
Float left in a div does not work in IE7 but does in Firefox and IE8

When I have three divs that all have float left I want the sections to expand or contract based on how long the data inside them is. For instance, if the 1st address is very long I want the 1st box to expand and push the 2nd one over. In Firefox it is doing this but in Internet Explorer it requires a width to look right. In IE7 it do...

How can i overlay an 10x10px image on top of another image?

Hi Guys, I have a user avatar on my website. Simple image tag: <img src="foo.jpg" class="userphoto" width="48" height="48" alt=""> Now, i want to float an image (Facebook Icon - 10x10px) over this image on the top left corner of the image. This is to signify that the user is authenticated to Facebook. How can i do this? CSS styling...

Wrapping one-line div's around an img (not text)

I'm trying to get a bunch of div's to wrap around an image, but am failing. Since pasting HTML doesn't seem to work in StackOverFlow, here is my current attempt at emulating a Outlook 2010 contact entry. Source from: http://www.perfmon.com/download/contactdivtest.htm (edit: or check out @Hristo's cool online editor ) <html> <head> ...

How to load iframe on top of content in a neat sticky window with jquery

Im integrating a simple chatbox application into my site, which is simply added by iframeing chat.php I dont have a static place to put this on the webpage, and I want to load the iframe on top of the site's content on the top right (with ajax), which would remain visible unless I X it out at the top. Auto-triggering the chatbox to lo...

DIV floated to right appears in center, while left float appears below

I have a main content DIV with a width of 960px, and two floated DIV elements inside. Here's a simplified version of it: <div id='content'> <div id='main_data'> ....Data.... </div> <div id='sidebar'> ....data.... </div> </div> And the CSS: div#content { width: 960px; position: relative } div#main_data { ...

Float two side by side one fluid one fixed

Here's the dilemma. <div id="lists-container> <ul id="list-one"></ul> <ul id="list-two"></ul> </div> I need content in list-one to expand 100% of parent div (list-container), if list-two has content, I want both lists to be 50% widths -floating side by side. What happens is that list-two ends up clearing list-one, rather than floati...

search box won't float to the right in IE8

Hi, this search box won't float to the right in IE8 on a wordpress site. See a screenshot how it looks in FF and how it looks in IE8: http://www.abload.de/img/searchbox_bugl4z5.jpg Code of the header.php (added float:right here but I guess that is not useful that way?): <div id="topnav"> <?php echo qtrans_generateLanguageSelectCode...

Wrap text inside float

I would like to display floated images with a caption underneath. But using the code below, the caption text doesn't wrap, meaning that the floated image-with-caption takes up a huuuuuge amount of horizontal space. If there's a better way to have an image with a caption, I'll take that over any improvements to this code. Failing that, h...

Floated Div's, Last Partially Visible

I have a layout where there will be 6 Divs floated left to make 6 columns across. The 6th column will likely cause the total width of these floats to be wider than the window of most users. Is it possible for this 6th to be partially visible (anything wider than the window gets hidden), rather than the 6th column wrapping to a a new line...

CSS frustration: How to center floating images of different widths inside LI tags?

I'm working on a webpage that has a javascript image rotator, but it needs to be able to handle images of different sizes. The code that I'm using as a base has a DIV outside floating LIs which contain the images, but no matter what I try I can't seem to get the images to all be centered. The only one that's centered is the one that's ...

What's the standard behavior of float:right following float:left?

Suppose there is such HTML tags: ​<span> <span id='s1'>Text 1</span> <span id='s2'>Text 2</span> </span>​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ And the css style is: ​#s1 { float: left; } #s2 { float: right; } What is the standard behavior of the display? In some browser, I see Text 1 Text 2 In som...

2 divs on one line with form in between

I'm trying to get one div to float left, and one div to float right, but have a form in between, the form has 2 select elements(drop down boxes) in it. I can get it so I have: Div<------------->Text<------------->Div but not Div<------------->Form<------------->Div If I just have an empty form element than it works like the text, bu...

Can I float body in css?

I am bad at integration its crasy. I float a lot of my stuff and find that whenever I start floating something I have to float its container ans its containers container ad nauseum because otherwise the container is collapsed. So looking at my site now its pretty nice a stable but if I put a border on body I see that it is 1px high on t...

How to avoid wrapping in CSS float

Hi I have a page with 2 columns side by side (defined both by float: left). My problem is, when I scale the browser to be smaller, the right column will be dropped below the left column. how can I avoid this? and still to make them be side-by-side no matter the screen size. Thank you ...

CSS - "Reverse" Floating of Elements - how keep them at the bottom?

Hi there I'm currently facing an interesting CSS issue for which I couldn't find anything related on the web. I know it must be solvable, perhaps you guys crack the nut.. (?) Following problem: I need to display some icons in front of an image positioned at the bottom left. As the number of icons can vary, the icons are floated next to...

2 Column Div float right and left child divs outside parent

I can't find a good solution to this problem. I have 2 divs inside a parent div. When I try and float the divs right and left to make 2 columns inside the parent div, the child divs end up underneath the parent div. <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="float.css" /></head><body class="wrapper"> <div class= "whole"> <div ...

CSS floating div takes no width space

I have a very, i think basic, question regarding CSS with floating div objects. i have 5 divs Div1, Div2, Div3, Div4 and Div5 and what i am trying to do is the following Div1 float to left Div2, 3, 4, 5 float to the right (in the same order, so will have Div2 displayed at the very right) have Div3 overlay on top of Div2 4 Div4 and Div...

Maintain div size (relative to screen) despite browser zoom level

Hello all, I'm creating a bookmarklet for my iPhone which will add a scrolling menu to the upper-left corner of the screen. The problem I've run into is that if I visit a site which can be zoomed in, when I zoom in my "floating" div becomes larger as I zoom in the page. Is there a way so that my div will be .2 inches wide (measurable wi...

Custom styling of Wordpress more link displaying inconsistently between webkit and firefox

So I am styling the Wordpress more link on the blog index page, and I've used some custom styles and markup that are displaying inconsistently between webkit based browsers (Safari and Chrome) and Firefox. All is well in Firefox, but in webkit it doesn't look as I'd like it to. I can't seem to find how to fix it in webkit. The problem i...

IE7/IE8 Compatible rendering floated layout wrong

I have a site with a right sidebar and a left main content area. Code looks like this: <div class="leftside">leftsidecontent</div> <div class="leftside">leftsidecontent</div> <div class="leftside">leftsidecontent</div> <div class="leftside">leftsidecontent</div> <div class="rightside">rightsidecontent</div> <div class="rightside">rights...