
I am using CATiledLayer and UIScrollView, how can I dynamically set CATiledLayer properties?

Basically speaking I am making a map framework (like Route-me and Google Maps). I want to change some properties of CATiledLayers which are not documented. So I dont know if it is possible: I want to dynamically set properties of CATiledLayer, such as layer size, tile numbers, what conditions to trigger reloading tile source, and bindin...

How to enlarge dynamically an UILabel (label and font size)?

Hello, Im currently working on an iPhone project. I want to enlarge dynamically an UILabel in Objective-C like this: How is this possible? I thought I have to do it with CoreAnimation, but I didn't worked. Here is the code I tried: UILabel * fooL = //[…] fooL.frame = CGRectMake(fooL.frame.origin.x, fooL.frame.origin.y,

How to change the font size gradually in a UILabel?

Hello, is there a way to change the font size gradually in a UILabel? I tried it with: [UIView beginAnimations:@"foo" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.8]; uiLabel.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:144]; [UIView commitAnimations]; The problem is that the change of the font size happens instantly. ...

UIView Animation animates position but not width

Hi there, I'm trying to transform a UISearchBar, like in Mobile Safari: touch in the search field and it grows while the location field shrinks. My current animation to alter the width and position of the search field only animates the position: just before it slides to the right place, it simply snaps out to the right width. Here's my ...

How to make CGFloat using double type in CGRect?

I am doing iPhone development and how to make CGRect return double value? I found there was a macro "#define CGFLOAT_IS_DOUBLE", but how can I change it? ...

UIScrollView and CATiledLayer question

I am using a CATiledLayer as content of UIScrollView, but seems I can not get the correct (sometimes) [scrollView contentSize] and [scrollView contentOffset] from CATiledLayer's delegate method : (void)drawLayer:(CALayer *)layer inContext:(CGContextRef)ctx I know CATiledLayer uses this method to render tile in a background thread. A...

setAnimationRepeatAutoreverses not behaved as I expected

I am starting to learn to use UIView animation. So I wrote the following lines: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:2.0]; [UIView setAnimationRepeatCount:2]; [UIView setAnimationRepeatAutoreverses:YES]; CGPoint position =; position.y = position.y + 100.0f; position.x = posit...

How do you do a page curl animation without using the iPhone's built-in curlUp and curlDown animations?

I would like to animate a page flipping, like is shown here, but without using the built-in UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp and UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlDown animations. Is that possible? ...

CADisplayLink stops updating when UIScrollView scrolled

Title is quite self explanatory, but I have some animation being done in a loop triggered by CADisplayLink. However, as soon as I scroll a UIScrollView I have added to my view hierarchy, the animation stops immediately, only to return again when scrolling has completely stopped and come to a standstill.... Anyway to cancel this behaviou...

Where is core animation defined?

I cant figure out where core animation on iPhone OS 3.1.2 is defined. Anybody know? ...

Why does Adding Core Animation slow down drawing of my NSTableView?

I have a simple App that displays a list of items using NSTableView. There are usually about 15-25 items in the list, and the table has 10 columns, all but one of which are text (the other's an icon.) There are simple data transformers on a couple of the columns. So nothing taxing; you'd expect it to run just fine. And as it stands, it ...

iPhone. Particle system performance

I try to draw rain and snow as particle system using Core Graphics. In simulator rendering proceeded fine but when I run my app on real device rendering is slow down. So, advise me please approaches to increase particle system drawing performance on iPhone. May be I should use OpenGL for this or CoreAnimation? ...

CALayer and Quartz Transparency

I have a CALayer subclass. I have overridden the drawInContext method. I want the majority of my layer to be transparent except a few areas. I'm using the layer as a menu and I want the icons and labels on the menu to be opaque. Is it possible to have a CALayer's sublayers be opaque if the super CALayer is transparent? Is it possi...

What's the difference between CALayer -drawInContext: and -renderInContext: ?

What's the difference between CALayer -drawInContext: and -renderInContext: ? ...

Is it possible to get a CATransition animation as UIImage?

Hello, is it possible, to get a CATransition animation as UIImage? I make a example: CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation]; [animation setDelegate:self]; [animation setDuration:0.35]; [animation setTimingFunction:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut]; animation.type = @"pageCurl"; an...

New to animation in Iphone

Hello guys, I am fairly new to transition and animation methods in Iphone. Can somebody pl. guide me the basics of transition and Animation in Iphone. This is needed frequently in my Apps. Can anybody tell me any link where i can Understand ABC of animation ? ...

iPhone CALayer Stacking Order

I'm using CALayers to draw to a UITableViewCell. I'm trying to figure out how layers are ordered with the content of the UITableViewCell. For instance: I add labels to the UITableViewCell in my cellForRow:atIndexPath method In the drawRect method of UITableViewCell I draw some content using the current context Also, in drawRect I add...

UIView animation along a round path?

I need to make my little guy (in a UIIamgeView) jump forward and it has to look natural. I want to know is there a way to do it with CoreAnimation (beginAnimation/commitAnimation)? I could do it by setting a point in between in the air but the movement looks not natural :P ...

Editable CATextLayer?

I have several CATextLayers. When I doubleclick one of them, I want to be able to edit it's string. Think of text as it's handled in Keynote or many other apps. Any ideas? I thought of putting an editable textfield right in front of the layer and then dismiss it on enter, but I didn't get far. :-( I target Mac OS X 10.5 with Objective-...

Optimizing drawing on UITableViewCell

I am drawing content to a UITableViewCell and it is working well, but I'm trying to understand if there is a better way of doing this. Each cell has the following components: Thumbnail on the left side - could come from server so it is loaded async Title String - variable length so each cell could be different height Timestamp String ...