
How to connect Nitrogen with Couchdb using Ecouch

I don't understand how to make a connection with nitrogen and couchdb using ecouch, because I have a error on this connection CAUGHT ERROR: error-undef [{ecouch,db_info,["test_suite_db"]} I put ecouch in my erlang library path and I create a symlink to support/ (even I don't know if it has necessary). Or if anyone know a dat...

Drive space hungry NoSQL's databases

I've tested NoSQL databases like CouchDB, MongoDB and Cassandra and observed tendence to absorbing very large amount of drive space relative to inserted key-value pairs. When comparing CouchDB and MySQL schemaless databases CouchDB is consuming much more drive space than MySQL. I know about that key-value DBs by default are versioning ...

CouchDb automatic timestamps

I'm implementing a message application using CouchDB. I want to apply timestamps to each message. I found some references indicating that I should use document update handlers for this. In place updates seem like the right thing. But where would I get a timestamp from? Is it in the req object somewhere? { updates: { "in-place...

Which of CouchDB or MongoDB suits my needs?

Where I work, we use Ruby on Rails to create both backend and frontend applications. Usually, these applications interact with the same MySQL database. It works great for a majority of our data, but we have one situation which I would like to move to a NoSQL environment. We have clients, and our clients have what we call "inventories"--...

Using couchdb authentication by xmpp users

Hi, I'd like use couchdb for a web application with external user authentication by a XMPP-Server (Openfire). How can I achieve that? Let's say we have thre users: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Now [email protected] should be able to read all documents that are suited for basic us...

Change notification in CouchDB when a field is set

Hi, I'm trying to get notifications in a CouchDB change poll as soon as pre-defined field is set or changed. I've already had a look at filters that can be used for filtering change events(db/_changes?filter=myfilter). However, I've not yet found a way to include this temporal information, because you can only get the current version of...

CouchDB in Production

I have been using CouchDB on some prototype applications and it has been brilliant, very easy to use and extremely quick. I was wondering if anyone has been using it in production and have any views on it's reliability, performance suitability for operational management etc ?? I am considering using it to support a service layer and woul...

Best way to do one-to-many "JOIN" in CouchDB

There are CouchDB documents that are list elements: { "type" : "el", "id" : "1", "content" : "first" } { "type" : "el", "id" : "2", "content" : "second" } { "type" : "el", "id" : "3", "content" : "third" } There is one document that defines the list: { "type" : "list", "elements" : ["2","1"] , "id" : "abc123" } As you can see th...

how to store session data in couchapp

to query parameters for eventlies and show-functions? to store global language options for example? ...

Authentication problems between Groovy & CouchDB?

Hi all, fairly new to Groovy and I've been trying to write some test cases with Groovy for out REST interfaces. To setup our test fixture I needed to clearout the CouchDB databases and wrote a simple script to do this, but for some reason I keep getting Unauthorized messages back from CouchDB. Reduced the code down and still can't see wh...

inheritance in document database?

i am wondering because i searched the pdf "xxx the definitive guide" and "beginning xxx" for the word "inheritance" but i didn't find anything? am i missing something? because i am doing a tablePerHierarchy inheritance with hibernate and mysql, does that become deprecated for some reason in xxx? (replace xxx with the "not only sql" data...

What is the largest known size of a CouchDB cluster and/or database?

What is the largest known size of a CouchDB cluster and/or database in terms of bytes of storage, #s of documents, and/or #s of nodes? ...

Storing News in a Distributed DB vs RDBMS

Hi all: If I am storing News articles in a DB with different categories such as "Tech", "Finance", and "Health", would a distributed database work well in this system vs a RDBMS? Each of the news items would have the news articles attached as well as a few other items. I am wondering if querying would be faster, though. Let's say I nev...

JS: I'm not getting the scope

Hi there, I'm trying to modify CouchDB's JS API to work asynchronous, but there is an error I cannot solve: Please find my JS API find at pastebin. If I call (new CouchDB("dbname")).allDocs(function(result) {console.log(result)}) (line 193) I get an error because the okCallback function is not defined in the callback function. I don't...

Traditional SQL vs MongoDB/CouchDB for simple python app

Say I got an traditional SQL structure like so: create table tags (id PRIMARY KEY int, tag varchar(100)); create table files (id PRIMARY KEY int, filename varchar(500)); create table tagged_files (tag_id int, file_id int); I add some tags: insert into table tags (tag) values ('places'); insert into table tags (tag) values ('locations...

Multiple inequality conditions (range queries) in NoSQL

Hi, I have an application where I'd like to use a NoSQL database, but I still want to do range queries over two different properties, for example select all entries between times T1 and T2 where the noiselevel is smaller than X. On the other hand, I would like to use a NoSQL/Key-Value store because my data is very sparse and diverse, a...

Partitioning 1:1 relations in CouchDB

Hi, I'm currently designing a database structure (it's strange to avoid the term scheme here) and ran into some issues. I am going to motivate my question by a similar example. Think of a database for blog entries. Each blog entry has 0..n comments, 0..m tags and 0..r user votes (up/down) for entries. Of course I could put everything ...

how to introspect a couchdb document for its set of fields via couchdb-python

How can I get the fields for a couchdb document? I'm thinking of how to use couchdb-python, and often will not know the complete set of fields for a document. I haven't seen anything about how to introspect a document in the docs. What's the best way? If the document was a python object I would query object.__dict__ for its attributes...

Getting started with Sinatra, CouchDB & CouchRest?

Hi All I'm just starting to learn my way around CouchDB and Sinatra, but am struggling to find some basic examples of integrating the two via CouchRest. The CouchRest docs assume a little too much to be useful to me yet. Does anyone have links to useful examples/articles/docs? ...

Sinatra/CouchDB error?

Hi All I'm working on my first Sinatra/CouchDB project and I'm getting an error I can't explain. Here's my rackup ( file: require 'rubygems' require 'couchrest' require 'patina' set :environment, :development set :root, File.dirname(__FILE__) set :run, false FileUtils.mkdir_p 'log' unless File.exists?('log') log =