
Displaying text in an animated way!

Hi All, I want to display a series of text in an animated way one after the other i.e. i want something as displayed in the follwing link.. In the above link a series of text are displayed in animated way and if a user clicks on text a video is opened.i want exactly same feature in my app...

CALayer, anchorPoint and layer hierarchy

Hi, I try to use the anchorPoint in a layer hierarchy to move a layer with its sublayers. Unfortunately the sublayer did not move together with the root layer. In a custom NSView is set up my layer hierarchy like in the following snippet. CALayer * rootLayer; rootLayer = [[CALayer layer] retain]; rootLayer.position = CGPointMake(...); ...

CABasicAnimation not animating my property

I've been trying to understand what is wrong with my animation and I still haven't figure it out. I think it should be really straight forward, but there is probably something I'm missing, even after reading lot of examples and documentation. My problem comes originally form the fact that on the iPhone, you cannot resize layers automati...

Clipping a CALayer to arbitrary path

Hi All, Is it possible to clip a CALayer to an arbitrary path? I am aware that I can clip to the superlayer's bounds, but in this case I need to be far more prescriptive. TIA, Adam ...

CATransform3DRotate and UIImageView

Hi ! I'm animating an UIImage view with this code CABasicAnimation *animation; animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.rotation"]; animation.duration = 1; animation.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:M_PI]; animation.fromValue = [NSNumber numberWithInt:0]; [square.layer addAnimation:anima...

Detect missing 'commitAnimations'

Hi Something weird is happening to my views all of a sudden (resizing a UITableView results in strange flying header sections) and I have a feeling I'm missing a '[UIVIew commitAnimations]' somewhere in code. When I add this line into 'viewForHeaderInSection', the weird behavior stops. Question is, how can I find animation blocks with ...

Apply a CIFilter background filter when host window is transparent

I want to replicate the background of dock Stacks in grid and list mode. The background is translucent black with a blur effect: The problem is that [CALayer backgroundFilters] only applies to content in the window, the filters are not applied to content in other windows. Here's my code: - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotif...

Multiline CATextLayer

I'm trying to recreate the multiline UILabel with a CATextlayer. Is there a property for CATextLayer, or do I need to create it myself? ...

CALayer moves instantly when trying to animate?

The code below handles a stack of CALayers. Every time a new layer is pushed onto the stack the function is locked, and all existing layers and moved down on the screen to make room for the new layer. Once the last layer is done animating the function is unlocked again so that new layers can be pushed. My problem is that every time this...

Can't add a corner radius and a shadow

Hiya, I'm trying to draw a shadow and a corner radius on an image. I can add them separately, but I've got no way to add both effects at the same time. I'm adding a shadow with: [layer setShadowOffset:CGSizeMake(0, 3)]; [layer setShadowOpacity:0.4]; [layer setShadowRadius:3.0f]; [layer setShouldRasterize:YES]; Here, layer is a CALaye...

Disable animatable CALayer properties

Hi, I have a CATextLayer as a sublayer for a UITableViewCell's contentView's backing layer. I set the foregroundColor of this layer to [[UIColor blackColor] CGColor]. I also have this: - (void)setSelected:(BOOL)selected animated:(BOOL)animated { [super setSelected:selected animated:animated]; [CATransaction begin]; [CATra...

iPhone CATextLayer (QuartzCore framework) linking issue

I have the following code: CATextLayer *test = [CATextLayer layer]; test.string = summary; test.wrapped = YES; //test.truncationMode = kCATruncationEnd; //test.alignmentMode = kCAAlignmentJustified; test.frame = s; [test drawInContext:context]; I import the framework and link against it, however when it links I get the following erro...

Making a CALayer and all the things inside it semi-transparent?

How to make a CALayer and all the things inside it semi-transparent? That includes all the things drawn with CoreGraphics and CoreText. layer.opacity = 0.5 ...

Add a sublayer to a CALayer without animation?

How can I add a sublayer to a CALayer without animation? Usually when you add one it "fades in" and when you remove one it "fades out". How to supress the animation? ...

How do I use the animator in UILabel

Hello I have read that I can use the animator object in any UIView to make an animation and this is included in Core Animation so I wrote [[label animator] setFrame:someRect]; But it gave a warning that UILabel may not respond to -animator Also I can find the method [label setWantsLayer:YES]; Would anyone help me please? ...

iPhone, How do I rotate an UIImageView around a point using Core Animation and CATransform3D?

This is what I want to do: (1) (2) | / | / | / | / |/ * (3) I want to move an UIImageView represented by a clock pin (width:9px, height 73px) from position (1) to position (2) around point (3) which is one end of the image. I tried to set the anchorpoint to (0,0) or to set the image center to point (517,177) which is the *(3) ...

Why does animationDidStart: not work?

I'm tring to get notified when animation starts and stops, so my code is: [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; [UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@selector(animationDidStop:finished:)]; [UIView setAnimationWillStartSelector:@selector(animationDidStart:)]; I do implement these 2 methods, but animationDidStop:finished: got notified, and...

How can I present a UIView from the bottom of the screen like a UIActionSheet?

I'd like a UIView to slide up from the bottom of the screen (and stay mid-screen) like a UIActionSheet. How can I accomplish this? UPDATE: I am using the following code: TestView* test = [[TestView alloc] initWithNibName:@"TestView" bundle:nil]; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.4]; [UIView setAni...

Rotating UIButtons on a view.

I have 5 buttons on a UIView that I would like to plot evenly along a circular path, and have them rotate continuously along that path. To be clear, I don't want to rotate the buttons themselves, I just want them to move along the circular path. What is the best way to manage this? ...

CALayer is not drawing its content while CABasicAnimation is used

I have an application with a custom CALayer subclass. In this layer subclass i have overwritten the - (void) drawInContext:(CGContextRef)ctx method. This works fine and all my custom content is drawn. Now I wanted to add a custom property which gets animated when it's content is changed. And I need to redraw while the animation is runni...