
CouchDB Versioning / Auditing

I'm attempting to use CouchDB for a system that requires full auditing of all data operations. Because of its built in revision-tracking, couch seemed like an ideal choice. But then I read in the O'Reilly textbook that "CouchDB does not guarantee that older versions are kept around." I can't seem to find much more documentation on t...

How to check if a couchdb document exists (without retrieving it)?

How can I just check if a document exists, mabye get the revision, but not make couchdb send the body of the document? I remember I saw this explained somewhere but I cannot find it. Edit: Iirc in the example you received only a http header with no data. The header indicated if present or not. Edit2: Evan suggests to make a HEAD reque...

Store standalone attachments in Couchdb using ecouch Library

How do I store standalone attachments in Couchdb using eCouch library. Ecouch provides doc_create/3 and doc_Create/2, can we make use of any of these functions? Did anyone has success in storing and retrieving attachments using eCouch? Thanks in advance. ...

I'm searching for a messaging platform (like XMPP) that allows tight integration with a web application.

Hi, At the company I work for, we are building a cluster of web applications for collaboration. Things like accounting, billing, CRM etc. We are using a RESTfull technique: For database we use CouchDB Different applications communicate with one another and with the database via http. Besides, we have a single sign on solution, so tha...

What database systems should an startup company consider?

Right now I'm developing the prototype of a web application that aggregates large number of text entries from a large number of users. This data must be frequently displayed back and often updated. At the moment I store the content inside a MySQL database and use NHibernate ORM layer to interact with the DB. I've got a table defined for ...

CouchDB: How to change view function via javascript?

Hello Guys, I am playing around with CouchDB to test if it is "possible" [1] to store scientific data (simulated and experimental raw data + metadata). A big pro is the schema-less approach of CouchDB: we have to be very flexible with the metadata, as the set of parameters changes very often. Up to now I have some code to feed raw data...

How Should I Generate Trade Statistics For CouchDB/Rails3 Application?

My Problem: I am trying to developing a web application for currency traders. The application allows traders to enter or upload information about their trades and I want to calculate a wide variety of statistics based on what the user entered. Now, normally I would use a relational database for this, but I have two requirements that...

How does CouchDB perform for a regularly updated dataset?

I am planning on using CouchDB on a project. But as the querying mechanism involves writing views (which are a lot like indexes on regular RDMBMS's) I was wondering, if the document database keeps getting updated a lot ( a write heavy database) would CouchDB perform well compared to a regular RDBMS? Or do we have to compact/re-index the ...

Use cases for NoSQL

NoSQL has been getting a lot of attention in the industry recently. I'm really interested in what peoples thoughts are on the best use-cases for its use over relational database storage. What should trigger a developer into thinking that particular datasets are more suited to a NoSQL solution. I'm particularly interested in MongoDB and C...

Are there any Design Guidelines for Documental Databases?

Just wondering if there are any kind of guidelines for when you are designing a document-oriented db and I am talking especially about CouchDb. I know that being schemaless things can take the shape that we want but, are there any best practices? Thanks in advance! =D ...

Minimal deployment of couchdb on windows

Hi, I'd like to use couchdb for a client-only application on Windows (the document-oriented structure and the synchronization features would be perfect for me). There is a Windows installer package here, but the installer itself has about 45 MB, when installed it takes more than 100 MB on my HD. This is far to much for my (relatively s...

Any reason why I shouldn't use couchdb for message passing or realtime activity streams?

While using ampq or xmpp (rabbitmq or ejabbered that could have couchdb as backends) seems like a good fit to deliver real time updates about friend state in a social gaming platform where updates are small but frequent, I can't help but think why wouldn't couchdb be a good platform to deliver such updates? The main advantage I could th...

Why do my CouchDB databases grow so fast?

I was wondering why my CouchDB database was growing to fast so I wrote a little test script. This script changes an attributed of a CouchDB document 1200 times and takes the size of the database after each change. After performing these 1200 writing steps the database is doing a compaction step and the db size is measured again. In the e...

Searching by key in Apache CouchDB

Is it possible to search by key value in Apache CouchDB? Given the sample data below (spaced for readability): { "_id":"a754a63dcc7f319b02f7ce6de522ca26", "_rev":"1-5bd88e53fe0869b8ce274b49a2c1ddf5", "name":"john smith", "email":"[email protected]", "username":"jsmith" } Could I query the database for the user j...

Should I go for Arrays or Objects in PHP in a CouchDB/Ajax app?

I find myself converting between array and object all the time in PHP application that uses couchDB and Ajax. Of course I am also converting objects to JSON and back (for sometimes couchdb but mostly Ajax), but this is not so much disturbing my workflow. At the present I have php objects that are returned by the CouchDB modules I use an...

Connect resque to other key-value DB than redis?

I just read a little about resque here and how you use redis as a "advanced key-value store" for the jobs. As you might know you can use resque on multiple machines to process the jobs: Workers can be given multiple queues (a "queue list") and run on multiple machines. In fact they can be run anywhere with network access to the Redi...

How to move an element in a sorted list and keep the CouchDb write "atomic"

I have elements of a list in couchdb documents. Let's say these are 3 elements in 3 documents: { "id" : "783587346", "type" : "aList", "content" : "joey", "sort" : 100.0 } { "id" : "358734ff6", "type" : "aList", "content" : "jill", "sort" : 110.0 } { "id" : "abf587346", "type" : "aList", "content" : "jack", "sort" : 120.0 } A view ret...

MongoDB vs CouchDB (Speed optimization)

Hi! I made some tests of speed to compare MongoDB and CouchDB. Only inserts were while testing. I got MongoDB 15x faster than CouchDB. I know that it is because of sockets vs http. But, it is very interesting for me how can I optimize inserts in CouchDB? Test platform: Windows XP SP3 32 bit. I used last versions of MongoDB, MongoDB C# ...

CouchDB Document Update Handlers (in-place updates)

Hi CouchDB ( 0.10 and above ) supports in-place updates now. I'm having trouble understanding how it works. I tried to use the example provided but I couldn't get it to work. Can someone provide some examples and uris used to access the in-place updates. Thanks ...

Can a CouchDB document update handler get an update conflict?

How likely is a revision conflict when using an update handler? Should I concern myself with conflict-handling code when writing a robust update function? As described in Document Update Handlers, CouchDB 0.10 and later allows on-demand server-side document modification. Update handlers can process non-JSON formats; but the other major...