
How to embed version number & copyright into my DLL?

I have a VB Express 2008 class library and would like to embed a version number and some copyright/contact info. How do I do that? ...

I am releasing a PHP application for a friend to use, should I copyright it?

I made a somewhat large PHP application to handle automated queries for any site (plugged into their existing site structure), it was more of a "challenge" with a reward in the end open to anyone. I put quite a few days into it, I don't want to be mean but I see all the time things like this copyrighted by people. What would be any bene...

What is the license of code snippets on Wikipedia?

I'm looking to incolude code from Wikipedia articles in production software, and also quote it in a publication. Will this affect the licensing of either the code or the publication? My suspicion is that Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License may apply (confusingly) to the code, but not to the publication as here the code is ...

resetting copyright macro in XCode

Ok this is really stupid but for the life of me I can't figure out how to do this. How do you reset the copyright macro that gets placed into the header of each new file? Mine still say MyCompanyName which is irritating. ...

does it serve any purpose for copyright information displayed on footer?

Hi there, I am well aware of the term Copyright and almost everyone uses it in their respective website. i am a freelancer. does it serve any purpose if i display the copyright text in footer below? is it beneficial ? does the law protect our codes from being illegally duplicated just by displaying the text? and lastly apart from the ...

How to correctly write copyright/license info in PHP/JavaScript based projects?

I am developing web applications for various clients. I also have libraries that I use in multiply projects and I also incorporate BSD and other open source libraries. I am using PHP server side. I want to make the licensing clear both for my PHP and both for my JavaScript files, but at the same time I want to keep this simple, I want ...

How long does GPL Copyright last?

How long from when the code is 1st written or distributed, until GPL Copyrighted material falls into public domain, in the United States? I'm guessing 120 years, but I'm not a lawyer. Also how has this(GPL'ed software copyright duration) changed if any over the years? Please Elaborate and Clarify my understanding. ...

Question on source code copyright and developer rights (if they exist!)

I am an indy dev/student and I recently had a mandate to build an client-server iPhone application for a students association (for a low amount of money). The contract stipulates that a fully functional application has to be delivered, and must have the following features : (list of end user features). There's no mention of source code...

Making a web app compatible with patented file types.

Are there any legal implications to making a web app compatible with patented file types? eInstruction's ExamView ( reads, edits, and makes "ExamView Test" files. Are there any legal implications to making my web app capable of reading/editing such files? ...

Can I change source code from .NET Framework Library's class?

I got System.Collections.Generic.List<T> source code from mscorlib.dll using .NET reflector. I implemented INotifyCollectionChanged and INotifyPropertyChanged interfaces, renamed the class and builded it. Did I violate copyright? I not using MS source code release with Microsoft Reference License (MS-RL). What about the code deassembl...

How should I display the copyright notice of the libraries I use ?

The license code of one of the libraries I use (namely, Infragistics) requests that : You include a valid copyright notice on your SOFTWARE. Right now, I've only got my own Copyright notice, ie Copyright C 2008-2010 MyCompany I plan on adding something like the following, but I thought maybe someone would know about a standar...

Using Android robot icon inside applications (copyright laws, terms of service)

I'm writing an application where I would like to use a few backgrounds that contain the Android "green robot, and perhaps even one that says Google underneath the robot. Is this against the terms of service or does it violate any copyright laws? If it is against any laws, will it matter if the app using the icon is free or charged? Ed...

Copyright Law question

I have a roommate that refuses to stop using p2p like limewire. The internet connection is in my name. If he gets caught, am I the one that gets the law suit? If you were in this situation what would you do? I don't want to just ban him from my internet, I have to live with this guy for the rest of the year, and this would be a const...

Copyright consideration: Using parts of a third-party javascript from a webpage.

When i like a certain Javascript (for menu highlighting or so) used by some website, it would be pretty easy to copy this script from that site's source-code and use it in mine. I would consider doing so as unauthorized use of intellectual property, since I have been granted the right to use this javascript in my browser, but certainly ...

A question about copyright

Hi all, I am raising a stupid question. If I develop a software, publish it in sourceforge with source code. But is is based on a commercial package, an evaluation version. Will I have any copyright problem? Is it illegal? ...