
Range Keys in CouchDB Views

Hi, I'm using CouchDB for storing data about events. Each event has a start date/time and end date/time. I'd like to create a view now, that allows me to get a list of all events that happen on a specific date/time. But the events don't have a single dates, they can rather range over several days. Now I don't know how I can reflect t...

Stateless pagination in CouchDB?

Most of the research I've seen on pagination with CouchDB suggests that what you need to do is take the first ten (or however many) items from your view, then record the last document's docid and pass it on to the next page. Unfortunately, I can see a few glaring issues with that method. It apparently makes it impossible to skip around...

couchdb hovercraft limitations, storing arbitrary erlang terms into Couchdb

so Ive been messing with hovercraft and ran into some anoying limitation, that are probably there due to the fact that internally couchdb deals with key/value pairs associated with a document as opaque strings (json strings). namelly: - doc _id's can only be binary strings (utf8) - no complex erlang terms allowed here - key/value ...

do couchdb views replicate?

I dont mean the view sources, stored in _design docs (those replicate since they're just docs). What I mean is do the view results (the computed btrees) replicate as well, or do just regular documents replicate (which is how I understand it right now). the problematic scenario is: there's a spike in traffic and I want to bring up a te...

Securing document-style databases (MongoDb, CouchDb, RavenDb) for client (browser) access

Document databases that support REST-style JSON over HTTP access seem ideal for supporting AJAX-rich applications where the browser is making direct calls to the database, bypassing the traditional web server / application logic components. An example of this might be retrieving user preferences once a user has been authenticated. (BBC H...

search with startkey, endkey and array keys

Hello, I have a view wich returns several elements with array keys. Example : {"total_rows":4,"offset":0,"rows":[ {"id":"","key":[15,"2"],"value":1,"doc":{}, {"id":"","key":[20,"2"],"value":1,"doc":{}, {"id":"","key":[20,"3"],"value":1,"doc":{}, {"id":"","key":[20,"4"],"value":1,"doc":{} ]} I'm trying to search throug...

couchdb - new views checkpointing against huge update_seq

I am running couchdb 0.11 on mac os x in a development environment. I have about 50,000 documents which I have migrated from a mysql db. In the course of migration, I have deleted and reimported this data about 15 times and now the update_seq on the database is around 900,000. Now, when I add new views (or modify current ones), the build...

CouchDB pagination sorted by date, queried by id

Hi, I want to create pagination on application level using the CouchDB view API. The pagination uses cursors, so given a cursor, I will query the view for the n+1 documents starting with the given cursor as start key and output the n results as page and provide the n+1 result row as the cursor for the next page. This works well as long...

Is there a database agnostic nosql framework for .NET?

I'm looking for a common data access framework that will provide portability across various nosql databases like SimpleDB, Azure Tables, Cassandra, CouchDB, MongoDb, etc. I'm building an app and would like my customers to be able to use which ever nosql store they want. In a more relational scenario, I'd use Linq over nHibernate or E...

Are any websites currently using the following non-relational databases as backend? 1.SimpleDB 2.CouchDB

I would also like to know if any sites have implemented any other non relational databases, and for what purpose.. ...

How to check availability and reserve usernames in CouchDB

Hi I have a registration page which asks the user to enter a username and email address. I need to check to see if the username + email is available. How to do I do this with just one http request. BTW: the username is used as the docID. What I'm doing right now is check to see if the docID exists, then using a view to check for the ...

How to avoid cyclic dependencies between documents in CouchDB

I'm interesting in modeling relations between documents in CouchDB. Let say that i have three documents A,B and C. These documents may refer to each other, but there is an application constraint that cyclic dependency must not occur. Lets take a example (-> is a marker for dependency): A -> B C Two clients (C1, C2) try concurrent mo...

Querying CouchDB documents between a start date and an end date.

I've been trying to figure out how to create a CouchDB view that will let me query all the documents that have a start date greater than A and an end date less than B. Is this possible in CouchDB or another noSQL document store? Should I scrap it and go back to SQL? I'm simply trying to do the SQL equivalent of: SELECT * WHERE [start ...

Output html from CouchDB list

Hi, I am trying to create a list in CouchDB 0.11 which responds with some html, I am having problems getting CouchDB to set the correct header, whatever I try, I just get an application/json response header. Here is my list function. function(head, req) { var rows = []; var row; while(row = getRow()) { rows.push(...

CouchDB best practices - all entities in a single db vs a new db for each entity?

I am starting with CouchDB. What is the accepted best practice to utilize databases? A single database per application storing all kinds of entities with smth like "_type" property to discriminate one from another or a separate database for each kind of entity? ...

Zend Framework and Couch DB

Hi there! Does Zend Framework has native Couch DB support? I found only Zend_Couch by Matthew Weier O'Phinney.'Phinney Thank you. ...

Count related documents in CouchDB

I'm pretty new to CouchDB and I still have some problems wrapping my head around the whole MapReduce way of querying my data... To stay with the traditional "Blog" example, let's say I have 2 types of documents: post and comment... each comment document has a post_id field... Is there a way I can get a list of posts with the number of ...

Batch Import of json documents to Apache CouchDb

I have approximately 250,000 JSON-formatted files, each with one object in it (formatted just how CouchDB likes it with _id). What's the best way to import these into my remote CouchDB server as records? -I am on a windows xp machine. -I have internet access but I can't set up a couchDB server on my local machine and have it be WWW ac...

CouchDB: query for "documents tagged with A or B"?

Short of doing client-side filtering or POSTing a one-off map/reduce (which would result in a table scan), is there any way to query for documents tagged with tagA or tagB? ...

a new approach to web development: request for tools and components recommendations

I'm searching for the best possibility to write web applications that are heavy with JavaScript . So I'd like to present you my ideas and ask for your opinions and alternatives on this, please :) 1 year ago I started looking for possibilities for web development besides PHP. I found JSP and Django. I decided to go with Django. After sta...