
[Inno Setup] copy file to multiple destinations defined by user.

Hello, During installation proces user has ability to install number of some service instances (Service1- ServiceN). All th difference between this services - content of configuration files(actually there is only one executable in /Product_Root/run wich is called with different command-line params).Configuration files situated in Produc...

Copy BitmapData From mx:Image

How can I copy or duplicate the bitmapdata from a mx:image component? I need to display the same image in multiple screens of my application and don't want to have to download the image multiple times. I could just use a urlrequest to download the image as a bitmap and copy that but I like the way you can can just set the source of th...

How to copy file from a local computer to a remote computer?

I tried with WMI but doesn't work. I also tried this with LogonUser but it doesnt work because LogonUser only works for local computers. So how can I copy a file or at least get connected to the computer so it accept System.IO.File.Copy? ...

How to access this variable in an inline function?

Here is my dilemma. I've got this section of code: var list_of_numbers = new Array(); function AddToArray(func) { // Add to the *beginning* of the array // essentially reversing the order list_of_numbers.unshift(func); } function DisplayNumber(num) { document.write(num); } for(var i=0;i<5;++i) { AddToArray(functi...

Copy files from one directory into an existing directory

In bash I need to do this: take all files in a directory copy them into an existing directory How do I do this? I tried cp -r t1 t2 (both t1 and t2 are existing directories, t1 has files in it) but it created a directory called t1 inside t2, I don't want that, I need the files in t1 to go directly inside t2. How do I do this? ...

Cannot see files copied to C: (system drive) in Windows 7

Could someone can explain me why can't I see a file copied to C:? Note that if I try to copy it again to the same location, the system ask me if I want to override it. Not a matter of weird attributes, or common stuffs ;) Hope I can find an answer here... ...

How to copy textField to OSX clipboard?

Hi everyone, I'm stuck here. I know how to copy and paste on the iPhone side of things but how can I copy contents from a textField to the global clipboard in OSX. I've been searching the web but there are really no examples. So let me explain in detail what I'm trying to accomplish. I have a NSTextField named helloField and I want to be...

VBA: Open an xls file and add it to the current workbook.

Hey all, I am having trouble with this one. I have an xls file which contains a single sheet of data. In my main application, a different workbook, I want to open this single sheet xls file and copy the sheet into the current workbook. I can do it if I select the range on the source file to copy but this single file may change so I...

How to copy html with events jQuery

Could you please tell me how to copy events, if I copy some html? I have a function to copy: function add_to_order( row, row_input_value ) { $('#buffer').html( row ).find('td:first').remove(); // add row to buffer and remove the first td element $('#buffer').append('<td class="delete"><span class="remove-from-order button minus...

I need to backup and then recover multiple files in different directorys with /bin/sh

As the title say. I need to be able to backup and then recover files. To make the back up was pretty simple if [ "$bup" = "true" ]; then cp $file $file.bak But to make the recovery.. was not as stright forward. elif [ "$rup" = "true" ]; then bak=`find /path/to/file/ | grep .bak` cp $bak ${bak/\.bak} fi It works i...

Can we use webservices to copy files from one location to another in C#

Hey, I want to copy files from one location(say pittsburgh) to another location(say melbourne) using the network share. The normal file copy takes more time for copying the files(usually in GB) Can I use webservices to improve the performance or is there any other alternative? Thanks ...

Strange bug when renaming a file with NSFileManager

I used to use the following to rename aplist file with various user inputted values (BOOL,Strings mostly): [manager moveItemAtPath:oldPath toPath:newPath error:&error]; And for some reason in iOS4+ this glitches out, so I Attempt the following: [1] [manager copyItemAtPath:oldPath toPath:newPath error:&error]; [2] [manager rem...

How do you format a string that is part of a larger string?

I have created a string that depends on what the user inputs into the textfield: NSString *book = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@%@", bookTitle.text, afterbook]; Then this string is part of a bigger string: NSString *msg = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@", lastname, firstname, secondfirstn...

After making a hex mask CTRL+C and CTRL+V is not allowed

Hi, I have a small problem. After making a hex mask, I can not copy/paste with CTRL C/V. If I right click in the textbox I can paste. But I would like to be able to just press CTRL V. If I delete the hex mask, CTRL C/V works fine. Here is a bit of the code: private void maskedTextBox1(Object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEvent...

How to copy a read-only directory in Perl?

I'm using File::Copy::Recursive::dircopy( $original_dirname, $new_dirname ) or die $!; to copy a read-only directory from within a Perl script. I get a Permission denied error. I can see that $new_dirname is created, but is marked as read only (like the original directory). Maybe this prevents from the content to be copied into it?.. ...

Create a copy of a NSObject

How do I take a NSObject that I have set all the attributes of and then copy that into another block of memory that an array can use so I can re use the original one? ...

What is the fastest portable way to copy an array in C++

This question has been bothering me for some time. The possibilities I am considering are memcpy std::copy cblas_dcopy Does anyone have any clue on what the pros and cons are with these three? Other suggestions are also welcome. ...

copy lines in range using Python/Jython

Hi all, I have a server log file which is constantly updated. after some script execution, I want to collect the relevant part of my execution from the server log into an execution log. Basically, I need to capture the last line number of my server log before the test started (which I already know how to do), say X, and after executi...

Copy objects in scala but changing "children" for rewriting

In kiama a generic "dup" method is defined which copies Product objects and applies a given function to each of the elements of the Product in order to support rewriting of Terms: /** * General product duplication function. Returns a product that applies * the same constructor as the product t, but with the given children ...

Returning a c++ std::vector without a copy?

Is it possible to return a standard container from a function without making a copy? Example code: std::vector<A> MyFunc(); ... std::vector<A> b = MyFunc(); As far as I understand, this copies the return value into a new vector b. Does making the function return references or something like that allow avoiding the copy? ...