
silverlight plugin dump file

I like to know if anyone has any idea to make silverlight generate a dump file or something to allow me to know the cause of the plugin crash? I have recently asked this question and was given a solution (refer to the link below). But using the method, I do only see the minidump folder with nothing inside, no matter how I try to crash m...

Solving random crashes

I am getting random crashes on my C++ application, it may not crash for a month, and then crash 10 times in a hour, and sometimes it may crash on launch, while sometimes it may crash after several hours of operation (or not crash at all). I use GCC on GNU/Linux and MingW on Windows, thus I can't use the Visual Studio JIT Debug... I hav...

UIImage with Large image size - Memory Problem - Crash

I wanted to load and display image(.jpg,.png) having large size e.g. 1800x1200 or 2000x1800 (width x height). If I display such large size images (1800x1200 or 2000x1800) in UIImageView, it also consume lot of memory and application is getting crashed. Also as per Apple's documentation ( c# crash on one line

hi all, I have a master page, with these lines in the on load event: string menuIDdata = Page.Request.QueryString["mid"]; menuID = 0; // Get the menu ID if (!int.TryParse(menuIDdata, out menuID)) { menuID = 0; } // Select the correct menu var selectedMenu = this.Page.FindControl("mnu" + menuID)...

eclipse recovering from crash

I had eclipse open when my computer crashed - now I've restarted and there are various errors in my project. It appears as if some files do not contain recently made changes. I am quite sure I saved everything before the crash. Does anyone know the best way to recover? ...

Cause of seemingly random crashes in wininet.dll?

I am getting crashes deep in wininet.dll. It crashed trying to read the zero memory location in HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::ReleaseConnection Is this a bug in the actual DLL and not caused by improper usage? wininet!HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::ReleaseConnection+0x60 wininet!HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::CloseConnection+0x84 winin...

App crashes after receving phone call

After I either receive a phone call or make one, (and other undocumented interruptions) my application gets a NullPointerException when resuming my activity. Can any explain to me where it is and/or how to fix it? When my activity resumes, it is calling onCreate it seems, and it is trying to execute something that is null after Resuming....

php function class_exists causes crash in production environment

I'm using the Zend Framework, version 1.10.7 for my application error_reporting(E_ALL); $application->bootstrap(); echo 'ha'; var_dump(class_exists('Default_Model_FeedReader_Csv_HappyHome')); echo 'hoi'; The output the this piece of code is only "ha". Error reporting is on, but there are no errors. The script simp...

Apache FTPClient failing to download larger files

I have code that connects to an FTP server and gets an input stream to a file which works wit smaller files, but doesn't work at all with larger ones. It simply returns null each time, yet when I paste the full url into a browser it works fine. Here is my FTP download code: publishProgress("Downloading..."); try { ...

Difference between running Iphone app through Xcode and running it through the Iphone

Hi, I'm having some strange behaviour ocurring when I try to run my Iphone app without using Xcode. If I run it by choosing Build & Run in Xcode it runs just fine, but if I do it by disconnecting the USB cable and tapping on the app on the Iphone, it crashes, yielding an unhelpful crash log. Is there any difference between these 2 scena...

How can I debug an IE8 crash?

Hello all, Is there a good way to debug the cause of an IE8 crash? We have a web site that a simple AJAX feature: A text box with corresponding button, onclick event fires JS event. JS event calls a .NET service (code below) The code works fine in FF, Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE7, IE8 running in compatibility mode. However running IE...

Why is XmlNode.OuterXml crashing my entire IIS application?

I am running into a situation where my IIS App Pool actually crashes when I try to get the outer XML of an XML input. Here is the code that I inherited : var tempNamespace = xmlToValidate.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute("xmlns"); tempNamespace.Value = xsdFileName; xmlToValidate.Attributes.Append(tempNamespace); //Have to create fragment...

Why would one crash log symbolicate and not another?

I have two crash logs from a iPhone application in XCode Organizer. Both occurred within 20 minutes of each other, on the same device, running the same build of the application. While one has been symbolicated the other has not. The unsymbolicated log has type and codes: Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x00000000,...

Exception Access Violation Java??

I'm currently writing a JNI project where I'm getting the following error log when trying to run my Java code. It tells me that the problematic frame is a jvm.dll one, and in trying to isolate the problem, I'm trying to work out where exactly my problem is (in the JVM vs. my native code) I've attached the thread section of the log, and c...

VS2008 crashes when opening toolbox

When opening VS2008 toolbox the complete VS 2008 crashes and an event log entry is created: .NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.4206 - Schwerwiegender Fehler im Ausführungsmodul (73DD7B6E) (80131506). This error occurs on Windows Vista Home Premium. ...

How can I solve an AccessViolation error in Adobe AIR?

I have an AIR application that loads a series of html components and rotates through them, showing a component while reloading the next one, then showing the next one, etc. It works fine on every OS (Mac, Windows 7, Vista) except on XP it sporadically crashes with a c0000005 AccessViolation in ntdll.dll at either 7c91b121a or 0001b21a. T...

Application crashes while doing AlertDialog.Builder create() method - Android

Hi. I am testing my application on an LG Eve phone. I have an application that tries to download something from the web, and when it throws an exception, it is supposed to launch an alertdialog saying that there was an error. When the phone has no wifi signal, the program crashes at builder.create() (see code below). However, when there...

Make malloc() return NULL instead of crashing the program?

I am allocating memory in a C program using malloc. It's possible for my program to allocate more memory than the system has room for, at which point the program crashes. For my purposes it would be better if malloc would just return NULL (like it's apparently supposed to), so I can catch the error. Instead what it does is it throws an e...

Visual Studio 2008 crashing on close if windows layout altered

My VS2008 is crashing whenever I close it, if I have changed how windows are arranged (e.g. docking the Output window somewhere else). I have switched off all plugins etc. I suspect that the settings file for the layout is corrupted or something. Where is it, and would delteing it possibly help? ...

howto capture stack corruption on 64bit app?

my 64bit app (Windows) is having a crash. I have not been able to make anything by either code examination or by examining the state in debugger. (VS2008) with some instrumented code that performs periodic checks of the values object instance . This object that appears to be in an inconsistent state and generates an access violation whe...