 project to EJB 3.0

What is the simplest way to convert EJB 2.0 (WebLogic 8.1) project to EJB 3.0 (OAS or WebLogic etc)? I found just this article "Converting an EJB 2.0 Entity Bean to EJB 3.0", which could automate this process, but forced to do too much manual manipulations. ...

how to get certain numbers

Hi Guys, I have a column in excel which is exported from a sql database. The columns read like this: 'Payment Funds: (654321) Company charged Public - Payment of transfer. Charged from account xyz to abc (into autopac agent).' The reference number: 654321, account: xyz and abc; comment: (into autopac agent) - are different for all ...

How to convert Raw XML to SOAP XML in C#?

I have some xml generated from the XML Serializer ..How can I convert it to SOAP XML ?...I am trying to do it ASP.NET C#...please help me out ...

Hadoop... Text.toString() conversion problems

Hi everyone, I'm writing a simple program for enumerating triangles in directed graphs for my project. First, for each input arc (e.g. a b, b c, c a, note: a tab symbol serves as a delimiter) I want my map function output the following pairs ([a, to_b], [b, from_a], [a_b, -1]): public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, ...

Converting WAV audio files to MP3 on a server automatically once uploaded?

I'm working on a project, using Python/Django running on a Virtual Private Server, which allows me a blank Linux server box that I can pretty much install whatever I need. The project must allow users to upload an uncompressed WAV file for others to download. These will most probably be served up using Amazon S3. I'm not expecting a mass...

Converting Java to Objective-C: Exception Handling

I'm converting a Java library to Objective-C. The Java code uses exceptions flagrantly (to my Objective-C accustomed mind). When converting, should I be throwing Objective-C exceptions (only within the library; I'll catch them before they leave) or should I use NSError constructs. I'm familiar with the use-case for exceptions in regular...

Visual Studio 2010 crashed, after loading it again it opened the conversion wizard then some bad things happened

I was using Visual Studio 2010 and tried to go to a files definition, after about three minutes I found the application had crashed so I end-tasked it. Running the project again I was presented with the conversion wizard (the project was already in 2010 so that was a bit wierd), after going through all its steps it said the conversion ha...

Can "signed char" and "unsigned char" always be cast to each other without loss of data?

In C++ we can have signed char and unsigned char that are of same size but hold different ranges of values. In the following code: signed char signedChar = -10; unsigned char unsignedChar = static_cast<unsigned char>( signedChar ); signedChar = static_cast<signed char>( unsignedChar ); will signed char retain its value regardless of ...

Convert vector<char> buf(256) to LPCSTR?

Is there a way to convert the above? If so what is the best way? I guess you can loop through the vector and assign to a const char*, but I'm not sure if that is the best way. ...

Converting C to Actionscript 3?

Hi Can anyone point me to online tutorials, parsing apps, etc for converting C code into actionscript3? ...

Cannot convert from const Point to const D2D1_POINT_2F

class ADot : public Shape { private: Point me_; operator D2D1_POINT_2F() const;//HERE I HAVE CONVERSION OPERATOR BUT IT DOES NOT WORK public: ADot(signed, signed); ~ADot(void); void draw()const; Point center() const; Point north() const; Point south() const; Point east() const; Point west() con...

python time problem

Hello, I am using the library. After calling tags=exif.process_file(...) i want to retrieve the time the image was captured. so i continue with t =tags['Image DateTime'] if tags.has_key('Image DateTime') else time.time() now i want to store t in django's database. For that t must be in the form 2010-07-20 14:37:12 but app...

MSSQL to MySQL API conversion layer

Hi, I'm looking for a program that can emulate, impersonate a MSSQL server and convert and write the queries to a MySQL database. Thus allowing me to configure client applications developed for MSSQL database systems only, to connect to the emulator and thus writing and reading the MySQL based records. Any help will be highly appreciat...

converting vob files to swf and flv

I have a .vob file and I am trying to change it to .swf and .flv for my website. I found lots of open source software that can convert to flash. The only thing is that, i want my final flash files to be not more than 50KB. I am using this software: i am not sure of the stan...

convert list<int> to list<long>

How to convert List<int> to List<long> in C#? ...

Converting between Dev C++ and MSVS projects?

Hello I was wondering about converting between Dev C++ and MSVS projects. I was specifically wondering about the rc files. Are they different formats. I have a project that was made in Dev C++ and I would like to open in in MSVS2010. The linker settings are all set up properly, but the RC file seems to not want to straight-out convert. ...

Ruby: Forcing an Integer (Fixnum/Bignum) over Boolean

I have an integer that is initially 0 and, after calculations, often ends up between 0 - 99. The problem is that since early on in the game, it calculates out to 0 or 1 often, it gets assigned as a TrueClass or FalseClass instead of a numerical value, which messes up a future x > 0 comparison. Is there a built-in Ruby way to force the va...

What's the equivalent of C#'s GetBytes() in Python?

Hi, I have byte[] request = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestParams); in a C# AES encryption only class that I'm converting to Python. Can anyone tell me the Python 2.5 equivalent(I'm using this on google app engine? Example inputs: request_params: &r=p&playerid=6263017 (or a combination of query strings) dev_key: GK1FzK12iPYKE9...