
Horizontal menu vertical padding on anchor tag doesn't take affect

I am wondering why in the following example the top and bottom padding has no affect on the anchor tag while the left and right does? <ul id="nav"> <li><a href="#">One</a></li> <li><a href="#">Two</a></li> <li><a href="#">Three</a></li> <li><a href="#">Four</a></li> <li><a href="#">Five</a></li> </ul> #nav{ ...

how should I order my divs?

Here's the basic layout of a page I'm working on: What would be the best/easiest way to order the divs? C may or may not be visible (it's a news alert that only displays when there is news). A = Header, B = Menu, E&F = standard content columns, D = latest blog post. I'm thinking ABCEFD might make the most sense, but I could also see ABC...

CSS: "float:left" doesn't work as expected

hi, I want to display 2 columns of images using "float:left", and I dunno why the 3rd image is on the right. See screenshot:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/72686/imagesFloat.png See HTML: <div class="field-item odd"> <img alt="" class="filefield-imagecache-galleryImage" src="http://localhost/bernardi/sites/default/...

CSS issue with elements spanning columns

Hi folks. Overview: I'm trying to create a relatively simple page layout detailed below and running into problems no matter how I try to approach it. Concept: - A standard-size-block layout. I'll quote unit widths: each content block is 240px square with 5px of margin around it. - A left column of fixed width of 1 unit (245px - 1 blo...

Make floating element "maximally wide"

I have some floating elements on a page. What I want is the div that is floated left to be "maximally wide" so that it is as wide as it possibly can be without causing the red div ("I go at the right") to spill over onto the next line. An example is here: The width:100%; doesn't produce the desired effect! ** I don't want the green e...

CSS: Why is my floated <span> being displayed below an <a>nchor in IE6/7 but not IE8/FF

i'm getting this weird CSS bug in ie6/7 (but not in ie8 or firefox): for some reason, my anchor and <span>, two inline elements, which are on the same line, are being displayed on different lines. the span is floating to the right, too! Here's the HTML: <div class="sidebartextbg"><a href="journey.php" style="width:50%" title="Trac...

Floating DIV's alignment problem.

I have a fluid layout with DIV's of different heights and widths, and I'd like them to be aligned by lines, kind of like when you do a search on istockphoto, except aligned to the top: image here-->http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb121/jpbanks/Capturadepantalla2010-06-02alas1902.png I tried floating all the DIV's to the left, but th...

In CSS, how to not float a 300px wide Div to the next line?

Say, there is a bar that is styled at the bottom of the viewport, using position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height 50px; overflow: hidden and then there are 4 Divs inside it, each one floated to the left. Each Div is about 300px wide or can be more (depending on the content) Now, when the window is 1200 pixel wide, and...

Change column height as other column gets longer

Hi, I have tried a few things to solve this problem but I can't seem to get it working. The problem is that I have 2 columns as the main part of my website, right and left. On some pages, there is a lot of text in the left column, therefore it is very long, the problem is that the right column doesn't elongate with the left column. Bo...

CSS Fluid Grid Layout Problem

I have a max-width em based container for my layout. Within it I have many floated fixed width boxes, at 230px to be exact. At the max-width the container will expand to 90em's. This fit's 6 boxes per line perfectly. As the window sizes down and boxes are bumped to lower rows it leaves a non-symmetrical gap on the right. I understand w...

What is the simplest way of clearing floats in webkit?

I'm making a Google Chrome plugin. Therefore, the injected CSS need only work in webkit. What is the webkit-specific way of clearing floats? By clearing floats, I mean make a parent element enclose all floating children contained within. ...

Css - How should we make 3-6 column layouts with css without table?

Hi, How should we make 6 column layouts with css without tables and one layer above and one layer in buttom? (with floats ? i try without success) Thanks ...

CSS - simple two columns

Hi. I have a fluid page (100% width) with this inside: [image-fixed-width] | [text-fluid-width -----------------------------------] | ----------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- I need the text next to the image not to wrap around...

Which clearfix method?

/* Clear Fix */ .clearfix:after {content: ".";display:block;height:0;clear:both;visibility:hidden;} * html .clearfix {height:1%;} or .clearfix:after {content: ".";display:block;height:0;clear:both;visibility:hidden;} * html .clearfix, *:first-child+html .clearfix {zoom:1;} Which would work the best? I used first one by now and neve...

css float/positioniong

So I have a small div for the border, and three divs inside (see image at end). Green is full size (minus padding etc); Blue should float left and have specific width; Red should float right and also have a specific width. However I'm messing something up. Both of the blue and red divs float outside the main div. What am I doing wrong he...

IE6 form / div float issues

Having some nasty issues with IE6 and reading my div form layout, the html: <form id="brochureForm" name="brochureForm" action="/how-it-works/request-a-brochure/" method="post"> <div class="row"> <div class="label"> <label for="szName">Name</label> </div> <div class="field"> ...

Prevent floated image from clearing <p> in ie6

I am making a WYSIWYG webpage editor: http://brokenmyriad.com/editor2.php, however I have come across a problem when trying to add image functionality. Note: the image is not inside a contenteditable element, but is just a normal floated image. The problem can be recreated by clicking into either the paragraph or the heading and the cl...

Floating left and parent height

This has probably been answered before, but I have spent some time looking and can't find an exact answer. I have a parent div A that contains two divs B and C. B and C are both floated left. C has no set height (grows w/ amount of text in it). The problem: the parent A does not grow to the size of C. I know this has something to do...

How do I prevent floated-right content from overlapping main content?

I have the following HTML: <td class='a'> <img src='/images/some_icon.png' alt='Some Icon' /> <span>Some content that's waaaaaaaaay too long to fit in the allotted space, but which can get cut off.</span> </td> It should display as follows: [Some content that's wa [ICON]] I have the following CSS: td.a span { overflow: hidde...

CSS Clear within float based columns?

Hi all, I'm floating a sidebar to the left of the main content panel. Then inside that panel, I have a number of boxes, which are floated and cleared in order to create a sort of grid (it's a "my account" page, with various boxes containing things like orders, edit details etc). The problem is that the boxes inside the content div are c...